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Everything posted by SgtWhatsHisName

  1. shocking grasp - 2d6 damage, +2d6 at 5th and 11th firebolt - damage to 1d12, +1d12 at 5th and 11th no extra bolts ray of frost - 1d8 damage slows by 3m, one additional attack at 5th and 11th acid splash - +1.5m to the area, damage to 2d4 +2d4 at 5th and 11th bone chill - stops healing and imposes disadvantage on all targets not just undead for 2 turns instead of just 1 turn sacred flame - damage to 2d6, doesnt increase, additional target at 5th and 11th poison spray - range to 9m versions of scorching ray for each element (acid, lighting, cold, poison) toxic ray (scorching ray) 2d4 per ray, can poison target freezing ray (scorching ray) 2d4 per ray, slows by 4.5m acid bolt (scorching ray) 1d8 +2d4 delayed per ray lightning shock (scorching ray) 2d6 per ray no secondary effect im just looking to give other draconic sorcs some proper weapons and maybe a buff to shadowheart's casting. so if anyone is able to help me make this i would love to have the help.
  2. I love going to bed without a mod and waking up with one. Thanks for directing me to it
  3. Would anyone be able to create a mod that gives at feat at every even level?
  4. can someone rework the nightvision effect on scopes to be only functional at night? or at least switch all the scope reticles with the medium night vision scope?
  5. im attempting to use mediafire but it keeps losing the file structure ok i think igot it, sent it too you as a PM
  6. im planning on waiting for GECK my scripting skills are mostly non-existent from lack of use, and bethesda usually leaves things laying around in the GECK so im hoping the skill system was left in but not used. ive got the tutorial up for making a launcher up, working through it slowly today the stupid patch is making work go slowly. i am about ready to give up on the installer, i cant get it to friggin work.
  7. ill try messing with param #3 and the PRKC table (god i wish we had the GECK) again, maybe i missed something. did the idiot check yesterday along with checking the equal/or and conditions being in the correct tree. i actually had hope that was it but no such luck that i could see. the biggest issue is the perk is set up the exact same way for all the ranks (1-4) but only rank 2 actually works. ill upload some screen shots around lunch, right now im trying to learn to make an installer so i can split the special increase from the main perk (people have asked for it, so i guess ill learn to do it) Heres the mod as it is if you wanna poke around (better than a screen shot in my opion) http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4492/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout4%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D4492%26preview%3D&pUp=1
  8. sure can. Short Term problem 1, i need help making an installer (not much of a problem actually i just need someone to walk me through the steps) problem 2, i turned commando into a perk that gives a damage bonus to all plasma, laser, and ballistic weapons (via keyword Equal/Or set up) however, only the second level of that perk functions. the other 3 levels do not. and they are all set up the exact same way. that is what is driving me insane Long Term - GECK required (im guessing) bring back the trait system from FONV see if the skill system can be brought back that help any? SideNote; Khormin, i see your working on an eat/drink mod and i think thats a fantastic idea.
  9. i am currently working on a complete perk overhaul (RePerkification) and have a bug that i cannot fix. so im looking for help. anyone wanna jump in and save me from the sheer madness im falling into?
  10. This...this needs to be now.... or in words EVERYONE will understand.... http://www.quickmeme.com/img/d7/d7f2e6d71155b5e067f4f72abd02f31569e99de763416493425b726da4be4d75.jpg litterly the only reason ive been playing the online is the cars. THE ONLY REASON. i have 3 10 car garages filled with fully modded out (yes i did the damn racing s#*!) and i would love to be doing that in single player. but no, you cant insure anything in that.
  11. i for one cannot wait to see this mod. the divide has always been my 2nd favorite location in FNV. first would have to be the big empty. crazy robot brains and mentats.
  12. just wondering if anyone would be willing to expand the wasteland with a few weapons from RAGE. i know the wingstick was already done, but i would love to see a few more RAGE items make it into the game.
  13. scratch that, i got it working. for anyone that wants to know, go to quest, generic. go to stages under quest. make a new entry under 110, number it something higher that 110 (i used 200) , make a new entry on that (for example i used 200 so i would make a new entry on that number) under script add the line ShowTraitMenu. then add the quest + number to a perk.
  14. looking for someone to help me make a perk that gives traits.
  15. ty vagrants' post was the fix i needed. no more sideways hats. side note someone should sticky his post considering i bet im not the only new-modder that has run into this issue.
  16. so every time i make a unique set of glasses or a unique variant of most hats (right now im using the first recon beret and threedogs glasses) they end up on the side of the face. specificaly the left side of the face. anyone know the way to fix this?
  17. just wondering if anyone has the assets for the food/clutter items. things like trailmix or vodka.
  18. so while playing project nevada i had an idea. what if all those AWESOME functions that require a keyboard could be mapped to your dpad? well maybe not all, but the bullet time, enhanced vision, the ar scanner, and the stealth field, could all (in theory) be made into items that you could map to your dpad. i dont know if anyone would be willing to or could get permission to, but it would be cool to those functions at least.
  19. Looking for someone that can either teach me to (or someone to point out that tutorials already exist to my dumbass) or create a set of lightweight Elite Riot Gear. Stats i would want if someone would like to create it. Armor DT: 9 Weight: 8 Type: Light HP: same Bonuses: +10 guns, + 5 survival, +1 agility Helmet DT: 3 Weight:3 Type: Light (Fix glitch that allows you to wear Boone's hat) HP: same Bonuses: +5% Crit (after weapon crit mult), +2 Charisma, +10% crit damage Needs to be compatible with: Gopher's Advanced Recon Riot Gear Helmets Since im betting that there is a tutorial for this im eagerly awaiting your flaming responses. if there isnt a tutorial than i guess thanks in advance to whom ever decides to take pity on me and my pointless love affair with light armor. -SgtWhatsHisName
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