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  1. New character started on pc reinstalled from scratch, vanilla skyrim No freezes, but save file still growing. Old files (big ones) copied and loaded, still causes freezing and save file growing. I am not sure to understand well, do you use a new or an old save?, if you use an old save on new skyrim you will have the same problem, your old data (no one can delete the corupted string) in the save are already here, to make short (skyrim vanilla + mod - deleted mod or changed mod = corrupted save), so don't use it, but if you say you use only new save, i think it's normal, i have finished a test and i start the game and when you go out of the cavern in the beginning and i have i savegame neer 5mg, for your crash if you run only in vanilla and no crash, and after you run whit mod and crash, it's a mod problem, peharp just a load order or a conflict in some place, or peharp it's your config, what is the config of your computer? (Thanks if u'll find time to read all this) AngeGardien: ill try to draw the map briefly. Installed Skyrim -> started new char -> several hour of playing -> added some mods -> played -> aded some mods->played ....... -> -> removed some mods (if the save file corrupts at this point, i've done so, but couple years of practice in oblivion didn't make me serious problem with that) -> -> After couple months of playing that char, game started freezing -> then i started to enable/disable mods to find out, maybee some mod's were causing freezes -> -> looked at save folder and every save file was about 600mb in size -> backuped saves, reinstalled pc/skyrim from scratch -> started new char (no mods) -> -> looked at save files sizes -> played game for a while (no freezes) -> looked again, save files were lager a few mb -> then loaded game and left my char to idle in the inn for a ~5 min., after saving, save file increased by ~1mb Later i just tried to add old save and load it. Game loaded, but freeze problem still remained using old char. ------ Maybe i screwed it up playing with mod enabling/disabling... But i've just related freezes to save file size (i duno, maybee am wrong here). Such save file growing (1mb per 5 min idle in the inn) after week or so will grow my save to enormous sizes again. Just in case, u could check your save file sizes (longer played if u have such), and if they are truly large (as in my case 600mb+) and u have no freezes still, then that's normal and freezes of mine ar not caused by save file size. But if your saves are significantly smaller, then growing of my save files are some anomaly and maybe that can be reason of game freezes. That's just a theory, because.. really i've no idea what could cause these anoying freezes, and that's only thing i found for now.
  2. New character started on pc reinstalled from scratch, vanilla skyrim No freezes, but save file still growing. Old files (big ones) copied and loaded, still causes freezing and save file growing.
  3. Hi guys, My skyrim game couple weeks ago started freezing every few minutes for a few seconds. Sounds & music continues playing. Playing on Win7 using mod manager and ~15 mods (graphics, overhaul, etc.), Steam + it's updates. Of course i've tried uninstaling all the mods. Just when started new game (new char), noticed, that freezes has gone. When glanced to my savefile folder, there were saves of old game in size approx. 600Mb per save (char was 29lvl). Now on new game i just load it, leaving to idle for a 5-7min and then save again. The save file increases 1-2 Mb. (save file of new game is ~4mb). I presume, that after playing a while, the save file will grow in size and freezes will appear in game again. Any suggestions (links to problem-solved thread, possibly, for i didn't find one) ? Thanks for your time.
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