I was beyond excited to hear about the remake of Mass Effect. Playing since 2009, I just love the first one even Pinnacle Station, Took me Hours just to beat that game and then I finally beat it again and again and again. Then 2 came out and finally 3. Hours playing this game and Days just playing Multiplayer mostly solo. That's not the point, The Legendary is the same game but with some new animation and dialogue. I am a firm believer that the Modding Community kept this Game going with ingenious mods, from game changing, Textures and workarounds. Bioware really disrespected these guy's by making sure that these mods could not be used. Without these mods the Legendary will die Out and we are going back to a trusted souce, The Modding Community. Bioware listen very carefully, You have the ability to have the longest running video game in history. Make a deal with these modders, Have them submit the mods to you and if they are accepted, Add them to the game. Every Video game company will follow suit