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Yes, if someone feels they should put WIP in their mod, I'm not in a position to stop them. However, it does more good than harm to offer constructive criticism, which was my intention, not to let out my 'pet peeves'. I already received a strike for doing that a couple of weeks ago. Unfinished material usually remains that way. Modders are often so eager to release something they don't cross the finishing line and cut corners, so they aren't doing themselves any favours. Working in web for years has taught me that sites with 'under construction' or 'coming soon...' either usually don't get finished or turn potential customers away in droves. The golden rule, for your own reputation and integrity is 'If it's not finished, don't release it'. Similarly, labelling something as 'WIP' when it is finished, and the modder is looking for feedback and the generosity of testers would be misleading. 'Beta', for example, would be a better label, for starters, there is more then one way of indicating this. While the unfinished mods may well be improved or actually finished at a later date, the unfortunate truth for the modder is that they are using a web page to release the mod: 'WIP' is therefore the equivalent of saying 'under construction'. A good example of a mod that (as far as I recall) was never labelled WIP was the Apachii Goddess Store. The author released it as a fully operating standalone mod, that worked. She simply added more content to it in later versions. Appropriately enough, she didn't jeopardise its popularity by labelling it WIP. http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=13437 This is really just my 10p suggestion that we would all be helping each other out if we refrained from releasing unfinished material and labelled mods appropriately (so we don't mislead).
Well there you go, your mod isn't WIP. A standalone mod is not a work in progress. The fact that additional, complementary material does not constitute the initial work being a work in progress. This is like saying TESIV was a work in progress because they released downloadable content afterwards. I would never have downloaded your mod if I saw WIP on it. I'm sure a lot of people wouldn't have either, so you aren't doing yourself any favours by labelling it thus.
I appeal to you, modders, in great humility and great respect, please refrain from using 'WIP' with your submitted mods. I've been working on two mods. Neither of those will see the light of day until they are finished. I can understand that modders will make mistakes, thus providing second, improved, rectified versions of the original releases, but 'works in progress' is another way of saying 'unfinished' or 'incomplete'. Can you imagine buying something from a shop, a wardrobe, for example, and you find the hinges missing. On the box it says 'Pine Wardrobe - WIP'? It seems in vogue to stick 'WIP' before mods now - this is very much a Skyrim fad - it was never this bad with Oblivion or Morrowind.
Hi, I'm having terrible problems with interactive objects disappearing in the game world. Static textures and meshes are fine, as well as bodies (corpses), but things like potions, books, scrolls, etc, objects that can be picked up, vanish from view sporadically. Sometimes they re-appear momentarily when viewed from another angle, but disappear within a fraction of a second. They are still there in the game world (as in you can hover the crosshairs over them and see an interactive 'E'), but you can't see them. The main problem I've had is that those ****ing Draugar Deathlords are very fond of the disarm shout, and as soon as my weapons (my grand soul gem enchanted, rare, superior weapons) get pulled from my grasp, they disappear when they hit the floor and I can't find them again. Any help would be appreciated. Ta
I've been fiddling about, trying to mod Skyrim to my own taste, just as I did with Oblivion. However, this time around, I am no longer able to make the changes I want. The first thing that struck me about Skyrim was that the women, in particular, looked 'better'. Y'know, better looking and so on. Then I looked a bit more and wondered why all of the women seemed to look EXACTLY THE SAME. I thought that the Creation Kit would solve that problem. What seems to be the problem is that the faces have one mesh. You can adjust it with sliders, but you are really just making slight changes to the same face mesh, so it looks much the same. Then the nose, lips and eyes are separate meshes that you are limited to altering, and again, they all look near identical. I swear, just about every female in Skyrim; Nord, Imperial, Breton, whatever, looks related. They could be sisters, the lot of them. The same nose, the same high cheekbones, the same eyes. In Oblivion, there was a problem with 'puffy monkey face, or 'potato face', but Facegen editing and imports solved that problem. For example, I could take different, diverse faces from mugshot photographs, then import them into the game. I don't see any evidence of that now. Looks like retexturing is the best we have. I'm finding this whole Skyrim world of clones pretty depressing. Please, anyone, if I'm missing anything, let me know. This is what I gather: Facial meshes can't be edited easily You can't import facegen data into the Creation Kit A female friend of mine told me that she has a 'home electrolysis kit'. I volunteered immediately, then she told me it's only temporary. I may as well have my back hair waxed. While I'm at it, I may as well have my ass done too. What's the point?
