never mind i think i found it, its called "Gaas_ShortKnife", and its buff is called "momentum". There are some references in data\scripts\inventory in the files "tricky_weapons.scr, inventory_gaas.scr" atleast, maybe more that i havent found yet. I made some modifications to "Gaas_ShortKnife" in "inventory_gaas.scr", and then i found this in "\data\skills\Buff.xml" <buff id="IncreaseMoveSpeedInc" duration="5" max_stacks="10" apply_behaviour="ResetDuration"> <property name="MoveBackwardMaxSpeed" value_add="0.125"/> <property name="MoveForwardMaxSpeed" value_add="0.25"/> <property name="MoveStrafeMaxSpeed" value_add="0.25"/> <property name="MoveSprintSpeed" value_add="0.25"/> <hud_icon val="buff_speed"/> </buff> <buff id="IncreaseMoveSpeed" duration="0"> <OnGain> <require> <SkillReq id="Momentum"/> clearly this is the "momentum" skill, so i made some modifcations to it, and ill post an update if i get the results i want.