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Everything posted by Birrii

  1. Well, lately I've been quite excited because there's soon gonna be a convention in Norway!! ^^

    A convention for sci-fi and Japan-fans :P

    I can't waaiiitt!!! I'll share with you some videos! (They'll be uploaded on youtube) ^^

  2. Ahh, School Days lol :'P

    I just went shopping ^^

    Bought some anime movies for a small price, like .hack//roots and such ^^

    And I'm really into Bleach now :P

    And I just started reading Angel Sanctuary. OMG IT'S AWESOMEEE!!! :O

    And Vampire Knight, pretty good too ^^

    But I think that Angel Sanctuary is my favorite right now :3

  3. Birrii

    This or That?

    Iggy bottom. Half full or half empty glasses?
  4. Hmm, just a quick comment on the result: Is there a reason why EVERYONE of us got a Final Fantasy VII character? I'm just asking.... :P
  5. just giving my opinion, the games are wellmade... i just never liked them Well, Square Enix (at that time called Square Soft) was poor, so they wanted to create an epic game. The one who was behind the story said that after he made this game, he would leave Square Soft, thus he called it FINAL Fantasy. But then, it sold so well, that he decided to stay. And we all know that good games ALWAYS get sequels/prequels or something like that, so Square Soft made Final Fantasy II. They didn't rename it because, well, they just didn't feel like doing that. But hey, Calliton, why being grumpy? ^^ Why not just take the test? :P I'm sorry if this topic made you upset ^^"
  6. Hey! ^_^ I thought this might be a little bit fun: http://ff-fan.com/chartest/ Hehe :D I got: http://www.ff-fan.com/chartest/banners/cloud.jpg How about you? ^_^
  7. My favorite is Oblivion, Bioshock (1 or 2, doesn't matter) and Final Fantasy XIII. Well, actually I prefer Final Fantasy VII, but XIII was okay aswell. Yaay ~~ ^^
  8. A pilot? :O

    That's a hard profession. Besides, it's often dangerous when it comes to pressure etc.

    What kind of pilot do you want to be? Military or passenger-pilot? :)

  9. What anime or manga have you been watching/reading lately? ^^
  10. I'm great! :D

    How about you? ^^

  11. Sorry!

    I didn't have internet for ages!! D:

    I was in front of my computer, depressed that I couldn't tlak to my friends on Nexus :'(

    Including thou! :P

  12. Privet! ^^

    My life is going great :D

    How about you? :D

  13. Maybe you'll like this! ;) But yeah, Glarthir is really underrated. :( Would be awesome to have him as a companion. He would make an excellent enemy-radar :P
  14. It shouldn't be the French version of UOP, it didn't say anything about being "a French version" or anything. O.O Besides, I went to Qarn and Kivan's nexus page, and clicked on the UOP-thingy there. And it says that they're from Canada, so it wouldn't make any sense if it's in French... I mainly suspect the Moonshadow Elves mod, but for some reason, it doesn't say ANYTHING about being French. O_O
  15. I believe that the first one is one of Growlf's clothes. I'm not quite sure which one of his mods it is. It could also be from Apachii's Goddess store. Anyway, these two mods have clothing that looks REALLY similiar to the first picture.
  16. Wait, I haven't gotten that far into DA. Are these romance-thingies NECESSARY? O_O (You know, it would be kinda weird if I'd play on my xbox, and then suddenly my little sister would DASH into my room.... <_<" )
  17. Okay, this is W.E.I.R.D O_O I have like, NO idea what I just did. I bought a new weapon at "A fighting chance", then I saved. Then I exited Oblivion, checked this forum and read Fonger's post (and Tomlongs tooo :P). Then, I (opened Oblivion etc), and, IT'S OPEN!!!!! S_S And it fully works! Palonirya sells her clothes etc.... I seriously have no idea what happened! Noparts: Wow. O.O I don't know if the other shops in the other towns are open yet though.... I'll take a look! And about this French-thingy: When I save a game, the name of the city is in French! O_O I haven't discovered any french subtitles yet though.. What mod/s do both of us have? (You can find my mod list in this topic) Thank you so much for spending time helping me! Kudos for everyone who helped me! ;3
  18. DA is a VERY good RPG, but I don't know if it is the best or not. I really like that it's darkness (with the blood and such). I also praise it for it's music. However, there are SO many good RPG's that it's impossible for me to choose. I remember Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn very well. It was really good, too. I just can't choose between those two, including some other RPG's!! >_<
  19. YaY! :'D Glad you like it! ^_^ I can also help you with the characters ^^" Well, if you NEED help though :P I look forward to the voice acting! :D
  20. Wilkommen zurueck! ^_^ ~~ Yaaaaay! ~~ :'D
  21. Sent! :D *waits for reply :3*
  22. The AC2 mod shouldn't really affect Divine Elegance, because you find the armor at Cheydinhal... However, the Kaine outfit and Black Lolita are in Divine Elegance. I know it can't be the Kaine outfit, because it was already closed before I installed that mod. I've tried to disable the lolita clothing, but that doesn't work either >_> I'm downloading the unofficial patch now thought, I'll keep you posted! :thumbsup:
  23. Heya! ^_^ If you need a female voice actress, then I'm available! :D
  24. Heya! ^_^ Here are some other WoW mods for you: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=28944 http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=28937 http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20692 http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=18602 http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=29253 And here's a race for you! ^_^ http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8630 I'll try looking for the bow a bit more. By the way, you may also like some Final Fantasy weapons, just take a look at them: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12806 http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12805 http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=30659 This may also interest you a bit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0ACFQOvUwo&feature=related Hope this helps you at least a little bit! ^_^ I'm sorry that I didn't find the bow, but I'll try looking more. ^^"
  25. Well, there is a sexy walking mod.... Well, not quite what you're looking for though... I tried looking for running animations on youtube, but I only found a very weird one and ninja-animations >_<
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