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About NerionPhocus

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  1. Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup A lot of races Classical human or literally squid Even dragons
  2. So, can we have some good news about the mod? Or, at least, from your life? I'm becoming part of FA community (and got ~5 freebies in a week)
  3. + to Kavukamari I think that doing this is only delaying the release, it's better to do optimization with other mods after completing the mod
  4. Welp. This is bad. I made second account only because my first got bugged and it was not unable to login into nexus program
  5. Derok, if you can, will you make, which will use Mod menu and allow to Chose showed armour For example - player is equipped iron armor, but that mod will allow to shoose ANY avaible model for armor And not so offtop, with these day-offs, how many job is left to do, Drohung?
  6. Didn't you made it already? UPD: Scrolled down to 174 page, didn't found yet. Probably i am just blind Г_Г
  7. Well... Happy thanksgiving day, fellow americans And i am looking forward for mod wip release
  8. I understand, that this is made for being safe, but THAT BOW
  9. http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/e/e2/JinxSquare.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/48?cb=20150402220247&format=webp And yes, wip release, please
  10. When i see that last post bellongs to Drohung :woot: When i understand, that this is "computer" message :sad:
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