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Everything posted by skyesfury
I'm loving the ease of use that Vortex provides. NMM was a great tool, and MO1 and 2 are awesome, too. Vortex provides me with a simplified functionality of MO2, which I love. But I've noticed that Vortex often uses an insane amount of memory while it's just sitting idle. Almost 7G of RAM while idle. This won't stop me from using it, but it means I have to shut it down after starting Skyrim. Just wanted to post that this is happening. I'll keep an eye on it and see if there's something in particular causing this and/or how to recreate the issue for troubleshooting purposes.
In response to post #45781170. #45834020 is also a reply to the same post. Glad to hear this! I've loved your mod since before V5 was out (just happened to run across it one day) but I can barely play Skyrim anymore because of how choppy it's become, even without mods installed and a fresh install. Read some of your blog and it's clear why Legacy is so successful. Don't know how to put it into words, but you've got that talent for success that some people are lucky to have (lame attempt at putting it into words :p ). Thanks for the awesome mod, icecreamassassain!
In response to post #45678820. I check the SKSE page every few days, too. It really is the only thing preventing me from loading up Skyrim SE right now.
I can't even remember playing Skyrim without CBBE anymore. Since the day I first downloaded it and played with it, I have never spent a single minute in the game without it. The original bodies and faces are atrocious. Thank you so much for the mod and work you've done, Caliente. I look forward to seeing the magic you perform on TES6, too!!! :)
The new doors are cool and all, but for some baffling reason Bethesda did not put conduits on BOTH sides of the powered door. Which means you have fuglify your wires or rely on glitches to get switches on both sides of the door. So this is my request for someone to make a mod that puts working conduits on both sides of the powered door. My personal preference would be for the conduit to be on the left side of the door on both sides, so that when you turn it, the conduit is always on your left while facing the door. But that's up to the mod author that hopefully picks up this request. *crosses fingers hoping for a mod author to do this*
Thank you for the updates to your issue, Dormes. I ran into this exact issue last night. Started troubleshooting it today and ran across your post here. Saved me who knows how much time thanks to your updates on dealing with it.
Is it possible to port SKyrim to F4 and F4 to skyrim
skyesfury replied to behlkekeith's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
I think we are a long way off from being able to port mods from one game to another, if that is something that will ever even be possible. There are usually just too many differences in coding and engine between titles to ever see this realized. That said, I expect in about 6-9 months we'll be seeing more variety and options for mods than Skyrim did in that amount of time. The number of modders is higher now, the familiarity with the tools and mod creation in general is better, and I suspect we'll see the GECK out in the next couple months. The GECK will open entire realms of possibilities. F4SE is already live albeit with limited functionality. That will also open countless doors for mod authors, and by extension, modders. I just wish more developers were as supportive of modding as Bethesda is. -
Adding HUD elements such as current/max weight
skyesfury replied to Grimco's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
Would very much like this. I actually just made a request for the complete opposite of this, specifically in regards to VATS. I hope we can both get our wish! :) -
I don't know if this is possible without the GECK, CK, or other modding tools we will be getting eventually. I assume it is since it's essentially a change to UI information. I would like to see a mod that removes the target's name from VATS and changes the color of the target's UI info to the user's current UI color (if using the default green, it appears as green, for example). I'm finding it's far too easy to cheese out who is an enemy and who isn't just by sneaking around and using VATS. From far enough away, too far for VATS to be used, you often cannot tell if they're Settlers or Raiders or Scavengers or Gunners; the distance you would typically be using a sniper rifle from. I'm eager for the immersive mods that will be coming out soon after the GECK/CK is available and I wanted to throw this suggestion/request on the table. I think it would add much to the immersive experience. Perhaps an option could be integrated where a perk would re-enable the target friend/foe and name information. As I said, I don't know if this can be done with the current tools available.
In response to post #22681199. #22744664, #22745554 are all replies on the same post. "seen the elder scrolls online? " You mean that joke of a game that shouldn't be associated with the Elder Scrolls franchise?
In response to post #22825034. My money is on FO4 or a new title. If it's FO4, I'll be throwing my money at my monitor to make it come out sooner.
