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Everything posted by Relativelybest

  1. That's the silver version of the Sedethul: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/21991/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D21991%26preview%3D&pUp=1
  2. Trying out a new character now. I don't know why, but for some reason weird stuff keeps happening with this one. This once I spent the night at the inn in Rorikstead, As I headed out of town in the morning, I suddenly heard the moan a male character makes when he dies, so I turn to see Rorik himself fall dead to the ground. I don't think he was killed by anything in particular, je seriously just keeled over and died, I think he had a heart attack or something. I carried the body to one of the guards, but he didn't seem to care at all. As I left Rorikstead to mourn its founder, I spotted a lone vampire running across the tundra. I ran over to her and expected a fight, thinking it a bit strange to see a single vampire running around in broad daylight. She completely ignored me, though, and just kept running. I got curious so I started to follow her. I think she was sprinting the whole way because I almost lost track of her several times. She ran through the entire hold, mostly keeping to the road, and only turned hostile when encountering wolves and other creatures. She never attacked people, though. Eventually she made it all the way to White River Watch and started fighting the bandits guarding the entrance. Still curious about what the heck she was doing, I helped her defeat the bandits, and she ran straight inside. I followed her and killed the rest of the bandits as well. The vampire then stopped about halfway into the cell. She refused to speak with me but still wasn't hostile. She just stood there in one of the main chambers, doing nothing. I noticed she seemed to be injured, so I tried casting healing magic on her. Apparently she enterpreted that as an attack, though, and turned hostile. Only, she still didn't seem to want to fight me: She just turned herself invisible and ran away. (I could mostly still see her, though.) Unable to convince her I was a friend, I gave up and ascended to the top of the dungeon, killing the bandit leader. When I returned down the vampire had left and I never saw her again. I still have no idea who she was or why she felt she needed to go to White River Watch. Also, sometimes when I'm in a fight, for some reason the Companions will show up out of nowhere and help me out, even though I'm not a member of their faction.
  3. So a while back my slightly overpowered character was taking the mountain shortcut from Whiterun to Riften and ran across some deers after clearing the pass. The next moment I hear the familiar cry of "You won't leave here alive!" and I turn around to see two bandit archers coming at me. I didn't want to waste time playing around with them so I immediately drew my swords and cut them down easily. Then I noticed they weren't bandits. They were hunters. s#*!. In my defense, though, the hunters dress and talk exactly like bandits, so I consider an honest mistake.
  4. I'm replaying the game with a new "hardcore" character. (Which for me simply means leveling normally with no excessive cheating, because I'm lame like that.) At one point I was running around the Reach and found a girl who'd been murdered by Forsworn, so I set out killing all the Forsworn in the immidiate area. While doing that I stumbled on a dungeon with a non-hostile hagraven. An adjoining dungeon consisted of a cave with this really disorienting collapsed tower. In multiple sessions, I have never seen any of these things before.
  5. Dawnguard and Dragonborn are both worth getting - they both add decent new content, interesting locations and lots of playtime. Dragonborn is probably the more epic of the two, but also seems to have worse bugs. (Not that Dawnguard wasn't really buggy, but it was never actually game breaking.)
  6. Jump Higher. I turned it off at one point while looking for a mod conflict. Reloaded by the Falkreath lake and tried to run back to Lakeview Manor, habitually moving in a straight line like God intended. Then I suddenly found myself body-slamming a cliff ledge that was lower than my character was tall and could not get passed it. How people manage to play the game with the vanilla jump without going insane is a mystery to me.
  7. You mean the race, not the armors and so on? Looks kinda Japanese. It's probably a custom mix of various mods, though. There's a couple of races that have similar proportions, Monli etc. Though, their faces looks kinda like Ningheim to me. If you have the RaceMenu mod, you can actually change the head size and height of any race to whatever proportions you like. (Also weapon size with the newer versions.) The look of the body is still going to depend on your body replacer and the armors your character is wearing, anyway. I don't know those exact ears on the first two, but Numenume Elf Ears are similar and are worn as an accessory.
