Alright, RP'ing sounds pretty fun. Might as well put up 2 characters. Elder Scrolls Series Characters-- Character 1 Name: Aryan Jax Gender:Male Species:Imperial (Vampire) Height: 6:00 Weight: 148 Eye Color: Dark Red - Seems to glow at times Hair Color & Type: Long, stringy, and black. Personality: He is very ruthless in attaining his goals, yet carefree in all else. Age: 28 (True Age- Unknown) Background: All of Aryan's life he had been searching for ways of attaining ways of immortality with losing one's soul in the process. For 12 years he had scoured even the farthest reaches of Tamriel, but, to no avail, he found no such way of immortalizing one's self without sacrificing their soul in the process. Disheartened at the fact that there was no such thing, he fell into a deep depression and considered himself a failure; he even went as far as outcasting himself from society. Devastated, lonely, and slightly mad, he wandered out from his hometown of Cheydinhal and went north. Deep into the Velothi mountains he went, journeying far into territory too harsh for the average person - this was the one place he hadn't ventured to. It was there he found his answer to all the questions about immortality. After a skirmish with a local pack of wolves, he had suffered fatal wounds even though he had stood triumphant. Wandering to the nearest cliff, he laid on the ground and slept there; death was imminent, and he knew it was his time. Contradicting his thoughts, though, he woke up several hours in a strange room with a woman of unspeakable beauty. "...Who are you...?" He asked, stunned at the fact he was even alive and well. "I am Ezra," She said with a hint of amusement. "I found you lying on the cliff jutting over my resting place. You were nearing the brink of death... so..." She shifted awkwardly for a moment. "What did you do to me?" He asks, puzzled. She smiled and said "Well... the only way to save you was to kill you. I did just that... in turn, saving your life." "What?!" He says, exasperated. "It's a hard concept to grasp, I know, but... I've turned you into a vampire." And from then on he lived with this Vampiress named Ezra, learning the ways of the vampire. -------- Will add story sheet for Ezra later. -------- Aryan wanders passively into the bar, looking for fresh blood. Having not had a drink in three days time, he is starting to get ill.