Nexus Mod Manager plans, answers and if you're a coder, we want yo
skyesfury replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #11067753. #11067778, #11069223 are all replies on the same post. I think sovereignrune was just giving a friendly jest reply. I have no problem with anyone with anyone here at Nexus. I can't speak for the other way, but as far as I'm aware no one has a problem with me. Other than that, what I stated above is where I'll have to leave it. To say more would just result in me being misunderstood regardless of what words I use. Frustrating for me, but there it is. -
Nexus Mod Manager plans, answers and if you're a coder, we want yo
skyesfury replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
I know this part "claim we're using it as a cop out for not following a strict stable/beta release structure" was partially directed at me (though not solely at me) because of some comments I recently made in one of the forums about NMM. When someone says that the customers and users feel like it's being used as a cop out to dismiss many of the stability issues, that's a constructive critique. I wish I knew how to share my thoughts on this without the authors of NMM taking it as a personal insult, as they (or at least one) did when I made my original post. Sadly, I feel like anything constructive or helpful I say about it will met with hostility and/or the assumption that I'm accusing the authors of not caring, not being competent, not being good; none of which I believe are the case. But since I can't share my thoughts on NMM's development and why it's still in beta, I'll just point this out: Just because a customer/user doesn't like or agree with the reasons the author hasn't released a 1.0 version of a program does not mean the customer/user thinks the author is bad or the program is bad. It's possible to disagree with something without considering that something bad. I use NMM because it's one of the best programs like it that I've ever used (it's better than the Curse client for WoW, imo). So for those that think my complaints and criticism of the program in some way mean I think the program or authors are bad, go suck a giraffe. -
[Updated] New NMM version out, help us out and update to it (also, X R
skyesfury replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
Six months ago you couldn't do that at all. The news posts with my apologies will attest to that. The sites haven't been right since Skyrim was launched. People seem to get it in their heads that because we've released something somewhere else on the network that this has compounded the issue or made things worse. It's a bit like telling the UI artist at Microsoft to stop releasing patches until they've fixed all the security issues. The UI artist has no role to play in that side of Windows/Office/whatever and is going to continue to work on what he knows while the people who work on bug fixing continue to work on theirs. Some things are just a lot slower to resolve than others. Only aside to this is the fact the recent site update broke everything for a few days until we could pin-down what it was (NMM DDoSing the servers) and resolve it. The problems experienced now are wholly different and utterly unrelated to adding more games/changing designs/adding functionality. I'm sorry, couldn't do what exactly six months ago? Browse the site with ease? I could and I did. I was able to go from Skyrim Nexus to New Vegas Nexus to FO3 Nexus and all the others that were in the drop down list. So I'm not sure what you're saying I wasn't able to do. Unless you're speaking on specifically six months ago (I recall there was some issues earlier this year). The point I was making is that the issues have gotten far worse in the last couple months. My first assumption, at least in regards to the site, was that these issues are caused mostly from increased traffic. I've seen other sites that had a boom in population and all hell broke loose on their servers because it was more than the servers could handle and the issues I've seen here on Nexus are very similar, in some cases exactly, like the ones I saw on those sites. Like I say below, knowing the issue and knowing how to fix it aren't always the same. We'll do it when we're ready to do it and not a moment before. Help from people sure would go a long way to making that day come a lot sooner. Can you help? I wish I could help more than just finding bugs. I understand basics of databases and how they interconnect, but when it comes to code I don't know much at all. Understanding how something works, or how it's supposed to work, is rarely the same as knowing how to fix whatever is wrong with it when it's not working. Even if you know the intracies of how it's supposed to work, if you don't know what the wrench is supposed to do, it doesn't help much. I have appreciated your work on this site ever since I started using it. The integration with NMM is amazing and it's a dream come true for both modders and users. But there are issues. If I had the knowledge to lend a hand I can promise you I would have made the offer to help long ago. Just because I don't know how to code doesn't mean I don't know how something is supposed to work, though. It's like saying that a movie critic has no place critiquing a movie because they don't know how all the equipment works that makes a movie. I'm sorry if you think I'm being harsh or mean or rude. I'm