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About christianl337

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  1. I am all about a mod giving an overhaul to the Turian's skin colors. It really looks like a texture bug when every Turian has an ugly solid white head.
  2. I think you are grossly misjudging a lot of things with this post. Here's a quick run down. 1) There is a very high possibility that a lot of the content in ME:A is impenetrable by modders. I've seen a lot of requests to fix dialogue and writing and it baffles me every time. IF someone could get into the files (which require the frostbite dev kit and all the specific fixings that the devs used for the game) then they'd have to hope that there's extra dialogue lying in the code to use or have to painstakingly cut and stitch audio clips together to form new lines, and then have to make the lip sync work for it so it wouldn't look like garbage. Just because you see mods that do that in Bethesda games doesn't mean that you can do that for all games. Bethesda are kind enough to provide robust editors and kits for modders to use, and the game itself is pretty open for people to go in and change things without the kit. EA games are notoriously closed and they never provide kits. If there's any major modding going on, it will probably involve textures and meshes and not much else. Look at Dragon Age Inquisition as proof of that. 2)Not every Bioware employee messed up Andromeda. There were at least a hundred people who worked on that game from all over. Artists, programmers, testers, and a few writers and team leads. The writers, team leads, executives and publisher heads are responsible for the issues that have plagued the game. DO NOT blame the hard working majority who tried to provide a quality game which would live up to the franchise that they loved. I'm positive that they are just as bummed about the problems as we are. Artists didn't choose to have the animations and human/asari models shipped off to third party companies who just used scripts to animate. They didn't choose to not go back in and fix the animations. It was the heads, paycheck writers, and decision makers who decided that. 3) 40 million isn't a whole lot in terms of game development. It's an expensive business which takes a lot of time. I'm pretty sure that 40 mil isn't the correct amount, or else people didn't get paid as often as they should. With a large team, all with full time salaries working for 5 years or so, it's pretty easy to eat up that much money. With the way games work, EA was spending the money to fund the game and pay the employees hoping to make it back on launch/when preorders start. Games are a gamble. Sure, EA plays it fast and loose and occasionally screws over it's developers and customers, but for every studio and publisher, it's just a hope that people buy their game. 4) Don't tell modders what they should and shouldn't do. They work very hard on the games they love to make something cool and unique so that they can give it to us for free. If people want to make Andromeda better or provide cool content to put in the game, let them and don't make a stink about it. If you don't like the mods, don't download them. If you don't like the nexus page for the game, then don't go on it. Noone is forcing you to play the game, download the mod, or visit the website.
  3. Luckily, there are already nude bodies for a lot of the characters in the game, so the mod would only need to just put the player characters in their romance scene meshes. There would probably have to be some modeling done since I don't know if the male bodies have proper male parts. I would kill for a mod for the first one. There's a side mission on Voeld that involves a cave system and SAM will not shut up about the temperature in there. It's awful. My request is for more armor, possibly ports.
  4. I'm not sure if this is the DLC or some bug related to a mod that I have yet to get fixed due to not knowing which is causing it, but I'm seeing major pathing issues with the NPCs in the vault. When the first three settlers arrive, they and the overseer just stand in the hall leading to the main area unwilling to move until I waited somewhere. The test subject refuses to walk anywhere most of the time and was somehow outside of the structure I built when I was trying to get him to use the soda dispenser. Honestly though it could be some bug with some mod, but I have no clue which mod messes with NPCs since I do at times see settlers huddled in a group when I visit a settlement.
  5. I really like the look of the new Karliah outfit by zotman12, but I prefer to use CBBE. I would love to use a Caliente version of this outfit.
  6. I'm interested in some CBBE versions as well. The only available kinds are all skimpy. I would much prefer the original armors and clothing to just be simply built for the body.
  7. So are all of the new textures located in the esp? Like say that after installing it I find that it lags too much I can just get rid of the esp and not painstakingly go through the textures folder to find what has been changed?
  8. @LFact I was first using the universal skeleton, but switched over to the skeleton provided in the aquamer files. @Nephenee13 I'll give that a try, thanks.
  9. I recently installed the Aquamer race so I could have the aquamer companions by Divine Avenger, and I ran into a problem that I haven't been able to solve. The tail of the aquamers does not seem to have a mesh. I have put the correct data files where they need to be, but the tails in the game are flat lines of texture that go out from their bodies and shoot out into the world. Not many people seem to have this problem, so I was wondering if there is a common and easy fix that I have continually overlooked.
  10. Alright, so I'm really hitting some hitches on step 5. I'm not really sure about the correct way to massage the clothing piece, or exactly what messaging means. I know I'm supposed to be molding the top onto the body, but I'm not sure as to the correct process. I'm trying to use the proportional edit but I'm not sure which proportional edit to use and if I should select the entire top or just a bit of... I'm not sure what they're called, a vector? Any way, any help for step five would be great, google isn't helping me.
  11. Thanks a bunch guys, I'm gunna have to wait till the end of the week to actually get into the stuff, I have two school projects due this week which are sucking up my spare time. University is annoying sometimes.
  12. Awesome, this will really help. I'm not too familiar with Blender or Nifskope. I'll be looking through the wiki for some info on using Nifskope, because I haven't the foggiest idea as to how to use it. My experience only goes as far as photoshop and final cut pro. I dabbled in Blender and Geck a bit, but not enough to have a good understanding. It's actually kinda ironic that you replied, llamaRCA, cause the whole reason I'm getting into modding clothing is to make outfits for Willow. I want to make some stuff that won't interfere with the jacket. The top from the Tomb Raider outfit works perfectly, but I want to give her some pants. Speaking of the top, for some reason the original creator had the top attached to what I think is the top part of the shoes, and I don't know how to seperate them without deleting the top as well. Will that be covered in the tutorials or is it something that is a bit more tricky?
  13. I have seen some really great pictures which had combinations of outfits and I was wondering if there were any tutorials on how I can combine outfits. If there are not any tutorials, than what is the best way to combine them? I've tried my hand at crudely combining them in Blender by dragging the clothing pieces onto another body, but that doesn't seem like the best method. Do I have to recreate the body in order to make the outfit fit perfectly? Also, am I even allowed to combine outfits created by modders for my own personal use? I know I can't upload the new outfits without the original authors' permission, do I need permission to use the outfits in general? If anyone could shed some light on any of that for me, that would be great.
  14. I'm brand new to modding, and I would really like to combine different meshes to create new outfits in New Vegas. I've begun using Blender to try and select different parts of meshes and drag them onto a mesh body, but importing each mesh seems to take an ungodly long time. Is there an easier way to combine clothing pieces into one mesh? Also, is there a method to revolving around a work without using middle mouse move? It's hard to control and make things centered.
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