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  1. I already did that. At least I know I changed the loght color to blue and made a new SlaveCollarLight_blue.nif. Though I'm not sure I changed the reference to it in the other nifs. I think I couldn't find where the main Nif files referenced the NiPointLight. *sigh* Alright, I'll try searching for it again. This might be it. Edit: No matter where I look I cannot find where the SlaveCollarLight.nif is referenced or attached to anything else. It's not in the other NIFs as far as I can tell and it's not in the material file, if the MaterialEditor I got from curse is any good.
  2. So, I'm trying to change the shock collar that comes with Nuka World DLC from a red blinking light, to a blue blinking light. What I thought should be pretty easy, is getting me really upset because I can't get it to work. Now, most of it works as it should. If you add the collar via console help "Shock Collar Blue" 4 armo and equip it the texture is correct, the button glows in the correct hue ... BUT the light source still emits a red light onto the neck and upper chest. And no matter what I try to change in the *.nif files it doesn't work. Well, nothing I tried works, which probably simply means I didn't change the right thing yet. *sigh* What I did so far: Extracted Texture, Meshes and Materials from the 3 DLCNukaWorld*.ba2 filesCopied and changed the texture SlaveCollar_d.DDS into SlaveCollar_blue_d.DDSCopied and changed the material SlaveCollar.BGSM into SlaveCollar_blue.BGSMCopied and changed all the *.nif files to xxx_blue.nifEdited all the *.nif files in nifscope and change the paths accordingly and set the light emission colors to a blue hue (0.208 0.700 1.000)Created an *.espCreated a new record for the Armor, called it DLC04_ShockCollar_blueCreated a new record for the Armor Addon, called it, DLC04_AA_ShockCollar_bluesaved everything Would anyone be willing to take a look at this and tell me what I missed? I uploaded the mod to dropbox since the forum only allows 250 KB files, and it's 262 KB big. Download mod from https://www.dropbox.com/s/u0fygvgw5s39hu1/ShockCollar_blue.rar
  3. I stumbled upon a rather irritating problem while trying to wear two pieces of outer armor above each other. I'm trying to wear both the CROSS Pre-War Cybernetics Torso by Niero and a Vanilla lather chest piece together. Both utilize the BodySlot 41 [A] Torso, so the most obvious solution for me was changing one of the two to something different. I used FO4Edit to copy the vanilla Armor_Leather_Torso as well as all of the the corresponding Armor Addons AA_Leather_Torso_* as new records into a new esp, changed the BOD2 - Biped Body Template of everything to 55 - Unnamed (Belt slots, according to modder resource) and saved. I equiped the new Leather chest piece ingame but nothing is showing up. It's completely invisible. Any idea what's happening here? When I change the bod2 record back to 41 it shows up, so I'm sure I'm wearing the correct item. The ID is also corresponding with the esp plugin number.
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