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Posts posted by Helldrone

  1. There was a kinda mining mod in Fallout 3 but it didn't have ore scattered around, but it was a foundry inside tenpenny tower, and a scrip that every time you hit the pickaxe at the Iron or Coal rock it gave you 1 unit of the ore, Pretty briliant one, and i wish for a Farming cause i can't go to a certan places so i rather be isolated then xD


    But having Mining and Farming would be really good. :D

  2. i so wanna farm my own outdoor or indoor marijuana grow op in the game. that would be awsome.



    ._. Growing drugs was not excatly my plan, i wanted to make a moonshine production but hey, this mod can be anything.


    I seen plenty of farms around new vegas but they are just dying, and i really want to make this one come to life cause i live always in isolation from other NPC's :<

  3. Yeah, you want the d3d9 perf fix on the nexus, its like the very first mod, the game has a problem rendering faces on some cards, there are 2 versions, 1 for nvidia and 1 for ati I hear, I haven't used it personally because it works fine on my gtx 260, but it should fix your problem.



    Thanks a lot! i don't need to isolate my self from humans anymore!

  4. I Was planning a really simple farm mod like Oblivion had.


    Seeds, a Shovel and some time.


    Oblivion had this easy way too do it


    Use the shovel to dig a hole, plant the seed in the ground and then sleep for a few days to wait for the plants too regrow.

    But for planting in the wasteland with dry ground would require you water them every 5 days (any shorter would be annoying)

  5. Alright, i start playing New vegas a few days back and i been living with this problem for a while now.


    Well i can play the game LAG Free in most places and some places lag me slighetly, but here comes the problem.


    When i look directly or go in a conversation with a HUMAN Npc my computer drops too 1 Fps and haves a dramaticly lag seizure, It only happens to when i look at Human NPC's i goes back up when i look direcly down or up.


    Is there anyway to fix this?

  6. I seen these mods before and it's can't be impossible for New Vegas, i mean they got regrowable plants, so why not make then plantable?


    So i was wondering if anyone could make a mod that allows the player too plant down every plant type in new vegas.


    Kudos if anyone can make it :D

  7. OK forget this question, i figured it out buy a smart Wikipedia tip, TCL past it all and it's fixed, but now i occured another problem, When i try to loot after my Personal stuff it's not there it says "it's moved somewhere else on the ship" either it's the Fook2 that does it or that new Mantis Mod with the nasy Zeta, but can anyone give me the code for the box where my gear is? i been looking for a long time for my gear now....
  8. Yeah, pretty much im stuck with the holding cells with sally gone.


    I run inside the Holding cell main room, i run to the cells and sally is gone, but i did use brindto player commands on the net i tried to find help. Didn't work


    Then i got another tip to put her inside her cell again by useing TCL to not trigger the mission trigger.


    It worked, she told me to blow it up, as soon as i blow it up and run inside her cell to release her she denies talking to me and the "release sally from the cell" don't get completed


    Ain't there a console command that forces her to talk to me or complete just that part of the mission? im just stuck there....


    I know this is a common issue with FOOK2 Zeta file but it has to be some easy console to fix this. [Edit]

  9. >:C <-- not happy



    it was nothing like i tho it would be, Not even shiny, it just looks like a piece of paint sprayed rocks.


    i was forced to play some morrowind just to reduce my addiction to collect gems for a while.


    Im not giving up on this, When or if someone can finalize some good gems almost like those on oblivion i would be so happy.

  10. how about this one?

    The enclave has become aware or the large ammount of newly found gems everywhere, so now they are trying to hoard them all! (greedy bastards!) so they have setup search parties to locate and secure the goods, and have also started using a secret makeshift high speed railroad system to haul them all. search parties are fully armed and have orders to eliminate anything that stands in between them and da shiny rockz. the cargo trains part at regular intervals and could be (posibly) intercepted by "someone". provided this "someone" have the right tools...and some hefty firepower!.

    alternatively some sly, hideous character could rob them blind in the proccess of loading the goods, without noone being the wiser. (let's face it... most enclave grunts are not the IQ intensive type) but that certainly would be a risky endeavour.



    Raiding sounds good, but this is an Loot system mod i want :3 Random gems in Boxes, corpses and may in some dogs (they ate them) Like oblivion (i been saying that like all the time now)

  11. Well, I just opened it in the construction set, and the book is called Telvanni_grower. So just type


    player -> AddItem ''Telvanni_grower' 1




    (edit) Never mind! Thanks alot! it worked. it saved me alot of work

  12. Is it a special item, or would the "unlock" command not work?



    No it don't. It's a mod that denying me to get back inside. and the object is a book that allows me to make houses with spells, the "Grow your own Telvanni Towers" from planet elder scrolls and i seem to have dropped the book inside my home.... ._. and if you drop the book the spells are inactive and can't be used and the doors of the houses become inactive aswell.... so i need the additem code for it...

  13. Im having an issue with a few mods and i stupidly locked my self outside my morrowind house and and i don't know the console code to the addtiem to retrive the item i need to get back in, so Do anyone know if there is a editor like "TES4Edit" oblivion has, so i can access all of the additem codes?
  14. if you look a bit back in the post neunen already made a few and asked so he could make them to .nifs


    Basicly all we need now is a person who can convert the .Nifs he makes into uh.. how should i say it (i got no Geck Experience) into Stuff ingame x_x

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