i think if you find your own id you can disable yourself after taking control of an npc with .tc and attach camera, however how things play out after that can be buggy as heck you might need to activate other npcs yourself as they might not react to your new form, world altering cheats can help like cheatroom or cheatterminalportible they will make everyone attack everyone so it should include you at that point just make sure to write down your own id to reactivate yourself after, you can also use the gun from cheatroom hollo to make anything hostile, trowing em over a wall a few times to set up a good fight is a nice one, if the camera attach wont work i guess you find a high spot and go rome total war on em, if u use the the mod from fusion city you can get a good army going for that one, or maybe make em attack a settlement. if you need your new body to attack youll need to use cheatengine to use 1 or 0 when he attacks, use a slow weapon to get a result faster, maybe slow down the game also. im sure someone can isolate that is attacking or not script with a trainer but im just not that good :) , i can use it but it takes time and only works for that one time game use. anyhow... youl bee able to set it to 0 and make a hotkey for 1 that should take care of the attack and jump thingies (jump you use push actor so he flies) well thats my rant, i guess its all possible but it will take some serious time and some big brains from our modders