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Status Updates posted by Moire

  1. Who's the girl in the picture?
  2. Hey there. I don't usually chat to people here so maybe that's why it's been a while, hehe. I'm doing great btw. You?
  3. Hello. Since I'm from Sweden, I'm just a bit curious. Does your username mean anything special? :)
  4. That's a hard question. I'm driven by many things. Having fun is one of them. Achievements and personal development is another but right now I take one day at a time. What about you?
  5. Korana has a look-alike http://img821.imageshack.us/i/samplens.jpg/ I know it's scary :O
  6. That's a very beautiful quoute *looks at your status*. Excuse me if I'm wrong but you seem like a horror enthusiast. Interested in J-Horror perhaps?
  7. Gender: Not telling

    Previous fields

    Gender: Female

    Busted! Hahahahah!

  8. Happy new year to you too! *fireworks*
  9. Have a lovely X-mas and New Year hun
  10. I think I know. She was banned for inviting too many friends in one day ;)
  11. Oh jesus! What for?
  12. Ask if you want to know
    1. naomis8329


      Great avatar, love it. Did you do it yourself hun
    2. Moire


      Well, I could have but in this case I didn't :)
    3. vvk78


      I shall ask.


      What is it that drives your life?

  13. Thanks for adding me
  14. Man...you remind me of Guybrush Threepwood of Monkey Island :P Nothing bad with it of course.

    Anyway, I just wanted to ask you about the monsters in your profile signature. Are they from a game?

  15. Hello

    I think for that lovely description you deserve something. Girls play games and we need more of those. In the game industry too that is very male dominated.

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