  8. I've been trying to figure out how to change the weight of my NPC followers, but I've run into a bit of trouble that I can't make sense of. I have the Skyrim NPC Editor, and I can get as far as loading up the character I want to edit. However, the moment I touch the weight slider the character's face gets totally scrambled with features of the nord preset for some reason. I tried just changing the character's weight in-game with the console, but on all the followers I tried this on, every one suffered more or less severe facial deformation as a result - pale colors, a dead facial expression with no lip movement, nord-like features or even out-right replacing the character's head with a default nord zombie head. This happened with several different followers of different races, made by different modders. Finally, I've tried playing around with the Creation Kit, but I honestly can't find the option for altering an actor's weight, nor can I seem to find a tutorial that explains how to do it. I just want to be able to make my followers slimmer or heavier, and I really don't see what that has to do with their face and hair models. :wacko:
  9. What I really want - what I've always wanted - is an overhaul of the combat system that makes it more intuitive and skill based. I'm kinda sick of my character stumbling through battles like a drunk weilding a sledgehammer, relying entirely on overpowering my opponent with superior equipment and stats, as opposed to the agile, efficient, finely-tuned killing machine I actually want to play. Some improvements I'd like to see: -More responsive attack commands. I don't know if this has something to do with my settings, but if hold down my mouse button half a nanosecond too long, my character goes into a power attack. If my click is half a nanosecond too quick, the character doesn't attack at all. It's maddening. -The ability to properly steer my character during power attacks, so that I don't stagger into a wall just because my opponent stepped to the side. -The ability to interupt power attacks with a regular attack. -The ability to switch from blocking to attacking right away, allowing for quick counter attacks. -The ability to dodge rapidly backwards or to the side. -A system for delivering critical damage by getting a certain timing right, say intercepting an enemy attack. -The ability to attack while jumping or falling, goddammit. -More realistic combat animations, particularly for two-handed weapons.
  10. Most of my mods are various weapons/armor, followers, races, a few homes and a couple of quests and dungeons. The mods I absolutely can't live without, however, are: Jump Higher: Because the vanilla jumping sucks and this mods makes getting around a lot easier. Easy Lift Bodies and Objects: Because what's the point of killing people if you can't desecrate the corpses in hilarious ways? Dragon Shout 5 Second Cooldown: Sets all dragon shout cooldowns to five seconds, because most of the vanilla cooldown times are bullshit. Enchanting Freedom: Lets you put any armor enchantment on any piece of armor. Saturation Boost: Makes the outdoors look less washed out. Kagrenacs Instant Fortress: It's a house that you can place literally anywhere you want in the Tamriel worldspace, or just carry around in your inventory. A magic ring lets you teleport in and out of it from any outdoor place in the game. Perfect for when you exit a dungeon overencumbered by insane loot. Honestly, this is the only house mod I use these days.
  11. Killing Paarthurnax is optional. Call Dragon on the other hand is required to finish the main quest, so you should get it regardless if you kill him or not. Going through with it just gives you the Dragon Infusion perk and the ability to recruit Blades. I was kinda fond of the old lizard and got along well with the Greybeards, plus I and didn't really care about the Blades and Delphine kinda pissed me off, so I never bothered with that quest.
  12. Anyone know what outfit is this? http://static1.nexusmods.com/110/mods/110/images/45578-2-1382891132.jpg
  13. Disregarding any mods and player characters, who, in your opinion, is the least ugly male NPC in the game?
  14. I'm looking for any mod that adds practical modern clothes for female characters. By "practical" I mean non-sexualized and casual, something an real modern-day person might actually wear when heading into an ancient tomb or trekking through wilderness. Boots, jackets, a decent pair of pants, etc. Bonus points of they come with an armor rating.
  15. Believe it or not, but not all pirates are cunning master criminals. Some honestly just don't understand how copyright works, is all. For some reason they are often the same people who won't bother learning the rules of internet fora before posting on them. (They are not terribly bright, is what I'm basically saying.) Anyway, he didn't actually admit he pirated any DLC, for what that is worth. And, well, at least give him credit for asking first before trying to upload Dawnguard on Nexus or something.
  16. Fun fact: The blades of the Magica Sabers mod are actually an enchantment. I found I could disenchant one of them and then enchant a normal sword so it would lit up when drawn. Unfortunately the actual blade tended to get in the way and ruin the effect. But if you could get a sword with an invisible blade (which I suspect is what the magica sabers actually are), or alternatively make the spell effect larger so it envelopes the blade, you can totally have a lightsaber with a more lore-friendly hilt.
