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  1. Ah well, was going to recreate this anyhow. I suspect I'll be better off building multi-section houses as one 'room' and using group folders to delineate them for now. If anyone has an idea I'd still be interested.
  2. First off, the wiki has this to say: This doesn't appear to work for me. I have two rooms in a .lvl file. They are butted up against one another. When I view pathing there are nice green dots leading from one room to the next. http://i48.tinypic.com/n4hbv9.jpg Then I generate the visibility graph (r-click room in left panel > Pathing > Generate Visibility Graph) for each room, but it doesn't seem to do much. Once I get into a module using this level transitioning in works fine. The first room is well lit, the animated fire in the fireplace crackles along happily... Except when I look out the door into the next room I see... sky. Stepping through that door loads the next room and then everything is just fine, but I shouldn't have to step through the door to see into the room. I can't find anything in the wiki on manually handling the nodes so I'm kind of stuck at this point. Anyone else having issues with this?
  3. If trying to do it in the base game: I don't know. If trying to do a custom face for one of your NPCs (for a module you're making) then create a new morph. Save the .mor file. When creating the creature assign that file to the Morph attribute.
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