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About MartG66

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  1. If possible could someone create a mod to store quest items in my chest? I realise they don't weigh anything but they do clutter up the inventory and it's always bugged me when games force you to hold on to things you no longer need.
  2. We really, really, really do. I find the locked bindings so awkward they are making me not want to play.
  3. Yes! I hope someone can figure this out. I checked the ini files but there was nothing on keybinds.
  4. Hi, I really hope no-one gets offended by this but I'd love a mod that made the children silent. The strong American accents are completely immersion breaking for me and I'd prefer them not to speak at all (it would be even better if someone could replace the voices with ones that fit with the game more). I want to stress that I have nothing at all against American's and regularly chat to American friends online. :)
  5. Name: Shel Class: Warrior Armour: Tera Elenium armour Favourite weapon: Daedric War Axe Born and raised in the Orc stronghold Dushnikh Yal, she was raised to be a smith but pined for adventure and so ran away to seek her fortune, she met Vilja in Whiterun and they have become good friends, travelling the roads of Skyrim and laying waste to it's wildlife, bandit and undead population. As members of the Dawnguard, they feel they must protect the simple folk of skyrim from it's undead scourge, with Shel providing the muscle and Vilja providing backup as archer and alchemist should any vampire manage to infect either of them. She specialises in the daedric war axe but is also above average with a bow. The fearless duo are planning on a trip to Solstheim once this current vampire menace is dealt with (and once the Vilja companion mod gets updated with some Dragonborn content :wink:) http://i48.tinypic.com/wwgs4h.pnghttp://i49.tinypic.com/a496if.png
  6. hmm, strange, I only use RCRN so can't be much help with CoT. When you installed RCRN did you use the autoinstaller or install manually? After installing RCRN you should get a configure tool to select which lighting profile you want to use, autoinstall should start it automatically, with the manual install copy all files from your chosen preset folder to your main Skyrim Folder. I seem to remember that RCRN needs the line bFloatPointRenderTarget=1 in the [DISPLAY] section of the skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini (probably doesn't need to be in both but that's how mine is set for some reason) RCRN puts a HTML document in the skyrim folder called RCRN Installation Guide, check that for more details might be obvious but it's always worth double checking that RCRNshaders.esp and RCRNVolumetric.esp is enabled in the launcher too. I had a look at Climates of Tamriel and it should just be a case of opening the Climate of Tamriel rar file with nexus mod manager and turning on the.esp If you use a lot of mods use BOSS to order them BOSS If none of that helps contact the mod authors of the mod you decide to use and they should be able to help. hope that helps, good luck
  7. unfortunately no, there isn't any way to remove the references to script or missing objects in save files. yes, It is safe to use TES5Edit to remove identical to master errors in dawnguard, hearthfire and update.esm. it's highly recommended to undelete and disable references too. there's a step by step guide here:
  8. It's very unlikely your old saves will be playable, any mods you had that ran scripts will leave stuff in your savegames. There will be references to missing objects, chances are the save will be a lot more unstable with those mods removed. You can get away with starting a save then adding mods but removing them tends to cause problems, especially if they ran scripts and didn't have a built in unistall / stop scripts feature.
  9. I have this issue too, after Serana's dialogue is finished and I select the "come with me" option to lead her back home, she just walks back to the entrance and won't follow. I checked the mod list that Kam0laZ posted and disabled the only mods that we have in common and started the Dawnguard quests again, even tried starting a new game and levelling up enough for the Dawnguard quests but the same thing happened. tried reinstalling Dawnguard and checking TES5Edit for possible conflicts with Serana or the Awakening or Bloodlines quests but to no avail. If anyone manages to figure out what's causing this or has any thoughts at all on what to try for a fix please help as it's driving me crazy
  10. This might be a stupid question but do you have the line "bEnableFileSelection=1" (without quotes) in the [LAUNCHER] section of the skyrimprefs.ini?
  11. wow, I thought I was running a lot of mods :blink: sorting your load order can be tricky, I believe there are articles that explain that better than I can here. I just thought I'd post to say that CTD are often caused by UDR's left over in mods have you cleaned your mods? This is the cleaning tool TES5Edit this video gives step by step instructions on cleaning EDIT - oops sorry Ripple, gotta learn to read the whole thread before posting :blush:
  12. You have a pirated copy of Skyrim? I think I hear a ban hammer falling :whistling:
  13. Lol, I actually got all excited and downloaded that mod before noticing it was for Skyrim :blush: oh well, I'd love to see this mod for Far Cry 3 too
  14. I came into this thread to suggest that, beat me to it :thumbsup: I have a problem with Dawnguard too, at the end of the 'New Order' quest when I go back to fort Dawnguard, Serana isn't there. If I wait around she turns up eventually and I can advance onto the 'Prophet quest' but when searching for the Moth Priest south of Dragonbridge there is nothing there. I get the Investigate the scene of the attack trigger but there's no cart and no bodies, so I can't advance beyond that. I tried the unnofficial Dawnguard patch but that didn't help, tried disabling all mods prior to beginning the Dawnguard quests and that didn't help either. has anyone run into this problem or knows of a workaround?
  15. I'm having CTD issues too, but I have a lot of mods installed trying to track the problem down at the moment. Why you are having CTD issues with no mods and a new save I don't know, all I can suggest is to edit your Skyrim.ini to enable logging and check your logs after a crash. I hope that helps
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