  17. Well, the game does keep track of your achievements. I suppose you'd just need a way to know how much you still have left to do. I imagine it would look something like this (when starting a new game): Main Quest: Not completed. Total Quests Completed: 0 / 273 Locations found: 0 / 343 Dragon Shouts Obtained: 0 / 20 Permanent Abilities Obtained: 1 / 15 Unique Items Obtained: 0 / 156 Skills Mastered: 0 / 18 Perks Obtained: 0 / 251 Spells Learned: 2 / 99 Factions Joined: 0 / 9 Homes Owned: 0 / 9 Marital Status: Unmarried. Children Adopted: 0 / 2 (And so on, etc) Total Completion: 0% (Note, these numbers may not be accurate, I didn't bother to verify them.) Basically anything you can "finish" in the game that it actualy makes sense to keep count of.
  18. That should be doable. I did something like that, kinda. Basically, I got as far as finding a mod with a summonable sword and replaced the mesh with the daedric katana I wanted. That resulted in a spell that summoned a plain daedric katana, no effects or anything. That wasn't quite what I wanted, unfortunately, and I had no idea how to proceed after that. Maybe I'll give the whole thing another shot if I get more proficient at using the Creation Kit. For now I think you need someone with a bit more experience than me.
  19. I want a mod that lets me put an item or collection of similar items (say, a pile of iron ingots) into a container, and then pull a lever or something which then copies the contents of that container to a second container. http://images8.wookmark.com/58723_calvin-and-hobbs-duplicator-500x375.jpg So, basically the Tesla duplicator from The Prestige, I guess is what I'm saying. Make the whole thing look like a dwemer contraption or something. I aknowledge that this device would be a shameless cheat that would make a lot of the activities in the game completely optional, but sometimes I don't want to spend a whole day in real time mining ores because I want to level smithing or drive the mammoth to extinction so I can have Grand Souls for my enchanting. And this would be a whole lot less immersion breaking than using the console.
  20. I experimented a bit with this a while back, because I wanted to replace the daedric sword for a katana. Turns out it's kinda tricky because the weapon model and the glowy fire effect are separate files. So when I managed to replace the original sword, the glowy fire aura still followed the contours of the daedric sword. It looks kinda terrible. You'd have to replace both to have them compatible, but alas that's where I reached the limits of my meager modding skills. :confused:
  21. Jump attacks was one of my favored tactics in Oblivion, and I absolutely hate that I can't do it in Skyrim. Why don't we have anyone working on this? I've seen this request before so obviously there are a lot of us who want it. Like, I know, right? It doesn't have to be anything fancy, just let us swing our weapons while our feet aren't touching the ground.
  22. No, that's not it. I have the Dancing Crane Katana mod already and this one is completely different. I wouldn't even rightly call it a katana, looks more like some kind of fantasy dao variant. ...I don't think so. I mean, I did look through the thread to make sure.
  23. Nope, no whips, no spears. The only new weapon type we got was the crossbow in Dawnguard. An enemy type in Dragonborn does use spears, but they can only be used as arrows by the player. I'm still really sour about that, by the way.
  24. As far as I'm concerned, Akatosh is just a very old and very powerful dragon who has certain unique abilities and priviliges due to his status as World Eater and essentially being the king of dragons. He does seem to have a different type of soul compared to other dragons, but I wouldn't go as far as call him a god as they are typically regarded in this setting. In fact, I'd say he appears to be considerably lower on the totem pole than the Daedric Princes. (Seeing as it's actually possible to, you know, fight him.) At best he's some kind of demigod. On the subject of in-game books, I would like to once more point out that they were written by in-game people. They are basically folklore, various myths and legends regarding things the various people of Tamriel believe in which may or may not correspond to the actual reality they inhabit. I do not think these texts were put in the game to give us a way to figure out how the exact metaphysics of the ES universe really works. I think they were put in the game to make the world feel more realistic, and were made vague and occasionally contradicting because that's how myths and legends work in real life. It's like how there may have been a real King Arthur, kinda sorta, but we can't use Arthurian lore to figure out who he was because it's mostly fiction based on fiction written by someone who heard a story from someone who heard a story about this one guy who used to be king and had a fancy sword. Basically, the books about Alduin just details what people in Tamriel think he is, and non of those people have actually met and spoken with him nor anyone who knows him, and many of them possibly didn't even believe he was a real creature. The same thing goes for the Daedra, the Divines, Lorkhan, etc. The only legitimate way to form an opinion on Alduin's true nature is going by A) what we learn from interacting with him personally and B) the accounts of his contemporaries, which is mostly just Paarthurnax, I guess. Beyond that, I think we just have to accept that Bethesda intended him to be a bit of a mystery.
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