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Everything posted by Moire

  1. Also, seconding SavageArtistry's comment from the top of the page. Yeah, I agree with it too but in this case, she was already annoyed because I bothered her about it in PMs, so it's partly my fault. Just let it go this time.
  2. In the middle of the game my character received a new ability from nowhere called Inner Barrier and I don't know what mod it's from. It adds 20% magic resistance and 1 magicka regeneration. I tried to use FormIDFinder but it didn't give me any info. The magic mods I'm using are only Supreme Magicka and Midas Spells but it's not in any of those.
  3. Oh, well boo. xD Sorry if my asking about it bothered you. ._. Found some other armors I'm interested in. :P Now that I've started looking I'm determined to get my hands on some new armor I like. Information about ANY of these (especially the first three) is greatly appreciated! Thank you guys for being so helpful! ;P 1. Looks very pretty. I'm interested in that one too but it looks very much like a Tera rip. Some people can't wait for the game to come out(me included, hehe) 2. I can confirm this is a retextured rip of Tera CHF16. 4. It's hard to see but the chestpiece looks looks like a retexture of Hentai's Serenity 5. I don't know if that's a rip but you're not allowed to link the site or the mod here because it contains ripped content. 7. A private mashup with many parts from Silverlight armor Sorry if I took the fun away from you other detectives out there but there is still some cookie left for you to dig into.
  4. Thanks, I found it. You just earned a kudo ^^ Cheers!
  5. I'm not sure if it's private or not but I'm sure it's a rip, which is why you shouldn't ask about it here. KJ is short for KJKirimi who is a frequent visitor of this thread and the one who made that screenshot.
  6. That doesn't really look like a stealth armor to me(too much metal) but you can try to ask KJ... I'm interested in this armor. I have a strong feeling it's a private work but I'm asking anyway in the hopes that someone can give me a name.
  7. The outfit to the right is Rock00 Nouhime. The sword looks like a FF rip.
  8. I'm referring to the little portrait that pops up when you mouse over your class' name in your character menu. It seems impossible to make your own picture. What I did was to extract the files from textures.bsa, including the sizes for menu50 and menu80, then I put my own picture over it in photoshop(with all sizes), saved as dds and applied it in the CS, but nothing comes up when I mouse over my class. I've tried googling this for a guide but there seem to be no guide who can tell me how to make it work. So what I want to know is, is it possible and how to do it?
  9. Yeah, time to make a new thread? :D
  10. I get the impression that this thread is meant to be a simple Q&A style and I dislike following norms but I will try to abide by that from now on. Also, I think you should just ignore posts like my previous post. It would clean it up a bit. I don't mean to be rude but it's better to leave the responsibilities to the moderators.
  11. You are right. It's best to let it go because now I realize what a waste of time and energy it is to even question it. I'm going to blame my argumentative side. We all have one, don't we? ;) Thanks for clearing that up and making my day easier. Edit: Also for spelling error
  12. It is my opinion that if I pay for a game, I have the right to use it as I want if it doesn't hurt the creator or the publisher. Giving people free access to the game will hurt them, because that would make them lose income, so that's piracy but if I take an armor from that game and give it to other people, it doesn't hurt anyone, because no one makes money by converting their content to other games. That would just be stupid. I'm not against copyright. I'm just against the limits it puts up for the user but I guess it's a complicated issue with no perfect solution that makes everyone happy. @David Brasher You are right in a way. The solution to that would be if the authors could choose if their books should be allowed in libraries or not but then most authors would say no and our libraries would be pointless, which might be harmful to education and culture. Every department is different and should be treated different in the law. I don't know all the details about libraries rights so excuse me if I said something wrong. I'm assuming they have rights to buy what books they want.
  13. I didn't start this topic to provoke but to discuss the current situation with ripped content so try to keep your tone civil. To begin with I can't see any harm in people using content from other games in Oblivion, not to the games or to the creators of the content. You don't play WoW or Aion just because there is an armor in it that you like. You play it because it has good gameplay and graphics, or because it provides opportunities that you can't get in other games. I know the copyright rules are there to protect the creator's work but right now it's just in the way it seems. I see many people here who get in trouble because of it. Don't you think the laws/rules have to be adjusted a bit to benefit "The innocent user"? It's actually possible to protect the work by saying you are only allowed to use it to modify your own game or other people's games but you are not allowed to share it with a company and all companies needs copyright. That would be enough. If I created an armor or a hairstyle for a game I wouldn't mind if someone wanted to use it in another game but I would mind if they tried to sell it to a company. I know it won't make a difference talking about it here but it's interesting to realize the shortcomings in modern law and it's more of a theoretical discussion than trying to change the world, but I still hope someone in a high position will see it and start thinking.
  14. Then the screenshot should be removed or it's hypocracy. Letting people post images of ripped content gives the impression that you support it, if you haven't read the rules and a lot of people don't bother.
  15. Just found this pic and I think it an armor like that would be amazing http://digital-art-gallery.com/picture/3682
  16. The gloves are from hentaicompilation, seduce outfit.
  17. That one is from The Cursed armor, a very adult and weird quest mod. You can get it here, if you find the download link. I've heard he's working on a new version so you might have to wait until release to get the new armor model. The table is from a pose mod called CTAddpose Hentai. Warning: Extreme sexual content in both of these links. If you are a child your brain will stop developing if you click them.
  18. Yes, I tried that but this particular mod "Liquid Water" reported an error. I will take it with the modder, thanks.
  19. It has already been done - BBB for Elwing I would like to see a converstion for TETE Veleritte if it's possible.
  20. I don't know really. I just make a simple BAIN and right click it in Wrye Bash but this readme makes me confused. "Once you have installed the prerequisites, download from the TES Nexus page OBGE Liquid Water. If you have Wrye Bash version 292 installed, use the included Bain Conversion File by Lojack to simplify installation. Otherwise, follow all of the following steps to install correctly" I can ask in the mod thread but it will take some time until I get a reply there.
  21. I've been using Wrye Bash for some time now but it eludes me how to use these wizards that are sometimes included in mod archives and the information seems harder to find than actually doing it. So, how do I use them?
  22. Found this new mod on SHY. There is a spell you can cast to activate it but I don't see any difference from the original mod. Does anyone know what it does?
  23. A new arboretum mod? Sometimes I wish they would reconstruct SHY-uploader to include a description. http://shy.jsphr.net/upload/img/ups26315.jpg
  24. Picture deleted to make space for more important things
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