not. I'm being blunt, though. I don't know what your (or the team's) to-do list looks like and I'm not trying to imply I do with any statement I've made. What I do know is that from our end, the user's end, it looks like fixing some of NMM's issues is not very high on it. And from a user end, seeing a program in a beta state for over two years, when the program is effectively not in a beta state, feels like an excuse to blow off some of the issues. Again, I'm not saying that's what you're doing, I'm stating what it looks like from our end. All that said, whether it's tagged as beta or not, it works far more often than not and unless someone else comes up with a system that's as much better than yours as yours is than everyone else's, I will continue using NMM and the Nexus network. On a side note, if I had the extra money I would very happily send donations and sub to the premium. I believe in backing those that do a good job and you and the Nexus team far exceed good. I hope that helps to better understand what I was saying in my first post. -
[Updated] New NMM version out, help us out and update to it (also, X R
skyesfury replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
I normally don't openly disagree with a mod, having been one myself on numerous forums over the years, but I felt it necessary to speak up on this. I've been using this site for a few years now, since early 2009. When I first began using NMM it ran smoothly and I was very impressed considering it was listed as being in beta. It was one of the smoothest, bug free programs I'd ever used of its kind. But it's been over two years since NMM first came out. Programs understandably get patches. But at this point, blaming the issues on it being in beta is just a cop out. At least one of the more major issues that NMM had when I first started using it still exists: random crashing. I could understand this being an issue still if the program was effectively abandoned. But it's clearly not. You can only use the excuse of "it's beta" for so long before that becomes nothing more than an excuse. Compound that with the increasing issues with the site itself. Six months ago I could hop on the site and browse the mods with ease and pleasure and only on rare occasions would I have to reload a page because it wouldn't load. Things have been steadily getting worse since then. And this week it's been constant outages and down time. I can certainly understand why many of the premium members are getting upset. Even with Steam Workshop and other mod sites out there, Nexus still stands above the others because of many of the features and friendliness of the site's layout. But that gap is shrinking with the ever increasing issues. Instead of adding more and more features, it's time to focus on ironing out the issues that currently exist. It's time to move NMM from "beta" to actual release. Don't mistake my comments as being angry or not liking the site. This is constructive criticism. -
NMM version 0.44 released, new file servers and site updates
skyesfury replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
I look forward to NMM working like normal again. But until the newer version does, I'll be using 0.43.2. The functionality and stability is better. I am glad to see the NMM crew working to improve the application, though! -
NMM version 0.44 released, new file servers and site updates
skyesfury replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
I've found two things with the new NMM build already. I can't activate/deactivate mods with the Enter key anymore. When I delete a mod from my mod list in the Mods tab, non-categorized, it doesn't remove the mod from the list until restarting the application. I'll post more if I encounter them. Otherwise, good update. :) -
There's no SkyBoost anywhere on my computer at all. Like I said, haven't had it since January and I've reinstalled my entire Win7 since then. I took all the files from the bin folder and put them where the readme said to, the way it said to. It's not an installation issue and it's not user error. Even when I turn off ALL mods, with a fresh install of the game, it still gives me the error. Like I said before, there's no discernible reason for me to be getting the error, but I am getting it.
Even with the updated SD, I'm still getting a SkyBoost critical error. No one answered my previous post about this issue. I don't have SkyBoost installed, I haven't had it installed since January and I've reinstalled my OS since then as well. SkyBoost has no way of being on my system and yet I'm the critical error for it. "Your game version is NOT supported, supported patches:" There's a couple mods I would love to use, but they both require SD which doesn't work for any discernible reason.
Since the download page doesn't seem to be getting any attention, I'll try here. ScriptDragon is giving me a SkyBoost critical error whenever I try to run Skyrim. I have the latest version of SD and I do NOT have SkyBoost installed. So what's going on?
I know it's possible to remove the blur as I've seen a couple other mods that remove it from other aspects of the game (death/kill cams). I'm not savvy enough to make a mod yet or I would have done this already myself (and posted it). I love my Kitty Thief, but I HATE the blur around Night Eye. The entire point of playing a Khajit is Night Eye (or at least half of it... playing a cat is just fun in itself lol)