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About mattchensan

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  1. I had too many mods running at the same time so I decided to do a clean install of Skyrim and just put in the mods that I like. I was getting a solid 50-60 fps outside and in houses but as soon as I go into a dungeon (Bleak Falls Barrow) i get 4-5 fps. I used the same graphics mods on my last install and I didn't get such a drastic drop in fps (I went to about 30-40 fps which is fine for me) going into caves, dungeons, etc. I did try to turn mods on and off but nothing changed. I even tried turning off enb while keeping AA and AF off and I still get the exact same fps. I'm running Performance and Realistic ENB Enhanced Lights and FX Skyrim HD 2k textures SMIM CoT Skyrim Flora Overhaul My specs are i5 760 GTX 285 4gb RAM 1680 x 1050 resolution Windows 7
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