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  1. And that is fine for phone games, but many games do NOT have phone versions. A better idea would be to make a design that works well with the available real estate. And if we don't beat this to death, PC users will once again lose ground.
  2. Not looking forward to this at all. After the disastrous profile changes where the feedback from the users were disregarded, I am afraid that we will follow the same path of reducing functionality. I hope I am wrong.
  3. I just realized that the in the file section of the mod author's page, the [Downloaded] status is missing. Part of the idea of going to a mod author's page is seeing what files have been updated, and what other mods that they created you might have missed. With the current (non beta) page, you can glance at a page, and find out (a) how many of their mods you have (b) which of their mods have been updated (c) what mods you might want to check out. In a single glance. With the beta page, I have no idea, and would have to click into each mod individually. You could also get rid of the repeated modders icon, you only need to display it once. Seeing the icon once is fine, but repeating it just increases visual load while imparting no additional value.
  4. Thank you for putting the "Last Update" sort order into the profile. I would like the option for that to always be my default sort order. 4 mods per line is 33% better than 3 mods per line. It is still 20% worse than 5 mods per line. Maybe this could be a configuration option. The grey color of the existing profile background is easier on the eye than the black background of the new profile. Maybe it's a contrast eye-strain thing. Even here, I find myself closing one eye to type. Might just be me. Close.
  5. Fantastic, this covers my main concerns, I look forward to seeing your next update! Thank you
  6. Except, of course, Youtube as mentioned earlier in the thread. Their page goes from edge to edge. I think part of the problem is that the proposed design is very mobile friendly. I suspect that most of us have some form of gaming monitor, or television for console players, as we are playing a game. Mobile design ideas do not make sense. Has anyone captured monitor size statistics for the site? That would be interesting reading (and also help inform your design).
  7. Figured out why the mod count was different, one was showing with adult mods, the other was not. Understandable, not a bug. Captured a comparison of old and new, on the old I can see 10 mods (including titles) by default, on the new I can see 3 mods. Attached. Even here, there is tons of space on either side that could easily be put to better use. I also attached a above/below comparison, showing 3 mods per line, vs 5 mods per line. Someone mentioned Youtube as a comparison, they show 6 per line, and fill the whole screen with menu text along the left (sample attached). Fair to say that Youtube has a lower text requirement, you need to provide more information than they do).
  8. Comparing profile pages between old and new, and I noticed that my "mod count" is wrong (I will capture this next time I see it, example below is not an example), some mods are showing up in the classic UI, and NOT showing up in the new UI. I also am not really liking the wasted space. The overly rounded corners, larger fonts, and wider margins makes everything feel more like a cartoon, and less professional. Also, there is less preview text available to read in the mod. Wasted space is harder to read, harder to read is frustrating, and makes it harder to find what I need to know. And I really, really need the "Last Updated" sort order.
  9. I prefer 5 or 6 thumbnails per row over the 3 thumbnails you are testing. And I really need the "last updated" sort, sorting by "date added" skips the mod updates. I often go to a user profile to make sure that I have their most recent updates, and sorting by any of the three default sort orders is not helping.
  10. I like it, but I would prefer to be able to sort mods by "Recently Updated". That might be what "Recently Added" implies, but I can't be sure. Thanks for the opportunity to provide feedback, I appreciate it
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