I don't think you have been fair on the others. Are you seriously giving PsykozQT a strike for getting a fact wrong about Western Civilisation? Plus he had the decency to apologise before you came in with your moderator's reprimand. I tell you what, how about you ban me outright and waive their strikes? Sure, we know the rules, but I think you should give PsykozQT the benefit of the doubt, and in keeping with a sense of amnesty: give bziur the benefit of the doubt too. Go ahead, ban me, just let the little ones go...
I know what you are driving at. While you can create new items via duplication, and alter various aspects of new items, there's no way (as far as I can see) of creating a permanent setting for size. I think the only way around this is to create a new 3D model, so that would mean creating a new NIF object. Best thing to do in this case is familiarise yourself with NIFSkope and/or a 3D modelling programme (lots of tutorials available) and create a new object through one of the most simple procedures: resizing. The only other way around this would be within your means - create a new item, alter the size with 'S' key, then control+D that same item as the permanent standard.
Because BOTH of you are out of line, here-- we're supposed to be talking about Skyrim mods, not who's better at what. Some of us thought it would be cool and fun to have a mod that made Skyrim look like Final Fantasy. If there are people who disagree, THEY ARE ALLOWED TO. They are ALSO at liberty to NOT USE those mods if they DON'T WANT TO. If the Disagreers think there's too many anime mods, I'm Sorry; there's nothing we can do about that. It's not going to stop us from making them, so your choice is to either make more mods they way YOU want them and try to outnumber the anime mods, or build your own Nexus and exclude what you don't want. And for you Agreers, insulting the Disagreers and calling them names does NOT help our case. Veil it in whatever you like, you're just being just as troll-ish as you think they're being. Now, everybody, let's DROP this and get back to "Hey wouldn't it be cool if..." before the mods shut this thread down and eject every last one of us. I agree. I'll shut up.
@ PsychozQT Your words: You can try masking it with whatever flashy terms you like, but in the end, all this comes down to is racism. If I didn't know better I'd say it was taken straight out of Mein Kampf. I'm not confusing anything, there is nothing set in stone of which is the "west", but to me it will always be America and alike, take a good look at the world map. I'll have you know I'm scandinavian myself, and we are no part of your culture if that's what you're implying, I'd even go as far as to say we're more alike the japanese (at least they take their damned shoes off lmao). I respect that you freely admit the vital mistake you made by refering to scandinavia as a country though (something that doesn't look very good for someone arguing a case regarding it) rather than just editing it out, although it could have just been in fear of me already having quoted it. Which I had not, as you can see I've not been here mashing my F5 all day. I'm not accusing you of anything, I'm merely stating facts. You contradict yourself when you say you're not whining then spout these atrocities about the japanese like some neo nazi, only the jews are not the target this time, "it's a japanese conspiracy since WW2 to pollute your western culture to make you into mindless slaves under the whip of Hatsune Miku", rofl. Well, maybe not whining, just pure hatred would be a more precise term. I still think karate kid used to take your lunch money. And I still think you should just not download the mods and get over the fact that they are there and not everyone shares your opinion. While I think most people would agree that the premise of this thread is whether we do or don't like anime/manga in Skyrim, all I did was argue my reason why I didn't like anime/manga. You, on the other hand, have resorted to personal insults and fabrications. You'll notice that I did not insult you personally, resort to pejorative terms about you personally, nor did I accuse you of anything by assumption and fabrication. As you've managed to do that, I am now in a position to both defend myself, and attempt to draw you back into the debate (that you have failed to adhere to). Note your words above - I've highlighted the moot points: 'Flashy' - I think I've managed to put forward a good account of my opinion using standard English devoid of buzz words or epithets. If there's any part of my use of English you don't understand, I'm willing to clarify. I don't make any apologies for articulation and eloquence, so 'flashy' is, once more, derogatory. Again, you accuse me of racism. I've made a case for why Japanese culture is uniform and comformist, while also indicating the banality and lack of originality in Japanese popular culture. By your logic, any criticism of people of one nation would infer 'racism'. This is quite ridiculous. I never even commented on the Japanese as being 'a race' - you