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Everything posted by Derkins

  1. Heh Heh Heh Heh I really am speechless well I guess this proves only the strongest and smartest survive.
  2. I win even though my brain is even more dead then it was yesterday meahhahahdhhwdqh whdwe8fhwe8fh48hha.......ha
  3. Bans Thrilles for only having one Kudo
  4. I thought all the spartins on reach got owned and the planet was glassed thats the one right?
  5. Bans Argomirr cause I will be home soon YAY
  6. Bans Argomirr cause the A is capolitzed in his name so YEAH!!!! *Sticks tounge out*
  7. Bans Thrillex cause I capolitsed the T in his name
  8. I win cause I am typing this at work
  9. Ahh the ninja no win I winzzzz cause Ihas a phone with an LED screen mawhahaha(I mean my office phone my cell phone has a touch screen tehee)
  10. I am 20 gosh darnit not 28 or 27 or 25 why dont people ver know my real age I always get invited to go out for a drink and I have to be like Uhhh I am only 20 *Siiiiiiiiigh* So many drinks have been passed cause of that fact
  11. Granted but its even better then the first season (Sorry I loved the series I cant corupt this wish) I wish I could pay rent
  12. Derkins


    OK I know hes not really in a game or not even on the list but SNAKE EYES come on how could you guys forget about such a pwnage ninja he would go into every single game and kill them ALL
  13. Bans Thrillex with me SR-25 airsoft AEG PWEND!
  14. Bans Ancient Aeon with my sheer force of will
  15. Sorry been too busy at home and at work I can not click any of the links I shall do it when I gets hooooooooome in 9 hours
  16. I guess the meaning would be different for everyone 42 if your a hitchikers fan or what ever is cool too. I see it more as a personal kinda meaning like the meaning of my life is to serve my god but hey thats just me *Shrugs*
  17. What can I say I am an FPS buff I am playing call of duty: modern warefare 2
  18. Iron Head your Birthday or christmas?
  19. BROTHER (As refering to the word geek)
  20. Granted but inorder to ungrant the wish you have granted I sent you back in time an entire week. The only drawback you completly forgot the last week of your life so you are doomed to repeat all events no matter what lead to them. I really wish this girl would like me
  21. THat is deff not a win but I deff am win :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny:
  22. Bans Thrillex just cause I feel like it
  23. Mah clickies have been done for the day Night yall
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