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  1. I have a hair mod that was originally made for LE and has the physics data from that edition. The mod has been CK saved to update and is ok. No physics show up in game (I expected this). I believe that this particular model is still not authorized for distribution. (someone posted a while ago, I got a download right away, then intellectual property policies were enacted.) Is it possible to enable the physics with the new framework for SE? (I'm actually guessing that this is entirely different mechanics, but I have no idea about the nuts n' bolts involved.)
  2. I'm looking into getting an external drive specifically dedicated to Skyrim (seriously, nothing else). Anyone have some recommendations? Criteria: No more than around $100.00 USD Solid State Use of a single Operating System, rather than a separate partition requiring a second OS. Windows 7
  3. Let's Compile the dynamic follower's list. Followers and companions that will interact with each other such as Inigo, Vilja, and Auri. Individual Followers Celia https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/13016 Dorethi https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1266 Hoth https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/16137 Inigo https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1461 Kaidan https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/19075 Lucien https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/20035 Sofia https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2180 Song of the Green (Auri) https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/11278 Recorder https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4718 Vilja https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6722 Multiple Followers Interesting NPCs http://3dnpc.com/ Anna's NPCs https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1163
  4. Ok. This is definitely got to have something to do with followers, and its way out of my league to diagnose. I had Selene Kate https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/12848 Following me into Bleak Falls Barrows. We entered in stealth, cleared the bandits around the campfire, and then when entering sneak mode the crashes began. I went outside, dismissed Selene, reentered, and sneak, stand, sneak, stand, sneak, stand. All good...
  5. I can verify that its neither iNPC or UFO. I haven't used either of those since before my last several game directory wipes. The thing is, I also believed I had fixed it after my last wipe, but I'm experiencing it again. I thought the issue was related to Wearable Lanterns, but after unplugging the mods I had installed when the issue cropped up that one was ruled out. Now, unfortunately I can't remember which MOD I removed that did seem to resolve the issue. That was after all after two complete MODded game installs, and all I am certain of is that I did not include the crasher I identified at the time.
  6. Alrighty, what am I missing?
  7. Thanks! Thought it might be something like that.
  8. I'm having this issue whenever I enter a new cell. I'm using the current HDT-SMP framework, CBBE, XP32, etc, etc Does anyone have some insight as to what I should look for to narrow down the cause?
  9. I'm trying to cut down on plugins and I have a few mods that would be better served as a single plugin. I'm not referring to merge plugins. I'm sure this is possible, but I'm not finding any information, all my searches are returning merge plugins information. I'd prefer to do this in SSEEdit, but CK might be necessary. I appreciate any help, thank you in advance.
  10. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5914738-glitch-in-sky-floating-objects-textures/ I never would have thought to look at Paper World Map https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/10836?tab=description That's the culprit.
  11. Three complete directory unistall and wipes including all associated applications since I started this thread. I didn't "notice" these things in vanilla, though I also didn't notice them right away after modding, and I was only in vanilla to get all mods installed, so the sample size is small. At this point, I'm just at an oh well state of mind.
  12. The things were still there after deactivating Climates of Tamriel, Real Rain, True Storms, and Realistic Lighting Overhaul (saved and reloaded). So strange a thing..
  13. GeForce GT 640 (honestly don't know where that falls on the quality spectrum).
  14. Well, definitely not Skyland. I did a complete reinstall and didn't use that MOD. Its a new load order now, they still showing up. Umm.. could it maybe be from Bethini settings? I set the View Distance for Object Fade, Actor Fade, and Item Fade to max (30.0) after I was a fair start into things. It doesn't seem like it would be the cause, and if anything were to be effected by the Bethini settings I'd think it would be Distant Object Detail, but I never touch those. These are my current active Environmental Mods: Climates of Tamriel Real Rain True Storms Ethereal Cosmos Ethereal Cosmos - Stars for Climates of Tamriel TSCoT Compatibility patch Alternative Sound for Climates of Tamriel Realistic Lighting Overhaul (interiors only) Blowing in the Wind Skyrim is Windy
  15. Synita13 is that close :happy: It works, yes. But not for stolen horses with an existing faction. Taking ownership of a bandit horse with that method will agro anything not player faction that is opposed to bandit faction. Got to set the bandit faction to 0 (I don't know the code for bandit faction). This might be true of other factions as well, Stormcloak, Imperial, Vampire, etc, etc.
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