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Nexus Mods Profile

  1. The headress with feathers is from apachii goddess store and can be bought from Venus but I don't know about the horns. Either they are a different piece of clothing or they belong to the race. Horns not included. *facepalm* That's exactly what I said... They will probably clip epicly with the body so they are only good for screenshots in certain poses.
  2. It's nice to know that there are members here who goes out of the way to report such a minor violation. The people who posted in mod detectives better prepare for a big cleanout.
  3. Don't apologize for asking questions Kirinann. It's partly what this forum is for. I have a few things to say about this rules topic. You have clear rules on how to act on the posting of illegal content but It seems that you do as you wish with those rules. I was banned for simply encouraging someone to PM me but I didn't post or link any images and from what I have heard it's allowed to share ripped content privately so I think this case is very unfair since I've always been careful not to post any links with illegal content. In my opinion and according to the rules as they are posted, I didn't violate any rule. In fact I have mailed the staff about it but didn't get a reply. If you ban peope for repeatedly naming illegal mods or posting images of ripped content and later remove the images you do this very badly because I see tons of images here like that and many people getting away with it. Either you have to act in EVERY case of violation of the rules or you allow some things to slip between your fingers. It's about being consequent or it will create misunderstandings, like in the case of my ban.
  4. This is Moire, who was recently banned from this forum. It has come to my attention that someone here must have reported me for offering...note offering...help with finding a ripped dress and something like that can only be done with harmful intentions. That is nice isn't it? Many people here make posts that are violating the rules but I wasn't ignored. It's nothing wrong with upholding the rules but it's so unnecessary to report such a minor violation and it doesn't do any good at all. I can still come here and annoy you, whoever it was. :thumbsup:
  5. The headress with feathers is from apachii goddess store and can be bought from Venus but I don't know about the horns. Either they are a different piece of clothing or they belong to the race.
  6. Be careful with things like this. You can get banned for offering help with finding illegal material, if you are not banned already.
  7. I think the author of that variation is boring. A big improvement to the race and yet no upload :( . But that wasn't why I posted here... I'm looking for the mod that adds the figure in the upper left corner of this picture that shows which armor part is broken. (warning: a nipple showing)
  8. Just forget about it, I just got an emorage from suddenly getting advertising when I didn't get it before. But it's not important to discuss now and we can be grateful to the company for their charity :thumbsup:
  9. Since when did we have to watch advertising before downloading files? Is it just to pay for the site or does the admin actually make money from this? I just switched accounts and this never happened on my old account. To be honest it's just a waste of time and energy, because we aren't going to buy the products anyway. I didn't even watch it.
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