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About TeofaTsavo

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  1. Because the benefits to the huge majority of users who don't use mods are more important than the short term problems for the mod using minority. That "huge" majority would have let Skyrim die years ago.
  2. This mod will allow you to target items in game and see the ID, file location, and much more. MFG Console https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44596
  3. There is a "light" patch version of SkyUI that gives you the MCM that some mods are dependant on without the UI. I have severe RA. My perma curved hands work with a controller and my index fingers/thumbs are still functional, but I cannot wasd so I use this version. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29440/ OH, treacherous necromancy. Bleh
  4. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/images/756718 Link to image and how to fix. Footwrap graphics, I can't seem to edit the title. Sorry.
  5. Why the need to throw shade? I own both editions. My comp can run both editions. I simply have no time or interest in forced version updates for common LCD Creation Club content I never wanted. It is the only reason I need, and I am not under the influence of anything, OK?
  6. Not all of us enjoy having our mods broken every update for "horse armor". O, necromancy. :(
  7. Across the broad RPG spectrum, Bethesda is definitely the outlier as regards depictions of Elves in general. I certainly do not recognize TES elves as the definitive style. It's not surprising that a lot of players wish to have a more familiar depiction. Luckily, mods let both sides be happier.
  8. Problem seems sorted out, for me at least.
  9. getting "error moving file to folder" message today. Can't upload images.
  10. Picky point... mail should be mail maybe? Just saying. Bethesda seems to have been unaware of the concept in general.
  11. Removing your mod accomplished nothing. I'm sure by today the person that complained has moved on to a new thing to be offended about.
  12. That color usually indicates missing textures or bad texture file path. Blackface or black textures is the usual indication I'm getting a vram prob, IMO.
  13. Like the ones you've seen in real iife? I don't think this is the place to look for paid modding. IMO most of what I have seen of Patreon Paywall modders are simply stealing assets anyway.
  14. In response to post #69425069. #69429485, #69431661, #69478412, #69482452, #69488052, #69517432, #69519962 are all replies on the same post. Agreed Daedalus. At what point after a player has added complete location sets, clothing from other games etc etc does an image no longer even remotely resemble a "screenshot" We already have images that do not contain a single identifiable Skyrim element.
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