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  1. Tip: Make a backup copy of your .exe, and when a new update is pushed just replace the .exe with a copy of the old one. This way you can update your game and script extender at your leisure.
  2. Free modding won't die, so long as the interest to mod is there. If there is a will, there is a way. Even if Bethesda did a full 180 on the modding scene and decided to stop supporting it with tools and such, the more skilled modders will still find ways to do so. If it'll do anything, it'll just make it harder for novice modders, like myself; to make mods for their games. And a simple tip to keep updates from breaking your script extender, simply make a copy of your .exe and keep it. When a new update rolls out you just delete the new .exe and replace it with a copy of the old one. Problem solved. Now you can update your .exe at your leisure.
  3. I've been working on a mod in the same vain as "Weapons of Fate" and "Realistic Ballistics", my own personal take on the realistic bullet speed and drop; but as a plugin for the mod "New Calibers". So, you might be asking what makes this mod of mine stand apart from these other projectile mods? Well... My mod has unique projectile data for every. single. caliber! Researched and mathed... To the best of my ability T_T Whats more, I found a way to obtain in-game distance and using the Skyrim distance chart for the creation kit; was able to set up targets for (approx) 50 yards, 100 yards and 200 yards. From there I made a couple of calibers to start with for testing, timed it the best I could; and then mathed out the rest of the calibers via percentages. I have all the pistol and rifle rounds set up, haven't done shotguns yet. And currently I can really tell the difference between .45 Auto, .50 Action Express, .30-06; etc... But, I want to get some input on the mod. Preferably from people who have more real life experience with shooting than myself. I have some, but having a collection of weapons isn't a luxury I have. So, if you're interested in helping me test this mod further, help with balancing and fine tuning, shoot me a private message! ***Mod will require NEW CALIBERS*** https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/8588/? And I will do one for vanilla ammo too.
  4. The problem I'm having is that the reflectivity of my weapons go off the charts with the ENB enabled, and I'm trying to tone that down. ENB off https://www.dropbox.com/s/30axgyuwr9x34em/20170624234328_1.jpg?dl=0 ENB on https://www.dropbox.com/s/f8ywk5f19klwb01/20170624234349_1.jpg?dl=0 The ENB I'm currently using is called "Cobalt", and previously I had been using a modified version I tweaked. I can't seem to find the settings that effect the reflectivity of my weapons.
  5. I can't seem to find the relevant information, I've done a bunch of experimentation but nothing I adjust seems to effect the brightness of the environmental map.
  6. I just downloaded my first ENB and I'm in the process of tweaking it to my liking. But I'm having a problem... The ENB, for whatever reason, just makes my gold plated 1911 look absolutely absurd. Without the ENB effect it's got a nice deep shine to it, but with the ENB it's just ... yellow and white! lol w/ ENB effect https://www.dropbox.com/s/qp6abuuls22pefz/20170613165421_1.jpg?dl=0 w/o ENB effect https://www.dropbox.com/s/46uxhslxvk1rhl8/20170613165506_1.jpg?dl=0 What settings would effect this, so I can make that effect less intense
  7. The difference being that the band is a coverband with a singer who sounds like he smoked a box of cigars before going on stage! :D
  8. yeah, sorry, forgot to mention this is for Fallout 4. The idea is to have perks apply multipliers to aim model data, at first glance it looked like it could be done through some trickery with actor values, but now I'm not so sure. I looked into entry points for perks, and for this mod to work the way I want it to, I'd have to figure out how to add a new entry in the entry point drop down menu.
  9. I've got a pretty clever mod in mind that I would like to tackle, I don't even think it's all that complicated overall, but it requires the creation of new actor values to make possible. If anyone can help point me in the right direction, that would be awesome. -More info The goal is to create perk entries that can modify values such as fAimModelRecoilMaxDegreesPerShot for example.
