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Damn ya'll so tight! Alright, don't piss your pants, fine... "Someone already does dislike your username - and it happens to be another staff member." I may be wrong and I'm sorry for asking, but was that a threat? :D Coz I have quite a few usernames I dislike, think they're stupid...
Why? Because someone didn't like it? What if someone dislikes my name? Will I get a warning for that too?
Yeah, I figured after that incident that I'm going to reload more often now... Ah, whatcha gonna do.. Anyway, so lvl 10, that makes sense, I guess I'll be eventually lead to that Orc in Falkreath. Gonna figure it out as I go. Just wanted to make sure I won't do anything wrong or something :) Thought it was weird that attacks already started even though the questline didn't... So it's normal then? And yeah I will enjoy it, was waiting for decent vampires for ages now. Was expecting them to be better than Oblivions in Skyrim on release, but alas... but finally in expansion :D Oh and I love the bounty hunters! Especially love killing the one who hired them afterwards! Oh and almost forgot... Um... Rape.
Dawnguard man... So started a new game with dawnguard as a Bosmer focusing on being a rogue with bow and dagger (Duh...). Didn't know how the whole thing starts, just assumed it might start when you hit certain level or area, so just went on with the game. After killing Milmulnir for Whiterun, gone back to Riverwood (passing through) and a guard there said something about "Damn vampire attacks" or something. Tried to speak to him, but dialogue did not engage, instead he told me about an arrow in the knee. Didn't give it much thought, instead went to the tavern. It was night time and almost the whole damn village was inside, which I found a bit weird but nice, it seemed cozy. Talked to some folks, used alchemy lab, and decided to hit the road. As I went outside I heard something about "I love when food comes to my arms" or something, and saw master vampire with 3 hellhounds or something making short work of one guard and subsequently of Camilla and Lucan Valerius... and me for dessert. The whole situation was very atmospheric, the night seemed mysterious, silent village with folks in tavern, guard whispering about vampires, and then sudden attack by a vamp... and aurora borealis the whole time. Wow... Shame I was level 7 with unenchanted hunting bow and steel dagger as my only weapons, and my freshly brewed poisons didn't seem to do a diddly squat to the vamp. After my poor bosmeri girl was raped repeatedly by master vampire and his hounds I somehow managed to kill it off by the 20th or so attempt on expense of dead Valerius family. But nothing happened, nothing triggered, guards didn't say anything, nada... So WTF was that?! I'm all for powerful bosses early on without scaling and stuff, but kinda wasn't expecting a pwning master vamp with super dogs raping me and inhabitants in Riverwood on lvl 7 o_O... Anyway I had to load an earlier hard save coz I didn't want Valerius family dead for no reason. Didn't happen again yet. So how does it start? Why didn't anything happen after I killed it, or at least why there wasn't some just as strong "good guy" helping, seeing as the "bad guy" was way out of my league. It just would seem logical there to be some "Blade" or "Buffy" helping out all things considered. So can you folks tell me (without spoilers if possible) just how is it supposed to go, and/or did I miss something+ Just don't want to go on playing and then after hours of play find out I did something wrong and broke it. Bethesda games are a bit fragile that way...
Me too... :mad:
Isn't this dragon armor?
Can't see any DIcks in there.. .wat's the problem?
No? Okay http://i2.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/003/617/okayguy.jpg
So no help then?
Thanks for any kind of replies :) I did include pictures in spoiler, I thought the picture is better than a thousand words. Texture clipping, flickering and popping and crap is so ridiculous it is impossible to play. As I mentioned in OP I did try the AA settings in ccc. I actually tried oh so many various settings in ccc (not just AA settings), nothing seems to help. I only know one thing, it wasn't there before when I first installed it and played with my first 2 character (about a month). Then one day BAM! I have no idea what could I have done to cause it, as it easily could be caused by something I didn't notice right away, coz of course I didn't play the game 24/7. I dunno if it could be some driver updates or maybe even something NOT related to the video card. I'm outta luck and hope here :((((( I also have HD5870...
Yeah, it gave me illusion of depth before I tried the game, after it only gives me royal annoyance being useless crap...
How many times do I have to say this when people go on about 'lore'?! DRAGONS!!! Seriously, lore's pretty much out of the picture when you've got flying dragons plucking people from the ground. Not to mention the whole 'Daedric' thing, and other stupid magical creatures. Giant mudcrabs would fit in perfectly. ;) Confusing lore with real world, are we?
Help wanted :(