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Everything posted by Bugweiser

  1. Nevermind I figured it out. Upon closer inspection of the levels all Bioware did was stretch a large water mesh onto the bottom to mask the individual "islands" of the fade. The bottom of the terrain mesh was still there all along just painted black With Without
  2. looking at the toolset something that makes me curious is how did Bioware make the fade levels. They feature multiple individual terrain meshes representing the individual islands. Whereas afaik you can only make one big one. Did Bioware somehow export the level into 3dsmax and import it back or is there some function in the editor I'm not aware of where you can delete vertices in the terrain mesh?
  3. Alright I've created it https://discord.gg/bU3Svxa It's very bare bones right now. If anyone has any suggestions I'll listen to them.
  4. I know about that one. I mean one specific to DAO. Dragon age inquisition has one
  5. Would there be any interest in a DAO modding discord? I was thinking of setting one up
  6. I love using Oblivion Character Overhaul. It's probably my favorite mod released for the game. But... I kind of don't like how they made Argonians look in it. I'm wondering if there's a way to easily remove the argonian portion of it? Or at the very least is there a mod or function in the toolset that allows me to duplicate vanilla argonians as a custom race so I can at least make my PC look vanilla?
  7. Hey, I found an image online and I want to know if anyone knows where the armor this character is wearing comes from. http://i.imgur.com/jL3xEuT.jpg
  8. That didn't help for me. I changed the texture overrides and nothing. I even changed the one for skipping the intro logos and that didn't work either. Its not even registering changes I make to the DSfix.ini. All the mods on the Manager are installed and seem to be fine but nothing not the mods, or chnages to the DSfix.ini work at all. Try downloading DSfix as a .zip and manually installing it. Maybe it just installed in the incorrect folder or something.
  9. How exactly would that work? Havel's armor makes him look like the side of a building
  10. A mod on such a scale would require creating a new head mesh from scratch for both sexes. Complete with a new texture and stuff. It's certainly possible but it would take a great deal of work, especially if you wanted to make it really good and have lipsynch.
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