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Everything posted by M2xim

  1. Do you own the game? You payed for it already? Good. Beth cares not about you. You won't play more Beth games? Beth don't care! Many others will. Wellcome to capitalism, friend! The company has no legal or moral obligation to you beyond the licence you agreed to when you installed/booted the game for the first time. -------------------------------------------------------- If you stop supporting mods on new games by not playing them, tho, you're hurting modders and the mod community and giving Beth an excuse to elliminate free (as in "anyone can do them") mods in their next games, killing the very thing that brings us here. Stop the kneejerk reactions, people. Beth needed a way to bring mods to PS4 and to be able to pay modders for outstanding jobs. This is the best way they found. Other companies take measures to prevent you from modding their proucts, Beth is willing to even pay you for it. You guys have been screaming you wanted to be paid, but when you're offered payment you reject it 'cause it's not on your terms? That's not even infantile, it's dumb. The only way this can be bad for modding is if we purposely try to kill it with reactions like this. They provided a platform to adress legal issues many modders have; if this is good or bad is in OUR hands. Be responsible towards the scene and make this a GOOD thing. We can blame Beth for effin' up in game, or for not doing proper support; we can't blame it for being a for-profit company or for trying to help us modders get paid for our work IF WE SO DESIRE. We have only OURSELVES to blame for how the community reacts and the consequences of our collective behaviour. nope theres no argument in life that could convince me i should pay more for less... and i don't understand how some of you litteraly ask to pay more.. when i read your stuff i feel like you work at bethesda not that you are a client looking for a good service... if everytime you look forward to buy a game you have money to waste to pay the content and the actual games individually you can make a donation to me! btw im not crazy i do know beth doesnt give any f*#@ if i alone stop buying their games... The thing is, im far from being alone being pissed at their buisness model, in fact i see more and more people actually waking up to these things, im just saying, if they want to disgust as much people as possible from videogames they are on the right track.. i think theres way more than MY wallet at stakes, this is aggressive marketing and everyone who realize that and risk quitting will probably keep his childrens away from games too.. And for godsake games are expensive and i live in NA theres country's where you actually pay triple the prices we have to get a game and it ain't even a complete one what do you think they will happilly pay triple the mod price now to enjoy all the gameplay elements they cut before release?!? This is nonsense if you think Bethesda or the quality of their games won't suffer from it.. when i think about that i dont even know why i answered you litterally promote paying more to have worst games theres nothing to argue about with you...
  2. I swear ill stop playing i can't get used to dlc's already and now microtransactions are flooding the whole industry no f*#@ing way that im accepting that.... I already consider the law shouldnt allow devs to make a profit out of additionnal content after they sold you a copy, now they are going to extent i wouldnt even had tought id see in nightmares.. I feel like as a custommers i am entitled to all the content since i *!%*Y!"*$/! paid 60-120$.. Seriously i can't think of any existing product where the seller is allowed to trade you incomplete product for your money(unless its spare parts for a car or something) They all sell empty broken games already and now these company's are trying to turn our heroes aggainst us with money.. Now not only we will get empty broken games we gonna f*#@ing pay surplus only so it get fixed.. They litterally gave themselves an incentive to keep reducing content in their games, why giving away good content if you can cut it and sell it incognito in microtransactions AKA creation club... E3 2017 is a disaster... I was all hyped for some RPG's announcement and now i feel like giving up on games... How hell...
  3. Things like frosfall, realistic needs and disease, campfire, hunterborn.. Basically all mods that require MCM to set them up.. AND OF COURSE jiggling boobies because this is the only good way to enjoy your brand new ''fighting'' animations! :laugh: :facepalm:
  4. the wait is painful but i can't thank you enough for all the work you put into these script extenders this is some heroic s#*! playing games would feel empty as f*#@ without people like you.. Id rather wait longer than live in a world where it doesnt exist :laugh:
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