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About garren69

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    Red Dead Redemption 2

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  1. Hello, I'm requesting a mod that unlocks the castle after the player has left it and returned to the village where you're supposed to go to the red chimney house. I think it'd be cool if players could go back inside the castle without Lady Dimitrescu or her three daughters around to antagonize the player any longer. It's a beautiful castle and fun to just walk around in and admire the decor. I felt like I missed out on a lot of sight seeing because I was constantly harassed by the mother and her daughters chasing me around the place the entire time. Now that I've taken care of them, I'd like to go back to the Castle to sight see some more. I was heartbroken to find that the castle is permanently blocked off the rest of the game once returning to the village. That sucks! =( Would be cool if players could go back and explore it with working elevator and all rooms and secret passages accessible, maybe even have spawning ghouls/vampires down in the wine cellar area and prison area but the main floors of the castle and upstairs areas clear of any enemies. Maybe have some flying vampire bat things on the rooftop area to snipe again also. Hopefully the right modder sees this and makes it happen! Thank you in advance!
  2. What's wrong with naked female breasts? I think they're lovely! You don't have to use the mod or any mods for that matter.
  3. Requesting a Modder add quivers and various arrow types to the game that are sold in shops and found in containers.
  4. I'm sure some male players dislike nudity and sexy outfits in their games as well. It doesn't matter if some female players dislike it or some male players dislike it. I'm tired of the whole censorship/banning crowd of zealots. If there's something you don't like or disagree with - simply look the other way and don't download it or use it. Simple as that. At the very minimum, the glued on underwear simply must go. I can't stand stripping my character to see him or her with glued on undies that can't be removed.
  5. Agreed. I too would like to see an option to be able to walk. Not sure if this requires an animation to be made or how difficult it might be. But it seems silly to be running everywhere.
  6. Spacebar slows time down to like half speed or 2/3 speed but it's not slow enough. Would like to see a range of speeds offered. Would be great if you could slow enemies down to 0.20 speed while the player is at 0.35 speed, sort of like bullet time in Max Payne/Matrix.
  7. Over time I hope to see lots of sexual options added to the game. Sex, pregnancy, prostitution, etc.. Everything our sexually repressive society hates and hides from while bathing in violence and gore. Male and female versions for all races of course. Future ideas... Oiled skin options, bouncing breasts and butt. Not sure if this is possible in this game or not but there are small animations for candles and capes so it might be possible on character models too.
  8. This is a very offensive statement. I'll have you know that I'm from the South and I do not view myself as a racist. Your assumptions about me and the rest of the folks in the South are so hyped up with nothing but pure ignorant prejudice that it makes me sick to my stomach. I'm appalled that modern teachings are so bigoted these days. Don't you see the hate you're spreading with your generalized statement? You're statement promotes a free pass for others to spread hate and to bash on Southern folks for simply being born and raised in the South. That's just as wrong a slavery was but the difference is slavery was a US Constitutional right for the people living the America in 1863. Lincoln expelled that right - but only for those people in the South who seceded from the Union. Lincoln had African American slaves (servants) working for him however even after the war was over. He just ended slavery in the South because he wanted to create chaos in the South during the war by getting the blacks slaves to uprise against their white slave masters. Lincoln didn't end slavery in the South out of the kindness of his heart for the blacks despite what many ignorant teachings have taught you. I've come to learn that American history is what America says it is and not actually what the truth really is. And the truth about slavery in the South shows something entirely different then what most kids are taught today. For instance, did you know that slave beatings were extremely rare. Did you know that buying a slave in 1863 was the same as buying a car today? Yep. Slaves were very expensive. So what would be the point of beating them senseless and to the place they could no longer work for you? That doesn't make any sense so it's most likely a myth that Northern folks created to induce mass hatred against rich Southern white men. Modern US history makes it appear that slave beatings were happening all the time despite there being very little evidence of it ever happening. I think a lot of negative myths about the South were spawned up by Northern folks right after the war ended and the South was forever painted in a negative manner because of them. There's no doubt that there was a lot of hate towards the South right after the war. People often trash talk each other after a fight. Just look at Germany. Many ignorant people still believe that all Germans are Nazis and that Japan is out to take over America. This all just nonsensical bigotry. Please re-learn history and do the research yourself. Don't let other people educate you with lies and false assumptions. History needs to be self-learned so that people can see for themselves what the truth is. I bet I can find a lot more articles and evidence that shows slave masters took very good care of their slaves and even educated them in reading and writing skills than I can find an actual document that shows any slave master beat a slave to death. From "To kill a mockingbird" to "My Cousin Vinny" people are always depicting the folks in the South as a bunch of racists. It's about time this BS stops and we start learning to get over our petty differences. Just thought you should be aware.
  9. Could you imagine seeing Goblins, Vampires, Daedra, Ogres, and humans in the game all doing the Safety Dance? LOL!!! Would be cool to see someone remake the video to Safety Dance using Oblivion characters. Would be a laugh! The Oblivion landscape is the perfect setting for it. "Safety Dance" - Men without Hats The Morrowind mod "The Underground 2" by Qarl had a bar called "The Underground" which is similar to what I'm requesting for Oblivion.
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