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Everything posted by kemery

  1. ok so i just realized why i couoldnt see the wings...so now i can but the wings are very undeatailed and glossy unlike the pics, someone left a comment about this (only 1 of 500...) but no one responded so i couldnt get an answer from his question..anyone know anything about this?
  2. ok thanks you a lot i have the CS and have fooled around with it in the past (before i got bored of simpel things) making enchants on items and cloths , putting people and horses in random places and so on but thats all i know how to do..
  3. so im not sure by that if you mean that its not so great or theres no such thing..if there is would i need some type of special PC to use it? vailla is just the oblivion game... no mods or DLC's...plain and no you don't need a special computer,someones pulling your leg! hm.. ok well then is there any kind of special mod that enhances the graphics? :thanks:
  4. so im not sure by that if you mean that its not so great or theres no such thing..if there is would i need some type of special PC to use it?
  5. ok so from what i understnad vanilla oblivion is a much higher quality?.. i asked someone how to get it and they asked for info on my computer, i told them, and they said my computer wasnt good enough to play it...is that true because i see some amazing shots that say they where taken by vanilla oblivion so i would love to have it thanks for the info
  6. well all i would need is blender and construction set right? im not sure...but i would like to become a modder.. so please tell me if thats all i need :thanks:
  7. hmm yes i read of this in the comments of this mod so i tried but still no luck.. was what i did to instal it correct?
  8. hmm...still not working... this is what i did downloaded the file and put the textures in the textures folder meshes in the meshes forler and the esp in the data folder..then opened OBMM and checked the master file and the wings file and launched oblivion, went to the place to get the wing, they where there i equipted them...and nothing mabye im just unlucky.. :wallbash: although...the first time i tried this mod yesterday the wings appeared but they where purple as if the texture wasnt right or something... i noticed that the texure file was copied to the data file as well as the texture file so deleted it from there thats when i went back to find it not morking at all... :(
  9. hmm...still not working... this is what i did downloaded the file and put the textures in the textures folder meshes in the meshes forler and the esp in the data folder..then opened OBMM and checked the master file and the wings file and launched oblivion, went to the place to get the wing, they where there i equipted them...and nothing mabye im just unlucky.. :wallbash:
  10. hmm i just dont get the importance of OBMM i mean isnt it the exact same as setting them up on the obblivion luancher?
  11. ok thanks, and also dont know if you know anything about it but ive downloaded the alexander wings and when i equiped them i see nothing should i try re downloading?
  12. when i download mods and put the mesh/textures in their files it always interfiers with my other files named mesh and texture, so i simply change the name of one, ok simple, but as i get more there has to be different names...suggestions?
  13. Hi there, I like your idea of a 'Druid' class with a shapeshiting spell. Check out this video: (credits to the guy who made the mod) Nearly anything is possible with the construction kit, you just gotta know how to do it :P Good luck!, ~~Teh. um that was made with the construction kit? is there a link and possible some instructions? id love to make my own mods but im just a begginer in fact i just figured out how to instal them to the game! :wallbash:
  14. Ok, so i am planning on being a rogue...but i was thinking it would be extrmely awsome to have a combat/noncambat pet with me that looked just like a dramora but miniture like a gnome i dont know if this is possible or is already out there so please help thanks
  15. ok so i was thinking of having a class named "druid" that can shapeshift as their main spell, maybe they could get different forms as they leveld or be able to "scan" things their level to be able to turn into them for ever or a short period of time. I also think it would be nice if they could have a form that simply made them move faster or swim in water, maybe a flying form as well or even a form that makes you like a statue to lose agro...just an idea, is this possible? thanks
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