First off, the wiki has this to say: This doesn't appear to work for me. I have two rooms in a .lvl file. They are butted up against one another. When I view pathing there are nice green dots leading from one room to the next. Then I generate the visibility graph (r-click room in left panel > Pathing > Generate Visibility Graph) for each room, but it doesn't seem to do much. Once I get into a module using this level transitioning in works fine. The first room is well lit, the animated fire in the fireplace crackles along happily... Except when I look out the door into the next room I see... sky. Stepping through that door loads the next room and then everything is just fine, but I shouldn't have to step through the door to see into the room. I can't find anything in the wiki on manually handling the nodes so I'm kind of stuck at this point. Anyone else having issues with this?