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  1. Not sure where to report this, but for over 2 hours I am unable to download any Skyrim Mods. I keep getting server unavailable.
  2. I had a simlar problem, I opened ENB with Shift + Enter and changed depthoffield from exampledof to default and it cleared my problem.
  3. That's a very good progress :smile: So ENB as at fault. Maybe you can try and tweak-a-bit with the ENB's settings. I don't use it anymore (I'm one of those weirdos that enjoy the vanilla SE graphics) but I remember that there was an effects list and a lot of other options that you can play around with. Maybe one of them really clashes with whatever the issue with the hand is. Hi, thanks for all the advice and assistance, much appreciated. I have now located the problem. I went opened the ENB with shift + enter and set changed DepthofField from exampledof to default and hey presto, all is fine. I don't even know how that happened in the first place, perhaps Boris tinkered with v310 saved it in example rather than default. But if that was the case, surely there would be more people asking about this. I don't know, anyway, game is fine again.
  4. Hi, and thanks for the reply. I did a full delete and install. It turns out it's the ENB. I download ENB v310 and extract it. I then copy the contents of the wrapper and paste into my SSE directory. Load up and blurry. This wasn't a problem before. I spent all day yesterday playing around with ENB DNI and it never gave a problem. I even created many screenshots with it. Anyway, the problem is identified, but I don't know what is causing it. The only mod I've added is Water Two. I wonder if the ENB is clashing with something, if it is, then it wasn't before, and the only mod I've downloaded to complete my small mod list of now 13 mods is Water Two.
  5. What's the fix for this? http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=801607100 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=801607120 Unchecked all mods, hands remained blurry. Re-installed ENB, hands remained blurry. Validated file, hands remained blurry. EDIT: Updated NMM today, one person on this forum said NMM is causing the problems. Any more info on this?
  6. To darken nights, using ENB + END DNI, press shift + enter to open the ENB menu and change night brightness to a level you like. Here are two pictures with me correcting some of the day wash-out. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=801507818 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=801507839 I'm now very happy with my lighting now.
  7. My current set-up is: ELE RLO Standard ENB with END DNI effects I avoid re-shaders as they turn the light from yellow to red I avoid sunglasses as they shrink and dim the lights from lanterns, fires, etc..so darker nights is one I avoid. I am happy with Dungeons and interiors I am happy with storms day and night I think the days are washed out I would like darker clear nights The images should now speak for themselves. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=801433832 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=801433918 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=801433950 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=801434013 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=801434035 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=801434062 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=801434106 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=801434132 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=801434164 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=801434182 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=801434266 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=801434240 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=801434302
  8. As in the title. I could download and test them all, but I don't want to. Screenshots of night-time alongside fires would have been appreciated in the images section, but no, they're mostly of daytime and landscape, which isn't very helpful.
  9. Ah, yes, ENB 310. My rig is now 5 years old and handling Ultra, but ENB is a push. I could run an ENB by dropping resolution and other options, but what I'm looking for is a balance of night/day/dungeon. The whole lighting of SSE is out of whack as when it gets dark, so does the lighting from torches, braziers and fires. I believe this was an intentional artistic move, that manages to achieve a 100% annoyance rate among anyone who can recognise it.
  10. Okay, so I now know the problem.... Lights dim at night to keep the balance of the lighting. Bethesda sucks, la-de-da-de-da. I installed RLO and enchanced saturation. Apart from the over-sturation, I had my night lights popping, and mostly everything was fine until I noticed one stormy day that the mountains were worse than an an old fashioned film camera negative, and don't even get me started on the clouds...shesh, they were awful, and at one point I was literally running around in the dark at 8 a.m. Seriously, no hyperbole, I could not see a thing at 8 a.m. The reason was because my in-game brightness was set to a few steps above zero, which worked fine until a dark day or rain hit. In truth I installed saturation to pop colour and lights. Lanterns of Skyrim has no radiant effect until you saturate it. So I threw satuation out the window, because the new lighting makes it suck at times, even though it is excellent at other times, and went back to the washed out colours of base SSE. But I want my dark nights, and I want to allow the game to do what it does, and have dark dungeons and vibrant colours. (I know, I'm asking for a miracle here) In all kindness, I think the Bethesda Weather Dynamic is, well, difficult to mod and it's Bethesda being Bethesda. I then tried RLO and ELE, you know, the NOT COMPATIBLE DUO, and unticked the weather.esp...aha, get what I'm getting at. I need ELE to pop the lights and darken the nights, as ELE does not darken the days. This for me meant that dungeons, day-time, and night-time, all with in game brightness set at default, worked for me, expect when in my Hearthstone house in Falkreth, I have to use Magelight..bleah!
  11. Installed RLO and Enhanced Satutation, and lo and behold, I have light!
  12. Using a clean install I can now confirm that fires get dimmer at night. 2011, and at night time fires, torches, braziers all stood out more. In 2016 they all get dimmer at night. Well done Bethesda. Anyway, can someone please rectify this with a mod to increase intensity after sunset.
  13. Well, turns out I verified this with a clean install and no mods. Wait by a brazier and as the sunsets the colour of the fires does indeed dim. So at night-time, instead of fires looking brighter as in 2011, in 2016 when it gets dark, so do the flames of fires get dimmer. I'd call that a bodge.
  14. Could anyone tell me if the lights in the braziers, such as outside the gate at Whiterun and lining the steps up to Dragonreach, get dimmer at night? At the moment I'm only running Surreal Lighting and have started a new game (not full re-install though) but did use try other mods such as Darker nights. So can anyone find a brazier and check to see if there is any difference during the day compared to night and get back to me. It should only take a few minutes. My theory is that at sunset the game dulls the lighting from the braziers on purpose for light balancing purposes, but I could be wrong due to perhaps a mod hang-over effect. Cheers
  15. Hi Jungsten, and thanks for the reply. I did try out CoT, True Storms, darker nights, ELE (or ELFX, whichever one it is) 2 re-shaders and an ENB, but removed all of them. I then deleted all my old saves and started a new game, only using Surreal lighting to make a more colourful game. I've unticked Surreal lighting and loaded in Whiterun and went day to night and the braziers became much dimmer. Should I do a clean re-install? I would have hoped the "sun-glasses" effect from CoT and darker nights would not have lingered, but what do you advise, and bear in mind a clean install takes 3 hours.
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