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About Kyoichi2204

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  1. Hi all, I've been seraching through the internet for a long time to try to find a mod that let you choose the continent bonus (mean remove the useless ones....) but I could not find any that works so far.... Do you know any of them which are working fine ? Thanks in advance,
  2. Hi!!! As this may be spoil : Thanks!
  3. Hello !! I'd like to buy a new GC to avoid Vram overload by all the good mods. I have a gtx 560ti with only 1Gb and I'm thinking of buying gtx 670 or 680 with 4 Gb (asus or gigabyte)... In order to keep skyrim running with max settings and Hi-res DLC. I'd just like some advice, and would like to know what card you'll buy ? any help will be much appreciated. thanks!
  4. ALL RIGHT!!! I finally somewhat managed to do it... It took me about 2 days to understand how it works, and to actually manage to do it. To change a NPC face, there are two ways doing it. One is as Dart98Rock told me and I really thank you for your help!! The other one is as said by other people / tutorials : (please forgive me to write it down, I am doing it for other people as much as for myself, to remember it ! :biggrin: ) Make your character as you want the NPC look like, using whatever mod you want, and then use the console command "spf name". Then, in the CK use "import" to import the face to the NPC (...) The only thing is that when you created your character and use the console command spf, it does not save the Apachii hair, and I don't know why. But not important as we can still use CK to change it. After doing that, Crtl-F4 to avoid dark face bug and voila ! However, just like me, some may have a neck gap problem. It seems we have 2 solutions to solve it. I am using CBBE body and the 1st solution is to use CalienteTools : TexBlendLite. It will automatically make the gap disappear. (or at least, it will be "hard" to see it). Otherwise, using CK, don't be afraid of changing modified NPC weight from 1.0000 to 20.0000 or even more. We won't really see any change in game, and it will solve the neck gap. Using this method, I got this ! No more neckgap ! Great! http://img802.imageshack.us/img802/9758/screenshot4wv.jpg From there, I tried updating it with makeup... Because I'd rather like my NPC have red lips. Using mods, it seems that we cannot edit lips or eyes color... The only thing we can do is edit hair & hair color. I'll quote what I found on Nexus, thanks to these people, I understand how to do what I want for the lips. is maybe not true. Maybe it saves it as soon as we first save the game, but not after we first met the character or not. I did a test during a game I did not enter whiterun yet, and Ysolda would have the same issue. Using CK will make the gap disappear no matter if I met her before.
  5. I'm currently using basskimm's great mod "girls of skyrim" in order to learn how to modify some npc. Here is what I get, there is a small gap between the body and the head. I'm using a method which works quite good : create your character as you want the NPC to look like, spf "name" IG and then in CK under character gen, "import"... From there I just have Apachii Hair to open with skyrim.esm to add it (I don't know why, but it doesn't work if I don't do that even if it works for pretty face and cbbe I think). Then Crtl+F4 and save. But what I get in game is something like that ! :ohdear: http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/2903/screenshot3gfm.jpg Many people here have been modified NPC and I think I'm not the first one to get problems doing so... Any help will be much appreciated please. :)
  6. Ok, I managed to do what I wanted and it seems to work without worrying about .tri files or what. However, one problem remains, and I don't know how to fix it. I suppose it is very simple when I see how many mods we have about modified NPC. The NPC I modified has a tiny gap between her head and the body. o_O Pretty good if we want to have a glance at what's behind her, but I would rather prefer the gap to disappear. So here is my question : how can we make that gap disappear ? I tried changing my NPC height and weight, but the gap still remains. (however she got taller and bigger :pinch: )
  7. As I was thinking about using Pretty Face Mod, I just thought I should take all its files including the .tri ones if they're needed. The only thing is that I can't figure out where I have to put these files in order for the game to use them instead of some weird mix between vanilla and the .npc file I import... :unsure:
  8. :biggrin: Thanks a lot !! It works fine. However, I just get something quite different when I tried to use a mod face on Lydia or any other npc... Great neckline and the famous two colors (I just forgot the Crtl+F4) :wallbash: Using what you told me, how can I tell CK to use custom "mesh" and "texture" for a face ? I already have a mesh folder and texture folder that has all the files needed.
  9. On another website than Nexus, I'll send you the link as soon as I found it again ! :turned: Edit ; Here are the links on Nexus that might be useful : http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23972 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25673
  10. Thanks, I understand what you mean, but like I said, I can't figure out how to do it... By Lydia's data inside CK, I assume it's "Actor / Housecarlwhiterun", and what should I do from there ? How to import a NPC Face ? that is where I need help or a tuto or anything... :confused:
  11. Hi all, I've been looking for it since this morning and couldn't find any relevant information. I just started "modding" and I'm quite confused, so I would like some help. Let's say I'd like to use Jordis' face for Lydia for example. I would like Lydia to look exactly as her, but can't figure out how to do it. So far, I've read many topics about getting our player-character's face into npc face, but nothing about npc to npc face. Is there a way to do it ? Would that be different from a NPC from a mod to "Lydia" for example ? Thank you for your help!
  12. Hi all! I'm currently playing the game in classic difficulty with the awesome Warspace ext. Mod. I just started the Marathon from 2nd wave, but I have a little concerned. In my previous game, the aliens suddenly started to have muttons and so on before I could even get the laser stuff. Since in Marathon, it take much much longer to research anything, and I would like to know if there is a way to slow down the aliens... I mean, is there a way to fight only sectoids and thinman or do muttons and berserker have to pop up all of a sudden ? Marathon mod make everything last longer, but in the end, I fear it will just be the same thing as playing without it. I'm not really sure if I explained myself clear enough, but is there a way in game "to wait for my guys to become stronger" before facing all the new alien recruits ?
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