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Posts posted by CutieDvaPie

  1. That message shouldn't be there, nudity is allowed, just double check that it is the supporters imageshare that you're uploading to and go ahead.

    yeah thanks mate i'll have another go at it dont know why its doing it

  2. hi guys im wandering about the supporter image share im a supporter and thinking of uploading NSFW images to the supporter share but i see this



    says premium only ?????



    and then I get to the uploading box and I see this


    No Nudity Allowed I'm so confused about this


    thank you


  3. Bored of seeing tons of staff picks (they are cool, don't get me wrong) and no more news on the new nexus mod manager. Please give us something to go on, I'm really anticipating it.


    How is it coming along? Which features are ready? Which are you planning in having? Or are you just planning things and have nothing done?

    Where can we check it out? Can we help? Do you have a roadmap? Can we see any UX/UI designs?


    Please! I'm dying from news dehydration! I can't be the only one...

    I would also like to see new screenshots of the new ui or features

  4. hi guys when i try and log in to the Nexus Mod Manager i get the error


    Lgin Error Cannot Reach the Nexus login Server either your firewall is blocking NMM or the login server is down


    is their any fix for this as i have used NMM and MO for years and have always been able to login in no worries and issues it has only started about a few days agao


    never had a firewall issue as i know of


    thank you

  5. In response to post #41441710.

    dusknexusmodding wrote: Absolutely love the new design, i cant wait for that day when i come on nexus mods to browse whats new and to see this fresh clean format! everything looks fluid and accessible.

    I know you most likely wont see this, as there are hundreds of other comments
    But maybe you could give the user more customization, like the ability to set theme colors, or set custom backgrounds that could either be uploaded directly or downloaded from an image gallery
    I feel as if something like that would really make the sight complete.

    Good luck!

    that could be cool theme colours and custom backgrounds +1
  6. Hey Guys,


    Some users are reporting a problem with the CDN, if you think that this might be related to that, then please post some more information here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/tracker/issue-61245-image-loading-issues/

    a problem with the CDN is that somethig to do i hjave noticed theres a few australians are having the issue as i am also from australia could be a region thing


    but with the CDN wouldnt even know what that is thank you

  7. i am having a issue with the skyrim nexus is pretty slow for me as well its been like it last 2 days for me and i have good internet as well the page served is up and down for me im usually hitting 0.4 but its going up to in the sixes and sevens so who knows and im using the latest version of chrome anyone else having the same issue that its going up and down

    1st test hitting 0.6

    • Stored PMs: 1,067,502
    • Page Served in: 0.606s

    2nd test hitting 0.9

    • Stored PMs: 1,067,502
    • Page Served in: 0.982s

    3rd test hitting 2.1

    • Stored PMs: 1,067,502
    • Page Served in: 2.159s
  8. yeah i am having the same issue the skyrim nexus is pretty slow for me as well its been like it last 2 days for me and i have good internet as well the page served is up and down for me im usually hitting 0.4 but its going up to in the sixes and sevens so who knows and im using the latest version of chrome

    1st test hitting 0.6

    • Stored PMs: 1,067,502
    • Page Served in: 0.606s

    2nd test hitting 0.9

    • Stored PMs: 1,067,502
    • Page Served in: 0.982s
  9. In response to post #41055575. #41057105, #41057950, #41063575, #41065210, #41067250 are all replies on the same post.

    hatsjer wrote: Well... Time to reset my password nearly everywhere I suppose.
    RoyBatterian wrote: You should never use the same password on more than one site.
    hatsjer wrote: I'm just a lazy man. I guess I pay for the consequences now.
    trudgy wrote: for lazy people like me, you just need a password manager.
    turulo wrote: I use Keepass (opensource in sourceforge) to manage all my passwords, every site has a random password with numbers, digits and symbols. That is the most secure and simple way I know to keep passwords.
    Xavec_Telvanni wrote: Lol I use wordpad...