  10. I think Stormbringer was their best video to date! This one isn't bad either, though it's got a little product placement for their wine! lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOwd30wXc-0 But the song I really wish they had made a video for from The Purple Album is "Might Just Take Your Life". I think that could have been story driven.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xk9wWj8Wh30
  12. PC Version: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/22146/ Xbox Version: https://bethesda.net/en/mods/fallout4/mod-detail/3924275 Do you love Desert Eagles? Do you long for a Desert Eagle mod that offers more than just "Silver" or "Gold" as customization options? And are you the kind of person who likes a story with their unique weapons? Well, this mod just may very well be the mod for you! A COLLECTION OF EAGLES: RELOADED!!! This mod offers in-depth customization for your Desert Eagle pistol, offering up a variety of finishes to suit your tastes. Matte Black Blued Chrome Brushed Chrome Nickel Brushed Nickel Silver Brushed Silver 24K Gold Gold Tiger Stripes Black Tiger Stripes Copper Burnt Bronze Not only do you have a baker's dozen of finishes to choose from, you can apply your finishes to individual parts of your weapon such as the Barrel, Slide, Frame, Magazine, Trigger and Hammer. Along side those finishes are some custom grips to choose from as well Wood Grips like Oak, Mahogany, Cherry Ivory Standard Rubber and chrome accented versions of each. And it doesn't stop there, this mod offers FOUR different flavors of DEAAAAATH! .357 Magnum .44 Magnum .440 Cor Bon and the legendary .50 Action Express All completely stand alone, and a new calibers version ESP available! But wait.. THERES MOOOOOORE *insert wacky inflatable flailing arm tube man here* This mod includes customizable sights including painted, radium dots, and a selection of painted and powered NIGHT SIIIIIGHTS!!!! WOOOOO! And for the tactically minded this mod has reflex sights OH YEAH! And for those of you who prefer to kill from a distance, this mod includes a scope! How About Those Uniques? There are two uniques hidden in the world, and to find them you must follow in the footsteps of an adventurer who explored the Commonwealth on a mission, 5 years before your tenure! Find the holotapes, read the words, learn about some of the s#*! that went down! This treasure hunt will require patience, diligence, reading comprehension and tenacity! So... I've yet to talk about the uniques? Okay First up is "Jack the Reaper". An old beat up Desert Eagle that's been around for quite some time, it's been infused with the spirit of the grim reaper! It uses less AP in vats, does more critical damage and recharges the critical meter faster! The gun also features the artwork of David Hopkins! Next is "Soda's Pistol". A one of a kind NCR Ranger Sequoia in Desert Eagle format. Specially designed for this former veteran ranger turned wasteland wanderer, this pistol is chambered in the fearsome .440 Cor Bon. It is extremely accurate, powerful, with moderate armor piercing capabilities that just devastates the limbs of those unfortunate to find themselves in it's sights! See the links above for more information, screenshots and to download if you like.
  13. I'm working on a mod that includes a treasure hunt via discarded holotapes, and I'm in need of a female voice actress. The dialogue is mostly PG content with some obscenities and mild innuendos. The ideal voice is motherly, preferred to have a slight Latin or Spanish accent. But I'm not picky... You don't even have to be female, if you can do a convincing female voice you're invited. If you're interested, record these lines below and reply here or you can PM me. Vault 111 is a no go, I havent been able to make contact with the inhabitants from the surface; and without a pipboy it's impossible to open the vault.
  14. I'm working on a mod I plan to release publicly before too long, and I need to work out some issues with the nif files so I can add a new feature to this weapon mod. The goal: Add custom "iron" sights to my weapon. Problem: No matter how I try, I can't seem to get anything to work. The model I'm using (with permission) is a set of two, same weapon but different styles. Model 1 is a standard Desert Eagle with standard dressing, model 2 is a railed barrel with a custom rear sight. Model #2 also has the mesh for both sights separated from the barrel and slide in the nif files while model 1 doesn't, in model 1 it's all a single mesh. I had the idea of cutting up both models so I can make a modular Desert Eagle, where you can choose a different barrel and rear sight. The issue here is that I did not break the nif up properly. what happens is when I modify the receiver in game (which is the slide because of animation purposes); so you can choose between standard rear sights and custom rear sights (yeah, just changing the whole slide nif) it will cause the gun to break. The magazine will be all out of whack and the entire gun will stop animating. I tried a work-around, rather than changing the receiver. I then separated the rear sight from model 2, and made a copy of model 1's slide and worked the textures so that the slide it's self was invisible rather than the sights. That worked... Kinda... I couldn't get neither of the rear sights to animate at all. I need help... T~T
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