started that accusation yourself. My criticism was purely cultural. Criticism of culture does not imply shared characteristics of a racial grouping in genetic terms. You'd do well to avoid accusing others of racism (such as myself) when they never even raise the topic. Of course, I could have stated the same thing about 'The English' or 'The Germans' or 'The Dutch', but I doubt for one minute that you would have accused me of racism on that point, although you will have to pick me up on that assumption (yes, I have made one about you). Perhaps this is because you assume I am white, and I am therefore inclined to white supremacy. Did you not imagine for one second that I could be Japanese? Either way, you have no proof, nor any proof based on my words, you have resorted to imagining what may be true, then asserting that this is so: assumption and false accusation. If you've read Mein Kampf, and I would assume you have, otherwise your argument doesn't stand much ground, then you'll notice that the premise of that book was a race struggle set in the Wiemar Republic. As the consquence of Hitler's ideology, millions of people died, people of various races and cultures. In turn, the association of National Socialism is both a stain on one's character and a quite serious one. You have associated me with extremism, racial supremacy, idealism, politics I don't believe in, and a pariah figure my family fought against, and died fighting against. Did you not imagine, for one moment, that either I or people in my family could be Jewish? Furthermore, confusing what is a relatively meaningless subject such as anime in Skyrim does not need to be associated with war and genocide. I do not appreciate being associated with this. You claim that you, being Scandinavian, are no part of 'my culture'. You don't know what 'my culture' is. Again, this is all a product of your imagination. You then quoted thi statement (in quotes, as if I stated it): "it's a japanese conspiracy since WW2 to pollute your western culture to make you into mindless slaves under the whip of Hatsune Miku". Please note, I did not say that, nor imply that. Once more, that is the product of YOUR imagination, and it has nothing to do with my own views. So while you finish on another assumption that is the product of your own imagination - that 'Karate Kid' (your words, not mine - and isn't this 'racist'?) stole my lunch money - the concluson I have come to after reading your slurs and fabrications - is that my opinion of anime/manga has affronted you so badly that what you held dear to your own heart has been profaned. I don't expect a personal apology from you; it would take some courage on your part to do so, but please keep in mind that all I did was voice my opinion over why it is regrettable that western genre fantasy games have been swamped with uniform, banal Japanese pop idioms, I did not attempt to insult you personally, which is what you did to me. If your opinion is contrary to mine, why don't you make a case for the merits of Japanese pop culture rather than resorting to fabrication, defamation and insults?
Sorry folks, I read that - incorrect. Scandinavia is NOT a country - it is a region comprising of three countries, possibly five if you include Iceland and Finland. I know I'll get my legs slapped for that one.
You sound envious, racist, but most of all you sound broken. What happened, some japanese kid used to beat you up at the playground? Stop obsessing about western this and western that, to me Skyrim seem very european, scandinavian in particular, so take off your hat and have a seat, cowboy. Beauty will always be in the eyes of the beholder, as long as there is a demand these mods will keep coming, so stop whining and simply don't download them as so many people already suggested. I'm not envious of it - I simply don't like it, 'racist' is a pretty meaningless epithet used to deflect criticism when the race card can be played (my criticism of the Japanese pop culture was explained for what it was rather than having anything to do with race). I am broken, yes, my mind has been shattered by the endless array of banality. No Japanese kid ever beat me - although they probably would have done if I ever argued with one because THEY ALL DO KARATE - see that was me being racist. You've made a case against western culture by referencing scandinavia 'in particular'. Scandinavia is part of the west - it is a European, western European country with a pagan/nordic heritage that the Tolkein-inspired fantasy genre is based upon. Your reference to 'cowboy' is confusing westernism with 'wild westernism' AKA Americana. I'm glad people can download and enjoy any mod they wish, even manga/anime ones. 'Whining' is conducive with communicative enfeeblement and repitition - it's a typical response on forums to overbearing people like me who criticise: i.e. if you don't agree with what someone says, you accuse them of 'whining'. In your case, you haven't done your argument much good in that respect. Of what you did argue for by way of coherent expression, I actually agree with you.