    lol wordpad i use lastpass its been pretty good
  10. hi guys i have used multiple enb mods and i am still getting the same issue


    i am using a mod that replaces the main menu with images but its always too bright http://i.imgur.com/5ZGTINa.png

    is there a fix for this i am using Rudy ENB at the moment and the mod author said try this enb ineblocal but it didnt work IgnoreLoadingScreen=true under fix


    is there a fix for this issue thank you

  11. The site redesign is coming along swimmingly! The majority of the design elements have been finalized for quite some time. Implementation of that design into current and new systems is a fairly monumental task but our site gurus are plowing through it daily. I can't give an ETA, but maybe I can get one of the guys to post another sneak peek. :wink:


    Regarding the NMM UI, it'll likely be some time before I can provide any meaningful news on that front. We are always researching how to make the modding experience as a whole more approachable. While the UI is definitely a part of that, currently we're focused on finalizing user profile sharing and backup functionality for NMM. And yes, we will likely continue to rely on our lovely testing group into the foreseeable future for NMM testing. :thumbsup:

    Thank you :) for the quick reply
  12. First, thanks a lot Nexus. THANKS A LOT.

    Ive been playing FO4 for a long time after it came out, using NMM i jammed my game with mods, everything worked like a charm. Then, i stopped playing, migrated back to Skyrim for a bit, and before doing so, i allowed NMM to get that pesky, annoying update thats been bothering me with the 'do you want to install blahblah' window everytime i ran NMM.

    So, NMM updated, all my mods went to s***, nothing worked, you know, the usual 'we just made a patch to make everything better for you guys' s***. No biggie, i installed everything again despite NMM showing both mods i had and did not have installed and even mods i had in a completely different directory. Played Skyrim like this for a couple weeks, then decided to do a clean install of both FO4 and NMM to try and do a new clean run on survival.


    So i installed the game this morning, and am trying to get your very well crafted and perfect launcher to work, which it just refuses no matter what i try. The only two versions i can find on nexus site are the 52.3 Legacy and the 61.23 open beta. Open beta keeps bitching about .NET not being 4.6 (unable to get it, didnt use windows update for some time and now it refuses to work, different issue,different topic), Legacy (which i THINK i used back then for FO4 before your amazing patch f***ed up not one, but two of my games, buuut im not sure about that tbh) just doesnt search for FO4 at all. I managed to find an older 60.16 version somewhere, but that doesnt search for FO4 as well.


    All im asking ANYONE for, please, is for a link or something to a version that doesnt require the 4.6 Framework and works with FO4.

    theres MOD organizer 2 https://github.com/TanninOne/modorganizer/releases from here and that works with fallout 4 doesnt say if it requires 4.6 framework but it should help you though


    .net framework is NOT a NMM problem. It is a part of Windows and is used for a lot more than just NMM.

    Fix your windows first.


    If you are using Win7, and have neglected to keep up with Win updates, there is a very old win update called SP1 that is required to be installed before the latest version of .net framework will install on Win7. It is available on the Win updates site.

    Updated my Win7 Still Didn't But i have Net Framework 4.5.2

    And i tryed to download it again and it says it's No Compaitable with this system


    try that https://www.microsoft.com/en-au/download/details.aspx?id=49982 that might work

  14. the OBISDB.ESP is located in thee data folder of the OBIS mod located here http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/31264/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2F http://static-6.nexusmods.com/15/contents/images/icons/folder.png Data

    • http://static-6.nexusmods.com/15/contents/images/icons/page_empty.png OBIS.bsa (563017 kb)
    • http://static-6.nexusmods.com/15/contents/images/icons/page_empty.png OBIS.esp (1678 kb)
    • http://static-6.nexusmods.com/15/contents/images/icons/page_empty.png OBISDB.esp (174 kb)



    hope that helps its there maybe you forgot to install or maybe deleted it by mistake

    the OBISDB.esp is for dragonborn DLC do you have that :smile:


    you could reinstall the mod and see if it works Hope this all helps

  15. hi i live in Australia and when i try and download a mod Its extremely SLOW Like 13 hours to download a gig file


    i have Fibre cable 100mbps and threes nothing wrong with my connection cause Steam downloads fast.


    is there a fix for this it happens with manual downloading and using mod organizer and Nexus mod manager


    and i dont have premium also i have no ad blocker on


    Thank you

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