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About Chemist18

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  1. It THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU This was happening to me al It's been so long since this happened, I haven't a clue what fixed it :).
  2. I feel your pain :). I swear I tried the INS toggle before and it didn't do anything :). It certainly works now though. Still see some glitches but I'll hide them with buildings since they are only evident from specific directions and specific spots.
  3. Thanks for the response :). You are right. Once I get the weapons I like, I don't switch. Though, I do tend to carry four. May or may no be overkill as the guard in Diamond City says :). As much as I've played I recently learned a lesson. I've never been particularly fond of the energy weapons. I decided to experiment with the Plasma Thrower. At close range it is catastrophic to ghouls :). I used to use mods that added the Desert Eagle, M14, and M82 but they were too good and made the game too easy.
  4. that glitch is caused by broken precombines most likely. as Such i strongly Recommend Place Everywhere for all your settlement building needs. Place Everywhere is the safest mod to use, use its Extra Object and it will allow you to scrap almost everything without breaking precombines. Place Everywhere: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9424 Scrapping mods are risky. and Scrapall command is very risky. strongly suggest against using them. Place everywhere is all you need anyway, as it can do what they can do plus so much more. with place everywhere you will need to get used to its hotkeys however. but once you get used to them, you will never play again without it. it is Essential for any type of settlement building/ Homemaking. Broken Pre-Combines results in 3 things 1. Graphical Glitches, such as objects fading in and out of existiance. 2. Scrapped objects Re-Appearing 3. Massive hit to Framerate. 4. Severe Broken Pre-combines can result in CTDs. I have the place everywhere mod, I couldn't build a settlement without it. I'm not sure what you mean about the "extra object". The command list shows "INS - toggle extra objects selection." but I've not been able to make it do anything... Thanks
  5. Thanks for the info folks :). I've created a few mods for Fallout 3 and Skyrim but it's been a while.
  6. Hello All, I'm posting this question here because I figure that people that can troubleshoot mods might have an understanding of the issue I'm writing about. Okay. Often when you scrap something large, a house in Sanctuary or a tall shrub for example, you'll get graphics glitches afterwards when near where the item was. I've always assumed that this was because those objects had occlusion plans (correct term?) associated with them so graphics aren't rendered when looking through something that should be opaque. If you go to Sanctuary and you have the Scrap Everything or similar mod installed, then you open the console and type "scrapall" you are presented with a nice open clean slate. The problem is the graphics glitches, flashing between infinity and actual, etc. Is there a way to scrap without these glitches? If not and I can live with the glitches, will they cause the game to be more unstable? I once accidently scrapped a hole into infinity in Vault 88. I covered it up with some warehouse wall pieces. Thanks :)
  7. Hello All, This is intended more as humor than anything else. I find myself presented with a Quandary. How to balance getting Useful Legendary items with the quantity of Legendary items. Playing at "Hard" or "Very Hard" with a mod that increases the frequency of Legendary foes by a factor of 10. I found myself acquiring troves of useless Legendary items, for example: Poisoner's Boxing Glove Quickdraw Boxing Glove Quickdraw Boxing Glove (yes two) Relentless Boxing Glove Duelist's Walking Cane Irradiated Combat Knife Relentless Combat Knife Penetrating Knuckles Lucky Knuckles Instigating Knuckles Staggering Lead Pipe Lucky Machete Kneecapper Machete Instigating Pool Cue Powerful Pool Cue Junkie's Rolling Pin Bloodied Rolling Pin Troubleshooter's Switchblade (robot's run scared when they see this) VATS Enhanced Tire Iron Well you get the idea.... Oh, and I got a Wounding Lever Action Rifle sometime below level 10. I'm currently level 60 and I've yet to see any ammunition for it because I haven't been to Far Harbor. So I figured I'd turn on the Legendary Modification Mod and get Effect Chips. After all, it's balanced because to make one Legendary item you have to scrap between 4 and 16 right? Well, now I find myself completely outfitted with Legendary items Including a Two-Shot Gauss Rifle (I looted the Exploding Combat Shotgun). I've outfitted all my guards at Croup Manor with full suits of Legendary Armor and weapons. I have 149 effects chips in my workbench. I usually fortify Croup Manor because once the BOS is in the Commonwealth they like to fly their Vertibirds by there and I like to shoot them down. I'm of the opinion that the BOS is just a better equipped raider gang. Oh, I also have True Storms with the Ghoul Hordes form the Glowing Sea turned on. This is actually where I get some of the most fun battles. If I turn down the frequency of Legendary foes fighting becomes easier. I can't or won't switch to survival mode for the simple reason that FO4 is no where near stable enough. Thoughts? Comments? I mean, some fights are still a challenge. Any time you can surprise attack something with a Suppressed Two-Shot Gauss Rifle and the response is "Ow, my eye!", you could probably consider that challenging :).
  8. Thanks for the responses folks :). I've just downloaded the Settlement Activity Markers. I think I'm probably a rather demanding General of the Minutemen. I insist my settlers clear all rubish and foliage out to the settlement borders to provide clear fields of view and fire as well as to discourage pests like mole rats from getting too close. There are several quarries in the wasteland so I also insist that much of the settlement central area be paved. I feel that to move forward from the current barbaric state, settlers much have pride and confidence in their settlements and the Minuteman model. Part of that model is that people contribute in the best manner they are able. One way a non-combatant can contribute is to behave in a manner that allows the Guards/Soldiers to do their job. PS. I've recently learned a hard (though at times funny) lesson. I like to use the combat shotgun as my default weapon as it works well when I blunder into an enemy. I recently looted an "Explosive Combat Shotgun". With increased Rifleman and Explosives perks, this weapon is VERY effective. That includes on settlers :).
  9. I really like #1. You are the General, why should you have to save everyone all by yourself?
  10. Hello All, I'm returning to Fallout 4 after an absence. To me, humans that are still alive 200 years after the bombs should be pretty savvy. The settlers wouldn't just attack any enemy, I mean, a Deathclaw come calling and all the Settlers go after it? What I'd like to see is a mod that allows: Appointed settlement defenders to level at some rate, related to how many attacks, number days working as a guard, or a percentage of my experience.All the remaining settlers would assemble in a "Safe zone" specified by me.Guards would work with the turrets and any defending robots rather than just willy nilly running around.Is there something like this and I've missed it? I'd try this myself as I've uploaded several mods. However, the one mod I am the proudest of https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/7427 still has an issue for some people where my guards attack the residents they are supposed to protect. So if I can't get them to follow the proper factions, I'm sure I'm not going to be able to tweak an AI package.
  11. I have the same problem except I was only gone for about six hours. I've managed to get into the game but as soon as I try to change zones the game CTDs.
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