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Posts posted by Helldrone

  1. i don't like the Mothership zeta ones cause they are not so shiny :c i want crystals that really reflect and all the diffrent types of gems like oblivion the flawless and crude ones and i wish jewelery would be added to the game some how all the jewelery seems to be missing from fallout 3... but yes... shiny rocks *giggles* ^^
  2. Could add a perk like "Gem head" makes you insane if you don't atleast have some gems on you... but yeah i would really love jewelery... it's grown like an addiction on me....


    now i know why i still play the sims 3.... alot of gems... yes.. *giggles* lol xD

  3. Anybody have that urge of collecting gems and such? i did that alot in oblivion... i just had to have many in my house and beside my bed but i can't find a single shiny rock in fallout 3 and i expected to find any but there is none :c


    so i wonder if anybody could be so kind to Maybe recreate Gems or Diamons and such like on oblivion to Fallout 3... cause having Gems and shiny rocks is a must must...

  4. an remake of another gun is just not the style im looking for but i bet it would making the gun easier but i bet most Hellsing fans would agree to have a full new model making it look detailed to Alucard's gunz :3
  5. Aren't we forgetting something? how unstable would the game be if we don't do something about the sleep timer


    I mean you can already sleep ingame pause the world and then move several of hours forward in game making it night and light in a instant and that would not go so well with multiplayer gameplay but im just saying if anyone overlooked this or already knew and not say a thing... and what about the limited items in the world? and the time to make corpses remove and Mobs to spawn that used to be the Sleep/wait Timer's work to fix...

  6. I threw a same topic about this months ago but it seem to have vanished now but i would love to see if someone made Alucard's guns from Hellsing

    The white silvery one



    and the Black one



    Seeing this one made with High quality would me go insane and i will give kudo for anyone to make it.



    Custom ammo to it would also be awesome

  7. I had another topic and the problem is FOOK2, all you need to do is turn off the Neighboors and Improvments kits it seems the improvment kits is making the whole place buggy and i thank the person who helped ^^


    i finaly did whole broken steel quest ^^


    Turn off Neigorhood and improvment kit and the two other lose Improvment kits


    Enter tunnel and your free to walk and after you enter the sub tunnel you can save and turn the Kit on again Tadaa :D

  8. That is a known problem with FOOK2; I believe the problem is due to the World and Neighborhood Kit. Disable that, go through the tunnel, and then you should be able to reactivate it.


    IT WORKED IT WOORKEEED!! Thank you so much Kudo's for the help!

  9. I had same problem. If I recall I had to disable all companions to make it go away but it was a while ago. Try that. If it does not work, I will make more effort to reproduce what I did to get around it again as I am a bit foggy as it was a couple months ago.



    Oh thank you so much! i think i have a robot from the Robot mod in the top 25 list. gonna terminate him and what about Dogmeat?




    I been testing a bit now and i found a backdoor inside the "White House Utility tunnel" and when i entered it i got spawned to the same location as from the manhole would let me go, and i could not find the "White House Utility tunnel" on the FO3Edit


    do you think the place is a broken or corrupted?

  10. i don't know if it's a mod but it will takes ages to find out.... i got a bit many :s all i can think off is the FOOK2 that has alot of changes of the gameplay and others are just minor add ons like Portable stuff and such like GTS
  11. but i need to get pass that place!


    There seem to be a ton of Mics items stuck inside of each other like spawned inside and when moved they all move so they collide in each other making major lag and even with TCL/noclip mode i can't move from the spot


    Help me please D:

  12. Im currently having issues going through the White House Utility tunnel in the Broken steel DLC


    As soon as i enter the tunnel i seem to get stuck inside a car,a bike,random stuff tin cans and alot of mics items



    it seems like there is a ton of mics items stuck inside each other like boxes cans and car that makes me go stuck, i even tried TCL/noclipping but i still can't move


    i tried to "Disable" to remove stuff but it didn't help. Anyone know what this problem is?! i can try to make a small recording of it, if neccecery

  13. Hey i was wondering if anybody could make this easy thing... so i think it's easy


    a small Laser pistol that is used to Shoot stuff like exploded cars and such to remove them cause im having this major issue


    each time i climb down a ladder i end up with a car" STUCK inside me and i can't move, i tried no clipping mode but it wont let me move cause of the car

    Please anybody help?


    [Edit Writing fix]

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