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Everything posted by djxavier13

  1. (11:52 PM 7/30/2016) - I've heavily edited this down and left just 2 screenshots. I'm still hoping someone might be able to clue me in on what I'm doing wrong here. ----------------------I have to edit the position, rotation, scales of vanilla NIFs so they align properly when placed together as one object. While the main, visible mesh moves where I need them in NifSkope, the collision mesh is not budging.How can I get the vanilla NIF's collision mesh to move with the rest of the mesh?---------------------- I'm not using any custom textures or meshes, just 3 vanilla ones:ConsoleCabARight01.nifConsoleCabDrawer01.nifRedR_ButtonBoxNoPost.nif I've been using NifSkope 2.0.0 Pre-Alpha 5. I'm making a multi-function settlement object that you interact with using 4 buttons and 2 containers attached to the main console that you build. The 6 attached objects all have different interactions and are attached in the script to place them at the main console when it's created or moved. I realized I'd need to make the changes in the NIFs themselves in NifSkope, so they all rotate on the same pivot point in the game. This is the part that's had me stumped for weeks. I finally ran across a post that mentioned being able to toggle the collision mesh in the Creation Kit with the F4 key, which is how I finally could see why the player has to point off into space around the console to interact with the containers and buttons. I haven't for the life of me been able to figure out how to make the red wire-frame align with the rest of the elements that I transformed in NifSkope. The last screenshot from the Creation Kit shows the 7 individual objects placed at point 0,0,0 in a test-cell, to see how they align together. I assume the red wire-frames are the collision meshes? Whatever they are, they are not moving with the rest of the wire-frames and are what the player needs to interact with in the game. The method that seems to not completely mess things up is editing the transform data on the root NiNode [0] of each NIF, right-clicking and clicking Apply. I noticed it then zeroes out the data in NiNode [0] and applies it the the BSTriShape instead. I'm not sure if that's the right way to do it.
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