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  1. Those were made using the actual ported models from the game. They will be of no use to anyone here as they can't be uploaded here. Also they're for making costumes pieces so textures aren't included and the UV's/model quality were destroyed in the process of making it for papercraft.
  2. There is this, it just doesn't have a revolver cylinder.
  3. What's the Editing Panel (F9) look like with the pants model selected? Sending me a .blend of the model could be a quicker way of figuring out what's wrong.
  4. Camon has a pump action double barrel shotgun, it's just not magazine fed. It's also not released which is a shame.
  5. If you need someone to rig it when your done I'll do it ;)
  6. I'd like to take a crack at it, if you wouldn't mind. I'd need the UV'ed version though as I don't know how to do that kind of stuff yet. Edit: Never mind, learned how to UV things myself. Should hopefully have a working wingstick within the next few days.
  7. http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=44522
  8. Nice one. Also not sure if you were being intentional on this but Chris's sneakers are actually green instead of white. http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/0/25/10649-ChrisRedfieldRE5_super.jpg
  9. What? No new comments on how well done this is? For shame....
  10. Does anyone know what happened to the Metro 2033 looking armor on the nexus, can't find it.
  11. Ever since Killing Floor i've been in love with the design of the gp-5 gasmask http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/189/1/2/gp_5_gasmask_by_sethnash.jpg I think it will fit perfectly in the Fallout universe. Thanks to any modder that decides to make one for this game. (http://browse.deviantart.com/gameart/?q=gp%205%20gasmask#/d2tjyq3 If you ask the creator he may let you use it)
  12. You have no clue how insanely awesome that is, I wish I could give you guys infinite kudos. Oh and a suggestion on where you could put it in NV, you could make it an extra reward on completion of the Legend of the Star quest (trying to avoid spoilers but it could be put in the locked room where the "prize" for completing the quest exists)
  13. Honestly I think it'd be a good idea to make both clothed/non-clothed versions to please both groups of people (also another version just without the ass-cloth) I personally will be happy just to have the armor with or without the cloth bits.
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