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About IDontWannaDoThis

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  1. The mask works well with the half long hair Geralt has now (and the other hair styles I tried) and gladly changing his hair is easy. The hair therefor is not the problem, with the self-made mods I tried I just can't get it to work on a mask level. I can't seem to remove the facial coverings it will just go without texture but not invisible. And Radovid's crown I can't seem to get it in the mask slot. Anyways my question stands, if anyone else fancies a go at this I will still be much obliged. I know it's purely decorative but it would go well with the story I am trying to create.
  2. Hello awesome modders, Is it possible to get the crown Radovid is wearing as wearable mask for Geralt, or maybe change the Radovid mask that it is just the crown without the face covering. I've tried doing it myself but I can't seem to get it to work. Anyone more awesome, smarter and better than me that could get this done? Much obliged and may the eternal fire bless you!
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