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About Macromicro

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  1. some mice have a bad response time. i have th same problem, and i'lll just get a new mouse soon, you may want to get a higher quality mouse.
  2. Pretty much what the title says. Heres some description in case your confused: Eastern: As in the fallout 1-2 brotherhood Midwestern: the fallout tactics brotherhood (my favourite) DC: the borhterhood roving around in the DC ruins. which one is your favourite and why?
  3. probalby fallout 3, oblivion, prototype, halo 3, HALO FREAKING 2, and diablo 1. i cried at fallout 3 at the pic of me and my dad, as my real dad died of a stroke.. RIP oblivion.. i dunno why prototype, cause alex is consanstly haunted by his memories. halo 3, i dont like the cief being stranded AT ALL halo 2.. frustration diablo 1.. your char is pretty much screwed into becoming diablo in d2 also d2, when i realized that i'd ave to beat it two more times lol. on diablo 2,a fter i beat baal on hell, i lauhged untill i peed and cired.
  4. you know... i think companies like bethesda these days are just... let me explain.. lets say the uhh.. fallout series theme is a ketchup bottle. and the game, fallout 3, is a plate of fries. they just but a little drop, or if you prefer, a milli- second squirt, aka, just a tad bit of fallout on the fries. Now you have nothing to dip the game in, as in classic gameplay and content. ok. the fallout 3 fries are almost ready? whats missing? salt. oblivion is the salt. THEY POURED A BUTTLOAD OF SALT!! FOR GOODNESS SAKES THEY WERE TOO LAZY TO MAKE A NEW ENGINE!!! and whats that? they cut away some of the fries too, to feed as snacks later, to keep you eating the fries. and i guess our modding community is the buffet. pick your own stuff lol. without the buffet, you would just leave the resteraunt, and goto another one. you see, the repetitive nature of video games these days are like what i just explained. i guess thats all i have to say. oh yea, i think the golden age of gaming is 1995- 2004 i dunno why.
  5. Yes, i think it can be done, if you were to drop a mine with a certain script and then assign a FOSE key to detonate it. probably simple as that, the script wwouls sound liKe: playerplaceexplosive playerpressbutton detonate i'm not sure if thats accurate for scripts, but i bet it sould sound like that!
  6. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2386/214099..._539e928f68.jpg & http://www.starcraft-2.cz/galerie/kanon/kanon_361.jpg please, please, someone for the love of god MAKE THIS WEAPON!!! theres already good armor for fo3 but this hasnt been created. why hasnt it been created? and to who makes it, if they do.. *sigh* probably wont... Couls you make it in brownish- black? it would be nuttier than a fruitcake at a squirrel party if it was blue. dats all.
  7. just look here, ok? i'm reporting your post, plus... tell tony that i forgive him for being a jerk.... i hate you internet haters.. lol PARADOX!!! anyway, just piss the **** off. i have the right to request as much as you guys do.
  8. I would like to repost/repost my armor idea! heres some pics. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Midwestern_B...ood_Power_Armor http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Midwestern_B...ced_Power_Armor o.k. not pics, but some pages with a crapload of pics! Heres my idea on how to get it ingame! You find it in the brotherhood's lab. simple as that. maybe a scribe has it as a souvinir from the trip over here! and you could possibly buy it from him, or steal it, or go through a quest OR maybe if i am lucky, the maker of Commonwealth of Modders is reading this and can add it to his mod! but yet again, this all depends on someone making it.... so please give it a thought.
  9. I would like to repost me armor idea! heres some pics. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Midwestern_B...ood_Power_Armor http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Midwestern_B...ced_Power_Armor o.k. not pics, but some pages with a crapload of pics! Heres my idea on how to get it ingame! You find it in the brotherhood's lab. simple as that. maybe a scribe has it as a souvinir from the trip over here! OR maybe if i am lucky, the maker of Commonwealth of Modders is reading this and can add it to his mod! but yet again, this all depends on someone making it.... BE NICE!!!!!!
  10. you know, i hate it when no one responds to my posts... sorry.. but look for modders resournces, but seeing as you already fou d it, be!
  11. maybe a junk ghillie suit for the urban areas.
  12. that would be cool. i hope someone makes it, i searched. cannot find.
  13. i just thought i'd talk about punga fruit this time around, and i'm just kind of curious on what you guys think about it. i mainly want to talk about what it can be made into, etc. SOME POSSIBLE USES: it could be made into radaway, because of the rad draining effect. it could be made into juice. yum! Makes moonshine. you could use it as food, obviously! but my main reason is it being able to be made into rad away! i think it is! because think, wouldnt all the radaway be used up by now? i think the punga would be the perfect candidate to be made inot radaway, and the reason radaway is still around by now, thaey juice it, them make the jusice, like by compresing it, into radaway! it would proably tasty, too.
  14. radaway looks technichly possible, and i bet it is, particles that go thrpugh ypur system and then carrry the radiation out, i mean it looks tottally possibvle, alot of people dont know how radaway works and think its just some kind of potion.. wow...
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