Since I've decided to look at what you guys think about New Vegas I will now write down what I want. New Vegas is being made by the very same people who made Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 (maybe Tacticas as well, I can't remember). Yes, for those of you that know the previous creatiors, Black Isle Studios are coming back onto the Fallout scene, under the name of the new company Obisidian. For those of you that may not know, the population of New Reno in Fallout 2 made reference to New Vegas, or it was your companion Cassidy (I really can't remember which and this is UNCOMFIRMED for me). Now that I have cleared, hopefully, some stuff up, I will tell you what I expect in New Vegas. Fallout 2 had humourous dialogue in it, and as such I would like to see some dialogue that would make me laugh. Also Fallout 2 had a bit more...Adult References in it then Fallout 1 and Fallout 3 had, which is ok the first time you actually play it (they made me laugh) but after a while it becomes a bore. Hopefully (hey, it is NEW VEGAS) they don't put as much of that stuff in New Vegas as they did Fallout 2. And the final thing I'm looking for is a sandbox game. Even if they do make it with the same game engine as Fallout 3, they may not make it sandbox style. Fallout 2 was sorta like a sandbox type game, but you had these visions whenever your tribe is telling you to "Hurry the *BEEP* up!". A full sandbox game, with no ending after the main quest, although an ending cinemetic is cool but regain control of your character after it, would be awesome. I did read (UNCOMFIRMED) about one of the things you can do in New Vegas, and that was choose backgrounds (kinda like the Fallout 3 version of Alternate Start: Roleplayers, only with full scripting and people saying nice things to you when you are inside the faction). I doubt this is really a part of New Vegas, but that is something I would like to see in the game. Peace out.