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Status Updates posted by l0n3llyw0lf

  1. Thank you my friend.. thank you, i am still regain something important now. Helping my people's here to raise their hope provide me peace and meaning in life. With presence of nuclear radiation hazards here there are many people who become lost passion for life and it made ​​me feel there must I do to them though .. at least I can forget my pain with a little help others. Thank you.
  2. I lose my wife, my little angel, my father, and my home. Everything just disappear like dust blowing wind... sometimes life is like joke. God please help me..
  3. Bad... i don't know what must i say. Please pray for me to give me strength not to give up for life. Losing someone you love sometimes change your life isn't? I will always try to stand up.
  4. Thanks a lot Camon XD Happy New Year for you too!!
  5. Make up Boone with BAR and he eat Deathclaw like cookies X )
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