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Nexus Mods Profile

About TCEd

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  1. I did find an alternative that gives the full 48 for exocraft, would still rather have one that only focused on exocraft, but this works, link below... https://www.nexusmods.com/nomanssky/mods/2013
  2. Was hoping someone could make a mod that would give full inventory to all exocraft, especially the Minotaur. The was a mod that worked before the sentinel update, but it hasn't been updated for over 2 years. I did send the maker a message requesting an update, but seeing that it's been 2 years, I don't hold much hope for an update, plus that mod also gave tech slot expansion to suit, ship, ect... which I already have. So a mod that focused on exocraft only would be awesome, thanks.
  3. My game would not even start after the new DLC update, so I removed all my mods. Then went back to reinstall one by one, so far all mods are broken. I've also checked the mods page for updates past the patch & so far no mods have been updated to work with the new patch.
  4. Hey to all the community, been enjoying installing mods for this game, only just started using mods for this game in last week. I've tried several of the visor scanner mods, but cannot get any of them to work, I check to make sure they were recently updated, but still not working. Do they only work on a new character or am I missing something? Thanks again for any help.
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