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Everything posted by Derkins

  1. Work!....... :/
  2. Bans paganwannbe Cause Uhm I just feel like it? Yeah lets go with that!!
  3. Wow we have status now?
    1. Aenya


      amazing isn't it?
    2. Derkins


      Uhm I guess a little.
  4. Hey guess who is back
  5. Bans alonsomartinez Well just becaus eI havent been in here in like forever
  6. Both were very good games and I enjoyed them very much I aint sure what mods to use cause I always use weapon, bater and weight ones lol
  7. Bans Monolithic0117 I havent either lolololololol
  8. Derkins


    like the holodeck in star trek lol thats is the ultmate gamer platform I cant wait for that to come around it will be the most amazing experiance EVER!!!
  9. This mod looks awesome I cant wait man Also to those who are "Annoyed" that the dates are changing get over your selves, get a life, go play the game. Really I cant belive some people Anyways *Thumbs up* cant wait bro hope you had a good Christmas I know all bout family issues this time of the year hope it turns out alright.
  10. Derkins


    VR would be amazing cause as it is I am very disapointed with so many games bassed on things I could do as a 300 point over weight man with many health problems compaired to a very fit soilder trained to kill in game. It annoys the crap out of me the things you should be able to do that you cant. Such as fire an M16A4 on burst get a 3" grouping at 100 yards in game. While in RL I shoot an M16A3 on burst and get less then an inch grouping at 100 yards. Just incase your wondering at an army range I qualified to be a sharpshooter but as I dont want to kill people for a living never joined. and to adress the sillyness of games being related to kid death and murders. It IS connected but also has ALOT to do with the family. I was playing Halo when it first came out I am 20 now and so was my brother he is 4 years younger then me. Neither of us wanted to do anything you see kids doing today. Granted my brother when he first played killed all his teamates but he knew the difference between real life and video games. While VR will be amazing for us older folk the younger kids will have to be watched and parented correctly. The difference between a good VR is next to nothing kids will think after they are done with the game that they can still do amazing things or are impossible to kill. Its a very touchy subject but for me I would love it as I might finally have the realisim I want. I can finally jump over cars, kick doors open, use two pistols or two MP5Ks, throw my guns at the enemy, kick zombies away while shooting others, smack my teemates if they are being morons, have realistic accurecy, perhaps loose a little weight, jumps over an inch barrier that many games refuse to let you do, use real cover. I just cant wait
  11. *Bows* Welcome to the site its nice to see you here and I do hope you find the mods your lookin for. Ya know your love of wolfs reminds me of someone humm whoo could it be Oh wait I know my dad 0_o
  12. bans Ancient Aeon cause he is correct heh
  13. I WIN CAUSE I AM NINJA MAWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH *Cough, hack, cough, cant breath, dying* heeeeeelp
  14. If you wish to RP send me a comment message or if you prefer we could RP over IM I love to RP just a bit of a writers block for me usally haha
  15. Then the universe would IMPLODE If me and this girl actually got together like a real relationship haha
  16. First this belongs in the rant thread and second dude thats no where as bad as my mom has it for the holidays I feel so bad for her its not even funny but I am not posting this to get sympathy for her. I am just saying you have a girlfreind be happy she may not be the best but she is most likley better then most of the ones who I have had. Its the holiday season be merry and cheerful if I and my mom can do it so can you bro
  17. Bans Thor cause I am confused as hell
  18. Either I play games online wich helps me to get a sense of people being around me either as I own them or get owned. Or I take my airsoft guns and go out side to shoot. both help me to get back into the right mindset and try to get my thoughts going on the same good path with out any depressing thoughts cause if my mind drifts to something depressing then my mood drops to the ground almost instantly. so somewhat violent things help me odd I know
  19. Bans mister R cause i know that my brother has the time off too from school
  20. Bans mister R cause he should be in school
  21. Bans Mister R cause he is a lazy bumm
  22. Bans Shadow cause I have that prety much all the time
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