Funny topic title, I know. I trying to create a blueprint (I should mention, I am VERY NEW to making Fallout 4 mods and sh*t) and I have added some static decor, but I was wanting to add a bit of junk for the player to pickup as well (not too much, but a little bit of loot). My question is, how to I put junk into a container and have it REMAIN in that container when someone uploads the blueprint? I've been testing this out and cannot figure it out. I'm trying to add a bit of ammo in ammo containers, a couple pieces of clothing, some junk (ie: desk fans, baseball, antifreeze) and I thought about adding a couple different types of shipments to a container. When I load the blueprint, my static items I made for decoration - NOT to be picked up (as well as the static loot items I made - CAN be picked up) are scanned successfully by the blueprint and are there, but the items I put in containers are not. The containers are empty :-/ Hoping someone can help me with this. Thanks again in advance and God Bless!