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Posts posted by ArkhamFan28

  1. Hello,


    I am afraid that this forum is mostly dead and that I am a long winded describer so it lowers its chances of happening but I had to try. I hope someone can help me out to possibly create this or even get pointed in the right direction so I can do this myself. I started playing the Arkham franchise when the first game came out. I loved Arkham Asylum and City and when it came time to play Origins I was so excited for one big reason. Asylum and City did one major thing right in my opining and its not something that everyone has noticed about the games. Every single location that you have access to in the main story has a limited amount of enemies until you progress the story. So in city for example. One of the first objectives after escaping Penguin is to save Catwoman at the courthouse. However if you go to all parts of the map and take out every single criminal, that is it. The whole map will not have a single enemy respawn at all until you progress the story! What I like about this is it made it more realistic for me. Batman could in this case take out all these criminals and it felt like you were progressing in some fashion. Every enemy take down mattered. I started to treat it as if it were a collectable almost lol. I would take out every group of enemies and then and only then progress the story. After I progressed the story some enemies respawn in the same places and sometimes there was new enemy spawn locations that would appear. Replaying the games a few times in the past I can tell you it is not random and it is scripted based on how far into the story you are. Side missions do not create respawns. So if I cleared the map and then went ahead and did the Hush side mission, the map would still be cleared until I pushed the story forward. So back to Origins, Origins decided to do away with this feature. This made it pointless to hunt for criminals around Gotham. I basically would skip most enemies unless they were in my way towards an objective. I played the game for the story and ended up disliking it greatly. There was some interesting side missions and I liked some elements but this was the beginning of the end for my love towards Arkham. I could take a group of enemies out and not be a couple of blocks over before they were back. That just takes me right out of the game world. Anyways this is not an Origins forum but a Knight forum. They felt that Knight should keep the same feature as Origins and it has always bothered me. I wanted to attempt to make some mods to improve and fix the game more towards how I always wanted them to be and if anyone can help me out I would greatly appreciate it.


    Thanks for any help.

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