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About WorldShaperDragon

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  1. Hey drake! Thanks, its at least good to see its noticed - I recently ran into this issue too.
  2. Thanks, I guess I'm not the only one encountering this issue then!
  3. I changed my profile picture on the forums, but I cleared my cache and while it shows up correctly on the forums... its not showing up on the actual nexus sites, that's still got my old avatar. This persists after I used ctrl+r to force a reload from the server, overwriting whatever was in my cache. I recall way back when I last changed my avatar a couple years or so back, I had to go around and change the picture in two separate locations, but there only seems to be one location to change it now. Link to my nexus profile: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/1118940/
  4. "stuff ...free speech/1st amendment... stuff" On top of being a private forum, nexus is not even hosted in the US. :facepalm: Now I forgot what I was actually going to say with regards to the topic...
  5. Step 1: open the two nif files Step 2: choose the one you want to paste stuff into, set that one aside Step 3: choose the objects that you want to copy into that one from the other files: for each, perform the following steps Step 3a: click on the object, do ctrl+c Step 3b: click on the properties list in the file to paste into, and do ctrl+v Step 4: save the final file once they are all in
  6. Not sure how many of these have actually been released, but so far I have seen images floating around on the web of: Werecroc Wereshark Werebear (Bethesda GameJam video) Weresabercat And one other I can't remember off hand...
  7. I believe that is that function of the navmeshes, which were finally fixed in a recent patch; I'm not actually all that certain since I haven't messed with cell creation before, but that was my understanding of it.
  8. I'm not sure, but it may be that it can't be fixed? Or maybe somehow these were presumably the correct ones all along and everything that came before was a glitch? We haven't heard any updates on it since the second stat recalc (the one that boosted them part of the way back up) at which point they said they were still working on it, but that was several days ago. (this is all just speculation btw)
  9. Pretty much all there in the topic description. Haven't had time to mess around with testing vampire versions of the original races, but I know for a fact that they were working in my custom race mod before, and specifically since installing the beta patch they haven't, so I'm looking for confirmation regarding that. Also it seems that the beta patch introduced some kinect stuff into the main esm that causes an error message to be thrown in the CK?
  10. Actually the download counter system just seems to be glitchy. I think this is the 3rd or 4th incident of the system getting messed up in the last 2 months. (Though it only ever seems to happen to skyrim nexus >.>)
  11. yeah, I ended up with about 2/3rds of what I had initially this morning. ... and 1/3rd of what I had on my other mod which didn't seem to get reset during the events >.>
  12. Wait... ... what? You do realize that beast-race mods are rare as-is, let alone ones that are more than just an esp edit? I mean, mine is the only released one that I know of so far that has custom meshes, and even accounting for ones with just custom textures, they are still rather rare. The female-only clothing & armor mods are by far much more common. Nice to see my mod is getting attention though :tongue: For those looking for races actually specified as IN the lore, I will be doing some of that too down the line. Still, the races I make aren't "zomg spacefleas out of nowhere!" - I had originally intended for them to be NPC races as part of a stupidly ambitious pipedream project. I wasn't even trying to shoehorn them into the lore or anything, I created them as I developed the plot and backstory for the mod. (They would have been sort of like some of the stuff from The Spires/Archeology guild quest mod from oblivion; its not canon, but it sure has a buttload of thought-out backstory behind it). I have yet to actually getting around to adding the stuff to the mod desc though >.< - been busy.
  13. The report button only results in the user getting banned by the mods, not the removal of the comment. Though maybe you could ask them to remove the post? Does that work?
  14. In response to the ears thing which I had previously responded to before in the comments thread: "perhaps slightly (though mostly because of oddities in the morph that have existed since when the head mesh was finalized. I just never felt un-lazy enough to get around to fixing them). The vaalsark themselves were created from a cave-dwelling predator, and thus hearing was important. Hence the large ears. "
  15. :D Cool! I had a side project similar to that going on, but I got fed up with dealing with clipping issues and the fiddliness of the vert weights, so I just went to working on my race mod instead (though I intend to do more in the future) I wish you luck XD Pity that making new beastraces on par or superior to vanilla stuff takes so much more effort than churning out 'elf of the week' :P - not to say that the latter is easy (easier, yes, easy, no) by any means... merely to remark that the former simply has a much greater workload associated with it, since a lot of things need to be done from scratch, or at least get major modifications from stock material. I plan on using the assets I've created for my vaalsark mod to make a few more beastraces (lilmothiit (fox), if it isn't done by then, and some as indigenous to vaalsark-created planes (a wolf one for sure, and some others, probably by popular request or something)) I'd also be cool to have a nicely animated digitigrade bodymod (complete with armor replacers), and I might consider doing that far down the line.
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