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Nexus Mods Profile

About l0n3llyw0lf

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  • Currently Playing
    Fallout 3, Dragon Age, Mass Effect 2
  • Favourite Game
    Fallout 3 duh..., TES Oblivion, Mass Effect Series, Dragon Age Origins, STALKER Call of Pripyat
  1. hello there if its ok with you can i used your companion mod for my youtube series
  2. Thank you my friend.. thank you, i am still regain something important now. Helping my people's here to raise their hope provide me peace and meaning in life. With presence of nuclear radiation hazards here there are many people who become lost passion for life and it made ​​me feel there must I do to them though .. at least I can forget my pain with a little help others. Thank you.
  3. Very sorry for your loss, be strong my friend, do not despair perhaps the fate in store for you that something special.
  4. I lose my wife, my little angel, my father, and my home. Everything just disappear like dust blowing wind... sometimes life is like joke. God please help me..
  5. Bad... i don't know what must i say. Please pray for me to give me strength not to give up for life. Losing someone you love sometimes change your life isn't? I will always try to stand up.
  6. How you doing buddy? :D
  7. Thanks a lot Camon XD Happy New Year for you too!!
  8. Happy New Year Wolf!
  9. Make up Boone with BAR and he eat Deathclaw like cookies X )
  10. Need help if someone has same problem like me before! I don't know when it was happen :( but suddenly i realized if i got missing texture and meshes for left hand (just left) for all kinds of armor and clothing just in my PC (NPC is not affected). Don't know how it was happen or when but i realized it when i saw my characters wear Laracroft Tomb Rider armor, her meshes and texture for left hands glove is missing instead meshes and texture for the normal hands appear no matter i wear different armor and clothing which have textures and meshes in left and right glove. I've tried many ways to make it back like before but none of it works. Please if anyone know how to solve this i would be very grateful. Thanks be4 :) .
  11. Hmmm... let see :rolleyes: my self is NGO workers and sometimes free-lancer, i have experience about survivor, tactics, medic, athletics, firearms, and computer. So if i wake up suddenly in wasteland first i will find safe place and then find information about route and and situation. Find useful weapons, waters, and some foods. Avoid contact with the raiders, slavers and super mutant. Alert with scorpions, wild dogs, and giant flies mainly Deathclaw. Go to safe environment like Megaton, Rivet City, Underworld city, or CRI HQ if it exist :D . After that do some quest to get enough caps, always make to stay alive, build a relationship with Moira, Sasha, Cherry, or Sydney and make romance with them if i like it. Have my own home, build a new organization to help unlucky people, recruit and training slavers, scavengers, and volunteers to became soldier. Rent some mercenary and Triad of Gunslinger Girl to strengthen my organization, declare war with slavery, raiders, super mutant, and Enclave. Join with wasteland law enforcement, exploration DC and many others old city, make contact with BOS in Citadel, together prepared constitution to start new government and nation. Dears to my wife, have a childs and raised in earnest to become a great person, ready to retire and hand over the reins of leadership to my son, and if i die somedays i want buried in Arlington Cemetery with my wife. :) :) .
  12. Well if u said so. Became a good member, always follow rules in this site, Give endorsement and kudos for any good mods, not trolling in discussion, give a fresh idea or good critics not unpleasant commentary for WIP mods and new mods, and if u have talent to make new mods donate it! don't be shy to share u work with us :) . Good Day and Good Speed :) .
  13. Do I have those in the wrong order? Do I have mods that are conflicting with each other? Please let me know. The issue seems to have presented itself after installing FOOK. So? Is that clear enough isn't it? Uninstall u FOOK! :D end of headache. Well if u still want to used FOOK i advise u to see comment section maybe u can get hint or something to clear out u trouble. Its true u got incompatible problem with another mods but i don't know which one, if u have more time just do a little investigate with another mods with disable the mods one by one :) .
  14. Well i think that is not something really difficult, yes? Just throw data pack from Exnem Nude Body Replacer to Data folder in u FO3 game directory. Put meshes folder to meshes, texture to texture, and put Exnem ESM or ESP under what-kind-of-u hair mods after Main ESM and DLC ESM of course (use FOMM to set it up). Activated and play so simple isn't it? :)
  15. Hmmm... lets see this. First, u must know not all of mods is compatible one another which means u must be a little selective to choose what fit and properly to make u play smooth :) . Second, i want to know which FO3 patch version did u have? V1.4 , V1.5 , V1.6 , or V1.7?? Third, to much mods upload in u play sometimes will make u computer work more hard to reading scripts, code, etc. So once again be more selective :) . Fourth, honestly i always got same problem like u but i will give u trick how to pull it through. Alright just tight u seatbelt u need more patient to do this trick but i bet it worth all : 1. After open FOMM, don't hastily to choose Launch FOSE (if u had FOSE). Look at u Mods box, find and choose what kind of mods you think hard to read by the computer, or if u make set up for u mods like 1 row for all weapons mods, 1 row for armor & cloths mods, 1 row mods for increasing u play performance etc, it will short u work. After that turn it off. 2. Now choose launch option and then see what changes (If it runs smoothly until menu option appear (don't moved u mouse cursor), continue to the next step if it still stuck used Ctrl + Alt + Del to out or restart u computer if it not work and then enter it again do it period until menu option appear and not stuck). 3. Now quit from the game, open FOMM again and for now enable all the mods that had you to turn off before then launch it. Look what change and VOILLA!! Now u can play FO3 with all of u mods. But still i warn u if u got CTD or stuck in middle of play and force to exit from the game, well if u not lucky enough launch FOSE directly after CTD u will need to repeat this trick from beginning :D . That tricks work for me and always work to my PC (don't know about u, well just try it) Have a nice try and good speed :) .
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