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Everything posted by envoy23

  1. Game.AddToInventory("Items.Preset_Masamune_Flashlight",1) hope this helps, gives you gun with torch attached
  2. If you are like me and ready to give up on the game because of lack of decent weapons and the long hard slog in getting them (like most game you get decent weapons near the end of the game) top weapons are no use when you have finished the game. then read on and enjoy the game from the start. thanks to the modders here most games have mods to over come this. but no mods for new dawn yet? so... what i did > slog through the start until you get to home base and get your companion, then sadly part with about $15 for 1000 ingame credits. once you have the credits ingame do a save my fc 4 is 856, fc 5 is 1803 and fc 5 new dawn is 5211 (names may differ on your pc) my save games are at program(x86) / ubisoft / ubisoft game launcher / savegames there you will find a folder with name like 9acb5037-3267-48f5-9484-4c6c091c467e (name code could be different for you, not important < thats where the save games are stored in there should be a folder that holds your save game you just did (5211 folder) copy this folder now go back to savegames directory and paste the folder in there for next time you replay, as the game does not use your 5211 folder in savegames directory now any time you want to restart your game , you have the 5211 folder in savegames directory now start game buy decent weapons and enjoy the game from the start so before next replay you must copy 5211 folder from savegames and paste in the long number folder overwriting all, now when you load game select continue not new game, you will start at home base with 1000 credit weapons are up to you but i use elite sa 50 sniper and elite mg 42 lmg, ( together they cost 1000), for unknown reason i can equip in the pistol slot the elite m79 grenade launcher without buying it last tip , you must upgrade explosion lab to allow making amour piercing ammo with this ammo using the sa 50 ,1 shot head shots are possible when clearing outposts, normal ammo will not kill helmet guards with 1 headshot well guys hope this help a few players enjoy game from the start note according to ubisoft when you start a totally new game your credit are there to use again hmmmm?
  3. envoy23

    witcher 4

    good idea thanks,
  4. envoy23

    witcher 4

    smiles, well this is a well known site, so if i was a game developer, i would be interested in what gamers are saying about their games. On the off chance they do, maybe your comments should be directed at the game ?
  5. envoy23

    witcher 4

    for me witcher 3 with mods almost matches skyrim, i class skyrim/fallout 4 as AAA game while witcher 3 is AA, to be a AAA game it must have 1> play as male or female 2> full time voiced companion male or female 3> great graphics and eye candy < witcher 3 has if you add these to witcher 3 it would be 1 of the best AAA game out there, so hopefully they read this and make witcher 4 a AAA game add what you think a AAA game should be, they need our help because there are only a few AAA games, sadly game makers are releasing A and AA games hoping we will lower our standards
  6. OMG, my rig almost ctd reading your mod list :) , run game without nmm, then run game with nmm with no mods, then run game switching 1 mod on, at a time. hopefully will give a clue where the problem is. basic rig checks > latest video card drivers, ram and use task manager to see resource useage hope this help
  7. i agree with all of the above, the only missing mod that would make the game complete for me is boob physics, i use about 20 mods that make the game almost as enjoyable as skyrim/fallout 4, i suggest that one reason for nmm being dead for this game is that you cant add some mods without using script merger, so nmm is not needed and also no creation kit for easy modding.
  8. not all codes/names work, am using latest steam version and there are some additem(' ') that dont work but also note some are case sensitive
  9. script merger does a good job, but i have had a few mods that caused problems, i deleted all merge file and added 1 mod at a time until i found the problem mod, also read tutorial on script merger, still guess work for me, witcher 3 is worth spending time getting mods you want to work, but witcher 2 is rubbish. PS > some mods need all dlc
  10. i reduced frame rate in game to 30 and yes there is a small jiggle, must be a modder out there who can add some real physics, there are some nice mods for this game so the modder are here, lets hope one of them also loves boob physics
  11. `great thanks, will try and report back
  12. i am no modder but as i understand it, if the mesh has the bones then its doable, am hoping someone will do it. i am playing as yennifer and her concrete boobs look so false without a little jiggle
  13. is boob physics possible for this game ? if yes where can i find ?
  14. thanks for the link, i spent days following the guide but all it did for me was change boob size from d to a, so if you manage to get it to work, please post a tutorial with sound or at least step by step guide, wish you luck
  15. the only ck that appears to work is skyrim 32bit, both ck 64bit, sse and fo4 are broken, so if you want weeks of frustration then try it, but again i would wait until ck 64bit is fixed and stable
  16. my guess is yes, fresh installs will save dramas latter, moving/copying folder/games will bite you on the arse sooner or later, i run all my games on 1tb hdd and leave my ssd for system stuff, check your power suppy size before adding another drive
  17. most software needs to be installed, copy will only work with programs install.exe not the program itself. so i would suggest do it the right way and fresh install all,
  18. custom companion jessy i am making, when i collide with her, she has a line to speak, which she does, but problem is when we collide she walks away about 4m then she faces me, but she has already finished her line while she was walking away, have tried newpropertyactor.SetHeadTracking() game.startdialoguecameraorcenterontarget(akspeaker)Utility.Wait(18.0), but it does not delay her speaking , collide animation involves her walking away about 4m then turning to face me , i cant find the collide animation to be able to change it, i want her to face me before speaking, hopefully someone here knows where to find or how to mod her walking away animation.
  19. hi nerdofprey, thanks for helping, her speed is 160, have tried a few, she only falls behind when i take short cut off the tracks or hills, will try your setting thanks again, will report back
  20. hi all, my follower cant keep up sometimes, was told > Thats actually pretty simple to do with a script attached to a follower ref, onunload(), on lost LOS and distance > x, then moveto(player) < quote 2012 post, but have no idea how to do i suck at papyrus, it either does not compile or does nothing in game made new follower actor>aaajessy, alias >jessyalias, quest>aaajessyquest1 can someone show me what i need in script pleaseeeeeeeeee
  21. ok the x64.dll fixed my ctd, but ck 64bit still will not save temp.wav into folders
  22. can someone please confirm ck 64 bit is broken so i can stop searching and trying to fix.
  23. can anybody confirm that ck 64bit works with dv and saves temp.wave to correct fodders after clicking on save , so we all know its ck or us causing the problems, i find it hard to believe that ck 64 bit was released with these problems and have been searching for 4 days, old ck works good.
  24. am having same issue, uninstalled ck then reinstalled, this time it said you are using old script and it installed the new scripts, but no change still ctd when i click dw file, this sucksssssss
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