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Posts posted by Arkyna

  1. The only difference between the Royal vampire armor and the vampire armor added in dawnguard is that cape, from what i understand, and unless I'm mistaken trying to remove the cloak from the vanilla models would delete the armor in general aswell(nifskope says they are all one part instead of multiples)

  2. I'd recommend adding back in Ugrids, Safety Load, and any other stability mod you used on your laptop, also modifying any enb ini helps aswell


    and add this to your skse ini if it's not there






    Purple means missing textures.


    If I understand you correctly, you will also have to copy and rename the textures and make sure that the renamed meshes point to them.


    The meshes are nif files and the textures are dds files.


    Inside the nif files, there is a pathway pointing to the correct textures, which in your case should be:



    If you copy meshes and textures from someone else's mod into your mod (and you'd better make sure you never upload it anywhere without permission), the meshes must still point to the correct textures.


    You can do this manually by using Nifskope to open each mesh and making sure the path is correct.


    This will work if you have copied the textures and meshes into all your own house mods and renamed them so that all the guards have the armours, but other guards (like Vanilla guards etc) will not have them unless you enable the original mod again, along with the original textures and meshes in that mod, with the original names.





    "Inside the nif files, there is a pathway pointing to the correct textures"



    Okay I have it loaded on Nifskope right now. I just can't find the pathway you mentioned. don;t know where to look. could you please be more specific?


    (and just so you know, stealing other authors' work, I would never do such a thing. so please don't worry.)


    Look under NiTriShapeData > BsLightingShaderProperty > BSShaderTextureSet

  4. (Thanks, and nice to meet you aswell)



    Accepting the tankard from the elderly woman, and a short reply of "Dragonborn,but I don't normally venture near here". Sliding her face mask down enough to drink the mead, but not enough to draw suspicion the mead slowly vanished.


    Placing a hefty bag of gold on the table and requesting a room to sleep in when she returns. Exiting the Inn to find some food, hopeful none of the locals are aware that there's a predator in their midst.

  5. (When Living Ark speaks will be in parenthesis)(Sounds Like fun)



    Name: Arkyna

    Race: Nord/Altmer Mix

    Sex: Female

    Estimated Age: 23

    Build: Sword and Board


    A rather tall, woman of what appears to be Nordic decent entered the Bar&Inn Tavern Dovakhiin. As one of the dragonblood, she'd often hear tales of this tavern when she bothered visiting Castle Volkihar. Pulling her face mask up, while taking note of the few people occupying the place. Took a seat as far away from the fireplace as she could find, without drawing suspicion. One of the workers, an elderly woman, came by and asked if she needed any food or drink. Waving her off with a request for a mug of black-briar mead. Waiting for her mead, she took the time to study the lone occupant, who was in the process of devouring what seemed to be a rather large plate of food.


    Heightened senses picked up that the cook was not a nord, but the scent of the food being cooked masked the smell.

  6. Username: Arkyna


    Character Name: Raiyza High-Winter


    Race: Nord/Dunmer mix


    Age: 50


    Appearance: About, a hair's width taller then a Dunmer, but built like a Nord(muscle mass wise), Scars mar the left side of his face, and the upper portion of his chest and back, with enough beard to keep the cold winter's breath off of his face.


    Personality: Untrusting(a quality he inherited from his Dunmer mother), Loyal(to those he knows), Somewhat of a wise cracker, Alcoholic, Deep hatred for all High Elves and anyone who allies with them(from having fought in the great war.)


    History: Born in Solstheim but went to Skyrim on a hunting trip with his Father,And upon his death at the hands of their pray honored his father's dying wish, which was for his son to make a living here in his ancestor's homeland.



    On his own, Raiyza built a small cabin half a day's ride from Riften, near Forehost. There he made a name for himself selling various meat and pelts from the beasts to the local hold Riften. Adept with the bow, and having heard word of a guild called The Companions, great warriors who were well respected throughout all nine holds, he set out to Whiterun to learn more about surviving this harsh alien land then just hunting and selling his kills. There he learned the art of Hand to Hand combat, and that of Combat with a two handed weapon. During the great war, he met Skjor who later became an old war companion, but more importantly he acquired an Aldmeri officers weapon of frost damage.


    When he returned home to Whiterun he was a changed man, but he still had things he had to do. Remembering an old favor the Jarl owed him, he requisitioned himself a War hammer, in which to utilize the Thalmor's enchanted sword. Farengar was more than willing to enchant his hammer, naming it Northern Winter in memory of his birth land of Solstheim and the great Skaal people in which he grew up with.