Wow, that happened faster than I expected. I think we need MORE anime mods simply because of this. That being said. I don't download anime mods, but greatly admire and appreciate the time and effort that gets put into good mod, AND I love seeing people on the internet loosing their cookies because someone likes what they don't like. "WHAT YOU MEAN YOU ARE MIXING GRAPE JELLY AND KETCHUP ON YOUR FISH??!?!?!?!! STOP IT I HAVE TO WATCH YOU EAT THAT!!!!" Yes, I'm with anyone who says NO to anime, manga, and any Japanification of what are western-style fantasy genre games. Of course, I wouldn't want to stop anyone doing what they want to do, but I feel I've had enough of banal Japanese rubbish. There are just too many mods I've downloaded that go under the pretence of being 'lore friendly', then I discover some outfitter selling some stupid little cutesie sailor outfits or 'minisuka police' posters stuck in a tavern. I'm sick to death of seeing the same, doughie-eyed, purple-haired cartoon characters. I'm sick-to-death of typing in a Google search term, only to find that manifested in the image results with stupid little female anime characters, and so on, and so on, the same anime, bland faces everywhere. Final Fantasy is 100% concurrent with anime - it's Japanese mediocre banality supreme. I used to wonder why people had World of Warcraft characters called things like 'X Terminal', so I said to them "Why don't you go an play some sci-fi MMO, or The Matrix Online?". Of course, I never got an answer, not one that made sense, and that's a similar case with people who are strangely obsessed by this cartoon rubbish for five-year-olds. Hannah-Barbera and Warner Brothers, Disney Pixar, Dr. Suess: they did stuff about as sophisticated as anime. Imagine if Disney fanatics starting churning out 10,000,000 armour mods so you could get your Nord to dress up as Pinocchio! Just imagine - that would be ridiculous, but it's just what's happened with this Japanese crud. Fans of manga/anime seem to forget one important fact - since WWII, the Japanese have struggled desperately to ape the West - in manufacturing, commerce and popular culture - from Godzilla vs the Smog Monster, through Hello Kitty and those boring giant robots, through those crud, badly animated cartoons like Pole Position and Battle of The Planets, they settled on Manga and Anime - all things that have aped Western style and pop culture - now western kids are lapping up Japanese stuff. It's a bit like a dog eating it's own vommit - actually no, it's worse: it's like a dog who has consumed faeces and vommited them up, then another dog eats that. The Japanese, good people as they are, have proven that they are just about the most uncreative, unartistic and unimaginative group of people on the planet. They do not aspire to originality or progression, they aspire to conformity and uniformity. If one Japanese person gets the ball rolling, they all comply, politely, and duplicate it: over and over and over and over. Relatively speaking, there is barely any difference, stylistically, between on manga/anime artist and the next. The basic rules are thus: Make all male characters look like 12-year-old girls and identical. Make all female characters look like 3-year-old girls and identical. Limit the facial expressions of male characters to slightly annoyed, slightly amused and slightly angry. Limit the facial expressions of female characters to 'pathetically lost', 'nauseatingly happy' and 'terrified-of-being-raped-by-monster-tentacle'. Make sure your manga/amime artwork looks EXACTLY the same as all the rest - nod, smile, nod, nod again, and don't do anything different. My advice to Japanese fans - open your eyes, sorry to sound patronising, but there's a lot more out there. More importantly - stop polluting the atmosphere of western genres with mediocre, banal, vulgar Japanese crud. Rant over.
I'm working on a mod that will, literally, take months to complete. I'm not going to say what it is exactly, for fear that someone else will steal my idea. I will say this: It will NEVER, EVER be allowed on Bethesda/Steam's goody-two-shoes censorious site. This gives you a clue as to the nature of the mod. Of just about any mod going, this will almost guarantee that people (if interested in the mod) will stop playing Skyrim. Of course, they will load up Skyrim, but just to play my mod - and it doesn't involve play. Going back to point 1: it may not even be allowed on Skyim Nexus. If it were to be censored, it would take an AWFUL LOT OF TIME and ATTENTION TO DETAIL, for any moderator to consider my mod too dodgy to allow. I'm being careful to stay within the law when designing the mod, as I am in fact publishing something to a public audience, and I don't want to end up in jail. I really am playing this thing close to the knuckle, VERY close to the knuckle. 99.9% of people will LOVE my mod, and will find it very difficult to ignore it, they'll keep on playing my mod just to see what they can find next. 99.9% of people will BE DISGUSTED by my mod, and will find it very difficult to ignore it, they'll keep on playing my mod just to see what they can find next. If you are right-handed, you'll probably play my mod more using the mouse with your left hand. It doesn't involve avatars. It doesn't involve animation. It doesn't involve sound. It's highly unoriginal. It's 100% lore friendly.