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About ChloeModz

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    United Kingdom

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  1. Hullo, I am a big fan of the mod ' Build in Boss Trophy Area' https://www.nexusmods.com/valheim/mods/983 that also lets you build in Haldors camp, The cart, boxes and Lox take a lot of space. I'd like to just have Haldor, his chair(box), and protection bubble (the rune objects can go too)
  2. Enhanced Potions https://www.nexusmods.com/valheim/mods/879 Allows to walk underwater normally
  3. https://www.nexusmods.com/valheim/mods/1136
  4. I'm just learning the basics of Valheim 'Code Modding'.. its brain melting but with Unity Explorer 3.1.12 (other versions wont work) https://github.com/sinai-dev/UnityExplorer/releases/tag/3.1.12 You can inspect objects and change their values in realtime while the game is running , once you know what the values are then you can use them in a code script and create a plugin.dll for bepinex, I found the value to increase the comfort level , but I cant find the value for its effect radius ... its probabally called something other than effect radius, The warmth radius of a fire was easy to change.. I will keep looking and im sure someone will release the mod before I do :) .. if not I will keep trying and hopefully be able to add custom options for a config file so you can choose the comfort level and effect distance yourself.
  5. Great Timing Gizmo - Improved rotation https://www.nexusmods.com/valheim/mods/1117 Has helped me get the angle i needed to build ingame.
  6. Right now I cant find a way to be able to 3D rip anything ingame from valheim, NinjaRipper works well for most games but I think Valheim is DX12 not sure but -force-d3d9 in the launcher options doesnt help NinjaRipper (might make the game smoother though) Buildshare has the option to save your build into a .Vbuild file , I was wondering if it would be possible to convert that into FBX or OBJ ? or if anyone knows of a different method for 3D ripping Vh constructions let me know x
  7. Firstly the Official 'Hearth & Home' Update is on the way and it is sure to add new building pieces however I have noted a few issues with existing pieces and its worth discussing ideas for potential additions and improvements. The obvious missing pieces, hopefully included in the update. The Missing Angle The build pieces are placed on a 1 'meter' x 1 grid There are only 2 roof angles but there is room for a third Having the 63(.5) degree roof & beams will allow for greater details and will fit with no odd overlaps Example: I was working on my new ship build and need it to be more angular (green is the 63 degree) Original Pieces Poor Optimisation These objects may not be changed at all for H&H update After working with a few of the original pieces I've noticed various issues that could impact fps Many mesh vertices are not welded together and there are lots of faces being loaded that you cant even see ingame. Also has a crack... All of the objects also have additional polys to smooth the edges, this does make it look more organic but there is no option to have a 'low' mesh option. I am just a 3D Modeler, right now I can only create and swap existing meshes. Ideally we need a mod tool that we can add our own 3D pieces that have their own unique I.Ds, snap points (interactive points?) and collision
  8. Build Expansion Mod https://www.nexusmods.com/valheim/mods/950 and Custom Building Itemshttps://www.nexusmods.com/valheim/mods/955 hopefully it will be possible to add custom pieces
  9. Holy crap this took longer than I thought .. I used the 'Custom Meshes' mod and 'Custom Textures' mod This is just an object replacement atm, I think it will be possible to add unique Object IDs soon, though I think most are probably waiting for home and hearth to be released first
  10. I'm looking into FBX importing now but at a guess Id say your FBX export settings are wrong (prob the unit size) If its not I will figure it out shortly.
  11. I too want windows specifically the roof atm to make a skylight with no rainfall coming indoors. My idea is to be able to duplicate a construction item (roof/wall) and remodel one of them into a window but still be able to place each type of object. I intend to remodel the hell out of this game BUT since it's still in early access I think it would be a better idea to wait for the full game or at the very least untill after the 'home & hearth' update that will likely include new construction sets (probably not 'glass' since it isnt lore friendly though).
  12. I've done some testing , basically if you 'save terrain' on a build it will cut out the terrain on the ground when you load the build. It doesnt help me since I need it to restore/raise the ground to its original position for my build. For now I will just create an artifical base that can be buried at the edges.
  13. I cant get an answer on the mod page or the discord channel so I will try here. Buildshare has a checkbox when saving a project to 'save terrain' , but it doesnt work, Im working on a pretty big build with a basement area I can save and load the base, but it crumbles when loaded in a new area, or buries the basement based on where I set the player coordinates. I'd like to upload it to Nexus when its done so I could either make an artifical stone base or just use 'Forever Build' as a requirement for it. :/
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