    Assisting the Stormcloaks during their Reclaiming of the Rift, he returned home to his cabin, now larger to accommodate his trophies, a present from Jarl Ulfric, which he named High Winter Lodge, which has been on occasion temporary home of the Dragonborn and his companions during their trip to Fort Dawnguard. He now lives in relative solitude with his raised from a pup wolf Mournhowl. On occasion, he does have the waking nightmare, where he remembers his first hunting trip, where his client a Imperial noble was killed by what he deemed a harmless creature.


    Faction: Companion, and short stint as a Stormcloak Pathfinder.


    Other: He occasionally gets a request from the Dragonborn to adventure with him, but other then that, his only work is contracts sent to him form Aela or Vilkas, and any hunting the local Jarl needs to feed her court. His armor is unique, as he crafted it himself from the hides of bears,wolves, and deer that he killed, and steel that Balimund crafted with the rekindled forge.

  7. just an update:


    my worldspace is now almost finished so i will be able to continue with the questline soon.


    Hopefully a few more months and i might have something we can Beta.

    good to hear, if i can lend my voice to any other characters for the mod let me know

  8. I like the idea of naming it Immersive Dawnguard, since the only one that actually mentions anything about vampires other than the orc is the guards of the town/city and it help lore wise with the dawnguard shipping some of their number to the cities of the hold to prevent the spread of vampirism and to kill them.

  9. I'm in need of a voice actor for a small part in a mod me and a friend are working on, she's already on the nexus.


    Role: Male, Probably nord Apprentice of the knower of all vampire secrets Falion.


    Preview of the lines:


    Yes, you came to the right place, I'm just the apprentice, but I should be able to assist.


    My master needs one black soulgem, filled, and a bottle of vampire blood. Don't ask why, just go get them, Master Falion doesn't care how they are acquired.


    if your interested please don't be afraid to contact me through pm,



    Thanks to everyone who auditioned position has been closed

  10. Okay Nexus community, i need your help, or more accurately your creative genius!


    so as many of you know this mod is mostly set in the mountains west of skyrim where you are fighting a certain other sect whos religion is offensive to the traditional divines.


    now the thing is i plan to build a large temple there to form part of the reason a holy order is involved (to protect and shepherd pilgrims ect, all the stuff a holy/military order does) and to that end i seek an immersive way to make the temple one of the holiest places in tamriel but i cannot think of a lore friendly idea.


    All ideas are welcome and thanks in advance to everyone that helps!

    Try taking the Vampire sun damage script, and upping the damage, and adding werewolves as an option, since in almost every lore i've read, Temples,Churches and other holy places generally kill Vampires/Undead/Werewolves

  11. hey Arkyna!


    good to hear from you. Due to this rather major mishap im not to keen to put another timeline on but i think a new script will be a few months away still.


    Ill keep you up to date where i can though!

    Alright, I should be available within the next few months if you need me just shoot a yell at me

  12. Dawnguard testing:


    Tested the following


    Serana. Both functions work, luckily enough I didn't have to grab her, as she was following my character on startup, would jump catch up as i was running to riften, and the teleport feature works as well, as I told her to go back to Breezehome(She's the character's wife) and had her teleport to Fort Dawnguards' Kitchen

    Bran & Sceolang. Both functions work as well, had to grab Sceolang since I never bothered talking to both the pups, little hitch on the stairs leading to the room we're Serana talks to Isran(I blame the AI pathing) but they caught up when I jumped down the center hole(more like jumped after me).

    Dawnguard Members. Tested all of them, both features functional, only problem I had was with moving around Fort Dawnguard, as I've got quite a few more Npcs there.


    I imagine CuSith and Garmr features will function, but I'll test it out


    Both Cusith and Garmr work fine, they followed me around Volkihar castle, and then I teleported them after I told em to wait.


    The Orc stronghold followers work, along with the housecarls.(Both teleport when slide on the mcm, and both catch up, quite strange when you've got 1 of 2 catch up scripts running, so a few get thrown in the air.)

  13. Currently got Jenassa and Uthgerd following me, went to the Giant camp near Redoran Retreat(needed a mammoth tusk for Ysolda), they weren't behind me, toggled the slider and they appeared sword and greatsword in hand to cut down the giants(they were most likely off fighting some bandits that I accidently left the mod I built for wandering bandit packs on). Went over to the fort, killed the bandits there, they forgot how to path to me, so I was about halfway up to bleak falls barrow when they both started coming at me in the sky.


    So moral of the story, the teleporter slider works, and the GYAOH works as well, Now I just need to see if the DLC's like it aswell.

    Should also mention that AFT is loaded before this mod.

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